Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.
Total Jobs Gained

D-Clinton ................ 22,904,000
R-Reagan ................ 16,128,000
D-Johnson .............. 12,184,000
D-Obama ................ 11,572,000
D-Carter .................. 10,343,000
D-Truman .................. 5,465,000
R-Nixon ...................... 9,180,000
D-Kennedy ................ 3,572,000
R-Eisenhower ........... 3,539,000
R-Bush Sr. .................. 2,633,000
R-Ford ......................... 2,071,000
R-Bush Jr. ................... 1,357,000
R-Trump ................... -2,998,000

Annual Jobs Gained

D-Clinton .................... 2,863,000
D-Carter ....................... 2,585,750
D-Johnson .................. 2,358,194
R-Reagan ..................... 2,016,000
R-Nixon ........................ 1,644,179
D-Obama ..................... 1,446,500
D-Kennedy .................. 1,260,706
D-Truman .................... 1,093,000
R-Ford .............................. 856,966
R-Bush Sr. ....................... 658,250
R-Eisenhower ................ 442,375
R-Bush Jr. ........................ 169,625
R-Trump ......................... -749,500

Shift in Unemployment Rate

D-Truman ................................. -0.5
D-Obama ................................. -3.1
D-Clinton ................................. -3.1
D-Johnson .............................. -2.3
R-Reagan ................................ -2.1
D-Kennedy ............................. -0.9
D-Carter .................................... 0.0
R-Bush Sr. .............................. +1.9
R-Trump ................................. +2.0
R-Ford ..................................... +2.0
R-Nixon ................................... +2.1
R-Bush Jr. ................................ +3.6
R-Eisenhower ........................ +3.7
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Annualized Real GDP Growth

D-Kennedy................................. 5.5
D-Johnson.................................. 5.0
D-Truman.................................... 4.7
D-Clinton.................................... 3.8
D-Reagan.................................... 3.6
D-Carter....................................... 3.2
R-Ford........................................... 2.9
R-Nixon........................................ 2.7
R-Eisenhower............................. 2.5
R-Bush41..................................... 2.2
D-Obama.................................... 1.9
R-Bush43..................................... 1.8
R-Trump....................................... 1.0

Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Ain't no lie ... see posts #2123 and #2125 for proof.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Ain't no lie ... see posts #2123 and #2125 for proof.

No dumb fuck, you're a liar. It was PROG-view that sunk the economy, at best it was COVID. You need to blame Trump because you're a scumsuck & surely intellectually dishonest, am I wrong?
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Ain't no lie ... see posts #2123 and #2125 for proof.

No dumb fuck, you're a liar. It was PROG-view that sunk the economy, at best it was COVID. You need to blame Trump because you're a scumsuck & surely intellectually dishonest, am I wrong?

You poor, moron, excuses are not going to change those numbers or make them fall under any other president.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Ain't no lie ... see posts #2123 and #2125 for proof.

No dumb fuck, you're a liar. It was PROG-view that sunk the economy, at best it was COVID. You need to blame Trump because you're a scumsuck & surely intellectually dishonest, am I wrong?

You poor, moron, excuses are not going to change those numbers or make them fall under any other president.

Excuses? I said you were intellectually dishonest right. You know it's true too.

You're not even a decent troll.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

He's a one-term president who gave us 1% GDP growth over 4 years, will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started, and had to be removed from office kicking and screaming. He's on par with Jimmy Carter. Except Carter did better with the economy.

Lying to yourself helps you sleep nights? I'm betting it doesn't.
Ain't no lie ... see posts #2123 and #2125 for proof.

No dumb fuck, you're a liar. It was PROG-view that sunk the economy, at best it was COVID. You need to blame Trump because you're a scumsuck & surely intellectually dishonest, am I wrong?

You poor, moron, excuses are not going to change those numbers or make them fall under any other president.

Excuses? I said you were intellectually dishonest right. You know it's true too.

You're not even a decent troll.
Yup, excuses...

"It was PROG-view that sunk the economy, at best it was COVID."

... you should explain to the OP that Impeached Trump is the greatest president as long as you make up excuses for him.

... you should explain to the OP that Impeached Trump is the greatest president as long as you make up excuses for him.
Here are some facts for Faun Over Men (who hates facts)...

▪️Record low unemployment for African-Americans
▪️Record low unemployment for Latinos
▪️Record low unemployment for Asian-Americans
▪️Record low unemployment for women
▪️Record highs in the market
▪️Lower taxes
▪️Wages up across the US
▪️Energy independence
▪️Secured borders
▪️Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the US
▪️Restored constitutional government
▪️Not a single war during his term
▪️Brokered FOUR historic peace agreements

All of which equals unprecedented prosperity. If Barack Obama had accomplished even two of those things, you’d never take his dick out of your mouth. You worship that failure as it is, despite accomplishing absolutely nothing.
... you should explain to the OP that Impeached Trump is the greatest president as long as you make up excuses for him.
Here are some facts for Faun Over Men (who hates facts)...

▪Record low unemployment for African-Americans
▪Record low unemployment for Latinos
▪Record low unemployment for Asian-Americans
▪Record low unemployment for women
▪Record highs in the market
▪Lower taxes
▪Wages up across the US
▪Energy independence
▪Secured borders
▪Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the US
▪Restored constitutional government
▪Not a single war during his term
▪Brokered FOUR historic peace agreements

All of which equals unprecedented prosperity. If Barack Obama had accomplished even two of those things, you’d never take his dick out of your mouth. You worship that failure as it is, despite accomplishing absolutely nothing.
"Record low unemployment for African-Americans"


Yeah, ButtPlug, Impeached Trump did that without getting that unemployment rate barely above the previous record of 7% and dropping after it was almost 17% following Bush's Great Recession.

President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless


... you should explain to the OP that Impeached Trump is the greatest president as long as you make up excuses for him.
Here are some facts for Faun Over Men (who hates facts)...
Members of the Project 21 black leadership network credited the Trump Administration for policies that have brought back jobs – particularly in black communities – after businesses were devastated earlier this year by COVID-19 lockdowns.
... you should explain to the OP that Impeached Trump is the greatest president as long as you make up excuses for him.
Here are some facts for Faun Over Men (who hates facts)...
Members of the Project 21 black leadership network credited the Trump Administration for policies that have brought back jobs – particularly in black communities – after businesses were devastated earlier this year by COVID-19 lockdowns.
Again, Buttplug, Obama had already lowered black unemployment from 16.8% to 7.5%, a 9.3 point drop, for Trump. And the trend was still dropping when Trump became president. Trump only had to keep that trend going another 0.6 points to break the all-time record of 7.0%.

When you act strictly in accordance with the US Constitution, it is much harder for the other side to destroy what you've accomplished.
But here’s the beauty of Trump’s legacy: We now have courts at every level dominated by constitutionalists who will be more than happy to respond when the Biden administration oversteps its authority.
President Trump refrained from using Executive Orders illegally like Barack MaObama did. He did things the right way. And with Republicans making gains in the House and maintaining the Senate, Joe Biden should be largely impotent.
When you act strictly in accordance with the US Constitution, it is much harder for the other side to destroy what you've accomplished.
But here’s the beauty of Trump’s legacy: We now have courts at every level dominated by constitutionalists who will be more than happy to respond when the Biden administration oversteps its authority.
President Trump refrained from using Executive Orders illegally like Barack MaObama did. He did things the right way. And with Republicans making gains in the House and maintaining the Senate, Joe Biden should be largely impotent.

Yet another moronic post from Buttplug. In reality, Impeached Trump signed 195 executive orders in less than 4 years compared to Obama, who signed only 147 in his first term and a total of 276 in 8 years

Average Per Year:

Obama: 34.5
Trump: 51.0​
the best part of his incompetent 4 years was calling the virus less dangerous than the common flu and later being hospitalized by it... :)

weak... :D

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