Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Trump is a skip and a jump away from having approval ratings in the sub 25% approval ratings. He is mocked and despised. He is recognized as a faulty child-like gross and shallow man and a compulsive liar.
Of course he is...making NATO PAY UP billions owed. Pulled out of Paris climate treaty that would have cost America billions, Pulled out of NAFTA where Mexico came begging for a new deal (they may pay for that wall, one way or another!) Pulled out of completely idiotic Iran deal the jug earred idiot gave Iran $150 BILLION FOR NOTHING. Huge sa nations on Russia, Killing Chinas economy with tariffs. NK looks closer and closer to giving up nukes....all in all, you are a feeble minded communist scumbag but entertaining watching you grovel!
You believe all his talking point lies.
I hope your state continues to tax you. I hope they break you.

Ya know who's "taxing me" an extra 2 grand?

Trump and the Republican Congress

And they're taxing a hell of a lot of my fellow Republican neighbors too

Sounds to me like you don’t want to pay your fair share. You want to starve children it looks like.
But no the Republican Congress does not set property taxes. Your liberal, Marxist, Democrat infested job-killing state does.
Why do you keep lying. Everyone knows Congress doesn’t raise state property taxes.
Sounds to me like you don’t want to pay your fair share

Then you hear poorly.

Because it "sounds" a lot more like Trump's tax cut for millionaires is a tax INCREASE for millions of middle class Americans
Sounds to me like you don’t want to pay your fair share

Then you hear poorly.

Because it "sounds" a lot more like Trump's tax cut for millionaires is a tax INCREASE for millions of middle class Americans

No it isn’t. I’ve looked at the rates. This is lie number three (or number one for the third time)
If your state taxes are 2000 too high you should run the democrats who imposed them on you out of office.
Sounds to me like you don’t want to pay your fair share

Then you hear poorly.

Because it "sounds" a lot more like Trump's tax cut for millionaires is a tax INCREASE for millions of middle class Americans
Oh? Millions of middle class Americans live in mansions ?
Who’d have thunk it.
We have an unpleasant reality in the U.S. Tax cuts are followed by an increase in deficits. So the untenable cuts and tariffs under Trump will have to be paid by some instrument or be passed on to the next generations. The 1% needed a tax cut like a hole in the head which is a common condition of Trump supporters. This bill will come due, period. While Trump is busy enriching himself and his corporate sponsors, it is the middle class and working poor who will foot the bill in higher prices and higher taxes down the road. It's just simple truth. Whatever chance there may have been to boost economic activity long term was frittered away with the tariffs and the inflationary nature of them. Again, just simple truths. It's easy to take credit for good numbers when the previous administration did the heavy lifting and just like every aftermath of a GOP Presidency, there was a Democrat to fix the mess. The future won't look any different after this Presidency. Budget shortfalls and inflation will quickly eat away any small benefit that the Middle and working classes have seen. It's happening very quickly already. There's no such thing as a free lunch. BTW roughly 80% of the tax cuts went to the top 1%. The bone that was thrown to others was to placate the ones being screwed for just long enough to avoid the obvious bad news that will surely happen soon and is already underway.
What Trump is doing to our democracy is not worth that bone. Presidencies are about more than temporary bandaids meant to enrich the already rich while passing the pain onto the working man/woman. To believe that what was sold as a middle class tax cut, was up to its label, is to believe that trickle down and supply-side economics is good for anyone but the wealthy. Since the beginnings of Trickle Down, the only thing that has trickled down is not green but is warm, wet, and amber in color. This VooDoo is just more of the same. The income gap yawns wider as wages stagnate and social programs are raided to help defray the costs of the Elite money grab.
Ya know who's "taxing me" an extra 2 grand? Trump and the Republican Congress
Good! It’s about damn time you parasites were forced to carry your own damn weight. The rest of society was getting tired of carrying you.
This bill will come due, period.
Well, Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Social Security. Then Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Medicaid. Republicans warned you nitwits again of that when you passed Medicare. And Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Obamacare.

Every single step along the way of your idiotic socialist nightmare, Republicans warned you nitwits that “the bill will come due”. You didn’t want to hear it. Don’t pretend like you actually care about deficits now. You don’t. You’re a bunch of greedy, selfish parasites.
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Poor democraps... the economy is doing better than is has in FIFTY YEARS, the GDP is at record high levels, people are enjoying more money in their paychecks, consumer confidence is at record levels, businesses are returning to America... yeah... the ones that the kenyan, "those jobs aren't coming back," so the poor demtards are just UNHINGED. They're doing their absolute BEST to make it sound like things are BAD, but America isn't buying it.
Oh? Millions of middle class Americans live in mansions ?
Who’d have thunk it.


Hardly. The folks that Trump gave hefty tax increases to are upper middle class folks in the $100,000 /yr range.

If you are solidly middle class money you got a cup of coffee once a week and if you made a quarter million or got a friggin BOAT
This bill will come due, period.
Well, Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Social Security. Then Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Medicaid. Republicans warned you nitwits again of that when you passed Medicare. And Republicans warned you nitwits of that when you passed Obamacare.

Every single step along the way of your idiotic socialist nightmare, Republicans warned you nitwits that “the bill will come due”. You didn’t want to hear it. Don’t pretend like you actually care about deficits now. You don’t. You’re a bunch of greedy, selfish parasites.
I've warned people over and over that the GOP was coming for SOcial Security/Medicare and Medicaid

They can afford a 1.5 TRILLION dollar tax cut that went primarily to the rich and corporations and another 1.5 trillion dollar budget...but there's no money for social programs that help the middle class and poor...

I've warned people over and over that the GOP was coming for SOcial Security/Medicare and Medicaid
Pfff! I wish. The Republican Party doesn’t have the backbone for something like that.
They can afford a 1.5 TRILLION dollar tax cut that went primarily to the rich and corporations and another 1.5 trillion dollar budget...but there's no money for social programs that help the middle class and poor...
Well sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the federal government to “help” anyone financially. If you’re so passionate about helping people, you help them. That is not the function of government.
Well sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the federal government to “help” anyone financially. If you’re so passionate about helping people, you help them. That is not the function of government.

Virtually EVERYTHING the Federal government does helps someone or hurts someone (thus helping those it doesn't hurt)

Your "understanding" if it can be called that, of government and in fact suspect
Hardly. The folks that Trump gave hefty tax increases to are upper middle class folks in the $100,000 /yr range.
It’s so bizarre watching left-wing lunatics attempt to Jedi-mind-fuck everybody.

“You did not receive a massive tax break”

“You recieved a massive tax increase”

Hmmm...really? Then why is my paycheck substantially larger every week? Why is the amount I paid in taxes each week substantially lower?

These nitwits actually believe they can convince Americans not to accept reality, but instead to buy into their progressive propaganda. So fuck’n weird. Nobody recieved a tax increase. Nobody. There were tax cuts across the board.
Virtually EVERYTHING the Federal government does helps someone or hurts someone (thus helping those it doesn't hurt)
Bingo! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! And therein lies the problem.
Your "understanding" if it can be called that, of government and in fact suspect
My dear, why does the government exist? Why did men - who were fighting to free themselves from tyranny - bother implementing a government at all?
Oh? Millions of middle class Americans live in mansions ?
Who’d have thunk it.


Hardly. The folks that Trump gave hefty tax increases to are upper middle class folks in the $100,000 /yr range.

If you are solidly middle class money you got a cup of coffee once a week and if you made a quarter million or got a friggin BOAT

If you keep lying I will keep calling you on it. Trump didnt give you a tax increase though you no doubt deserve one. The Democrats who run your state are taxing your property and your income. And then wanting to foist it off on the rest of us.
I hope they tax you out of your house.

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