Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Thanks to bill718
I've followed politics since the Johnson administration in the 60's and have never seen anything like this before. Republican and Democratic Presidents of the past have all managed to maintain a functioning chain of command, a logical communication system with leaders of other countries, an orderly flow of legislation between the White House and Congress, and respect for the rule of law. All of these things have broken down under this President. Our State department has been stripped so bare, leaders of other countries don't know who to contact regarding diplomatic issues, high ranking Russian officials being invited into the oval office and given America's most valuable intelligence information free of charge, Generals in the President's staff ignoring or slow walking the President's own national security orders in order to prevent an international crisis or another major war, our intelligence and law enforcement officials are being attacked on a daily basis by a President who is basically clueless regarding the nuts and bolts of governing, junior staff members having to crawl around on the floor to pick up and tape together documents the President has ripped up and thrown there, and a President who seems hellbent on blaming everyone from the media, the deep state, the judiciary, the liberals and almost everyone else for his problems. Add to this and administration who's former members have pled guilty to multiple felonies, and a President that is under investigation for crimes in jurisdictions of the Federal Government, the Southern District of New York, and the State of New York, not to mention the enviable civil lawsuits to follow, and followers of this President who blame everything on a liberal political party that has been out of power for over a year and a half. All of this in less than 2 years in office.

I can only imagine what the next 2 years will hold....:cheers2:.
If you keep lying I will keep calling you on it. Trump didnt give you a tax increase though you no doubt deserve one. The Democrats who run your state are taxing your property and your income. And then wanting to foist it off on the rest of us.
I hope they tax you out of your house.

You sir...are the liar here.

BECAUSE of Trump's Donor Relief Act (tax cut) I will be paying $ 2 k more in taxes.

That's a fact
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If you keep lying I will keep calling you on it. Trump didnt give you a tax increase though you no doubt deserve one. The Democrats who run your state are taxing your property and your income. And then wanting to foist it off on the rest of us.
I hope they tax you out of your house.

You sir...are the liar here.

BECAUSE of Trump's Donor Relief Act (tax cut) I will be paying $$2k more in taxes.

That's a fact

Every single penny of it imposed on you by Democrats in your state. That is the fact. Again...I hope they tax you onto a grate on the sidewalk.
Every single penny of it imposed on you by Democrats in your state. That is the fact. Again...I hope they tax you onto a grate on the sidewalk.

Before the "Trump tax cut" my tax bill was $10K. AFTER? $12K.

You do the math genius.

And a lot of my Republican friends have the same kind of
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Before the "Trump tax cut" m$12K. AFTER? $12K.

You do the math genius.

And a lot of my Republican friends have the same kind of

A lot of them live under democrats. Not my problem. Instead of bitching about your high taxes you should be voting the democrats who imposed those taxes on you out of office.
Enough of your bellyaching. Pay your taxes or vote democrats out. But stop whining.
Before the "Trump tax cut" m$12K. AFTER? $12K.

You do the math genius.

And a lot of my Republican friends have the same kind of

A lot of them live under democrats. Not my problem. Instead of bitching about your high taxes you should be voting the democrats who imposed those taxes on you out of office.
Enough of your bellyaching. Pay your taxes or vote democrats out. But stop whining.
I always pay by taxes...which will be higher now thanks to the GOP and Trump
I always pay by taxes...which will be higher now thanks to the GOP and Trump

No they wont. Its just that now you will have to pay your property taxes instead of me. And that works for me :)
Thanks to bill718
I've followed politics since the Johnson administration in the 60's and have never seen anything like this before. Republican and Democratic Presidents of the past have all managed to maintain a functioning chain of command, a logical communication system with leaders of other countries, an orderly flow of legislation between the White House and Congress, and respect for the rule of law. All of these things have broken down under this President. Our State department has been stripped so bare, leaders of other countries don't know who to contact regarding diplomatic issues, high ranking Russian officials being invited into the oval office and given America's most valuable intelligence information free of charge, Generals in the President's staff ignoring or slow walking the President's own national security orders in order to prevent an international crisis or another major war, our intelligence and law enforcement officials are being attacked on a daily basis by a President who is basically clueless regarding the nuts and bolts of governing, junior staff members having to crawl around on the floor to pick up and tape together documents the President has ripped up and thrown there, and a President who seems hellbent on blaming everyone from the media, the deep state, the judiciary, the liberals and almost everyone else for his problems. Add to this and administration who's former members have pled guilty to multiple felonies, and a President that is under investigation for crimes in jurisdictions of the Federal Government, the Southern District of New York, and the State of New York, not to mention the enviable civil lawsuits to follow, and followers of this President who blame everything on a liberal political party that has been out of power for over a year and a half. All of this in less than 2 years in office.

I can only imagine what the next 2 years will hold....:cheers2:.
It's exceptionally obvious that Drumph will go down in history as the very, very worst US president of all time. Past and future.
So you would prefer anarchy.
Not at all. But why the deflection? I asked you a straight forward question. I thought we were trying to have a civilized discussion here? Why did you deflect and run?

I’ll try again: why did the founders implement government?
BECAUSE of Trump's Donor Relief Act (tax cut) I will be paying $ 2 k more in taxes. That's a fact
But that’s a great thing! You said how it’s important to care for others. Why are you not celebrating your higher contribution to the cause you claim to support? :dunno:
President Trump has had the most incredible first two years of any president in the modern era...
The report overall "serves as a capstone to one of the greatest labor market recovery periods of all time, with the economy creating new jobs in an impressive manner, and wage rates finally rising nicely," Rick Rieder, BlackRock's chief investment officer of global fixed income, said in a note.
Well done, Mr. President. After 8 years of anti-American contempt by Barack Insane Obama, I had forgotten what success felt like and what putting America first looked like.

Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high
So you would prefer anarchy.
Not at all. But why the deflection? I asked you a straight forward question. I thought we were trying to have a civilized discussion here? Why did you deflect and run?

I’ll try again: why did the founders implement government?
It’s ok to say that you don’t know, Lesh. I’m not trying to embarrass you here. I’m trying to get to an important point.
It would not work for you if you lived on New Jersey
That’s why rational people choose not to live in New Jersey (or California, or New York, etc.). Living in a left-wing state is a special kind of misery. And that’s why people are fleeing them.

Horseshit. People have a right to live where they choose, where they have family and friends and jobs and not be penalized for it. States like NJ send far more tax dollars to Washington then they get back in benefits. The red, rednecks states are sucking on the teat of the rest of us. To think that my local tax deductions on the fed. income tax costs you something is about as stupid as stupid gets .
It would not work for you if you lived on New Jersey

Or New York or California or a bunch of other states.

And it happens to Republicans as well as Democrats and independents
The point is that the PEOPLE of a particular state-Republicans, Democrats and whatever, should not bear a disproportional amount of the Federal Tax burden in relation to what they get in return. Is there a part of that which you don't understand ?
The point is that the PEOPLE of a particular state-Republicans, Democrats and whatever, should not bear a disproportional amount of the Federal Tax burden in relation to what they get in return. Is there a part of that which you don't understand ?

The point is...Trump's Donor Relief Act cost me two thousand dollars...and it cost a hell of a lot of Republicans as well

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