Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy.
Uh...that's exactly what they did. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Wages up across the entire U.S. Taxes down. All of which combined for increased wealth and unprecedented economic prosperity.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Brainless.
Trillion dollar deficits.
That was Barack Obama, Brainless. Not Trump.
Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs.
Brainless, the steel industry absolutely credited Trump with saving the entire industry, bringing back jobs, and allowing them to invest here in the U.S. Again...record low unemployment. Indisputably, undeniably brought back jobs. And China completely capitulated on everything!
Manufacturing declined.
Manufacturing at a 30-year high, Brainless.
Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it.
No wall? Brainless, the wall has been under construction for like 2 years now. :eusa_doh:
Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week.
So Brainless is crying that the nation is "shut down" because Trump didn't SHUT DOWN the nation sooner. Bwahahahahah! :lmao:

And get this...when he restricted travel from China (drastically reducing this crises), anti-American assholes like Brainless screamed "racist".
Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.
And there you have it, folks. Libtards like Brainless don't educate themselves on the state of the union. Instead, they just swallow what MSNBC feeds them about his tweets. His tweeting drives the left off the sanity cliff. Think about that just for a moment here. The social media words are the complete and total focus of the left. No wonder they are incapable of governing. And no wonder their voters are the most uninformed, ignorant electorate on the planet.

*Note that everything I've stated is backed up with dozens and dozens of links, while Brainless merely posted propaganda.

Sounds like americans in general to me.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

tell me you believe that gays, muslims, atheist, liberals, feminists all deserve the same constitutional rights and protections and I'll KNOW you are lying to me.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy.
Uh...that's exactly what they did. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Wages up across the entire U.S. Taxes down. All of which combined for increased wealth and unprecedented economic prosperity.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Brainless.
Trillion dollar deficits.
That was Barack Obama, Brainless. Not Trump.
Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs.
Brainless, the steel industry absolutely credited Trump with saving the entire industry, bringing back jobs, and allowing them to invest here in the U.S. Again...record low unemployment. Indisputably, undeniably brought back jobs. And China completely capitulated on everything!
Manufacturing declined.
Manufacturing at a 30-year high, Brainless.
Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it.
No wall? Brainless, the wall has been under construction for like 2 years now. :eusa_doh:
Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week.
So Brainless is crying that the nation is "shut down" because Trump didn't SHUT DOWN the nation sooner. Bwahahahahah! :lmao:

And get this...when he restricted travel from China (drastically reducing this crises), anti-American assholes like Brainless screamed "racist".
Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.
And there you have it, folks. Libtards like Brainless don't educate themselves on the state of the union. Instead, they just swallow what MSNBC feeds them about his tweets. His tweeting drives the left off the sanity cliff. Think about that just for a moment here. The social media words are the complete and total focus of the left. No wonder they are incapable of governing. And no wonder their voters are the most uninformed, ignorant electorate on the planet.

*Note that everything I've stated is backed up with dozens and dozens of links, while Brainless merely posted propaganda.
Why reality avoids you completely. Trump brought us trillion dollar deficits, he almost doubled the deficits obama left him. GDP went down after the tax cuts, he can't hit 3% growth even with trillion dollar deficits. Oh I'm not going to bother you don't care about facts. The country is shut down and you idiots have no clue. Amazing.
POTUS banned travel from China on Jan 31, saving a lot of lives. Your ilk called it racist. Imagine that.

You're full of shit.
what leadership.
The greatest of presidents are borne in the darkest of times. So it will be with Trump.

The greatest of presidents avoid the darkest of times. The worst deliver the darkest of times. So it is with trump.

What can we expect from a clownass who pays to fock a porn actress without a condom, pays out more in a feckless attempt to cover it up, and then sets up his own lawyer who handled the mess for him to go to prison?

And by the way Stormy says the fock was far, far from "perfect".
It is really something watching the left lose their shit and resort to pathological lying. Every single claim that Brain357 made in post #1727 was a lie (which is why he couldn't add a single link). I proved he was lying about everything in post #1739.

Crazy watching anti-Americans rooting against America. They are so pissed that President Trump saved the U.S. from failing. It will be harder than ever to implement their communism and they know it.
Oh I'm not going to bother...
The battle cry of the left after they get exposed as being pathological liars. I proved everything you previously stated was an egregious lie.

The fact that you have to resort to lying says it all.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy.
Uh...that's exactly what they did. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Wages up across the entire U.S. Taxes down. All of which combined for increased wealth and unprecedented economic prosperity.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Brainless.
Trillion dollar deficits.
That was Barack Obama, Brainless. Not Trump.
Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs.
Brainless, the steel industry absolutely credited Trump with saving the entire industry, bringing back jobs, and allowing them to invest here in the U.S. Again...record low unemployment. Indisputably, undeniably brought back jobs. And China completely capitulated on everything!
Manufacturing declined.
Manufacturing at a 30-year high, Brainless.
Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it.
No wall? Brainless, the wall has been under construction for like 2 years now. :eusa_doh:
Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week.
So Brainless is crying that the nation is "shut down" because Trump didn't SHUT DOWN the nation sooner. Bwahahahahah! :lmao:

And get this...when he restricted travel from China (drastically reducing this crises), anti-American assholes like Brainless screamed "racist".
Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.
And there you have it, folks. Libtards like Brainless don't educate themselves on the state of the union. Instead, they just swallow what MSNBC feeds them about his tweets. His tweeting drives the left off the sanity cliff. Think about that just for a moment here. The social media words are the complete and total focus of the left. No wonder they are incapable of governing. And no wonder their voters are the most uninformed, ignorant electorate on the planet.

*Note that everything I've stated is backed up with dozens and dozens of links, while Brainless merely posted propaganda.
Why reality avoids you completely. Trump brought us trillion dollar deficits, he almost doubled the deficits obama left him. GDP went down after the tax cuts, he can't hit 3% growth even with trillion dollar deficits. Oh I'm not going to bother you don't care about facts. The country is shut down and you idiots have no clue. Amazing.

Nothing left but foaming at the mouth frenetically in a messianic cult of personality.
Yes I do. A federal court rules something unconstitutional, it's unconstitutional unless overturned by a higher court.

What don't you understand about that?
Actually, the courts are not manned by infallible gods.

The actual words of the Constitution define what is unconstitutional.
Oh I'm not going to bother...
The battle cry of the left after they get exposed as being pathological liars. I proved everything you previously stated was an egregious lie.

The fact that you have to resort to lying says it all.
The liar is clearly you bro. You are one sad, unpatriotic sack. The country is burning and you just lie and lie and lie....
tell me you believe that gays, muslims, atheist, liberals, feminists all deserve the same constitutional rights and protections and I'll KNOW you are lying to me.
Hey asshole? When has any of them ever been denied their constitutional rights? Has a fag ever been prevented from voting? Has a muslim ever been denied their 1st Amendment right of freedom of religion? Has an atheist ever been denied their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms?

You're just an idiot creating a straw man because you're on the wrong side of the facts.
tell me you believe that gays, muslims, atheist, liberals, feminists all deserve the same constitutional rights and protections and I'll KNOW you are lying to me.
Hey asshole? When has any of them ever been denied their constitutional rights? Has a fag ever been prevented from voting? Has a muslim ever been denied their 1st Amendment right of freedom of religion? Has an atheist ever been denied their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms?

You're just an idiot creating a straw man because you're on the wrong side of the facts.
Yeah, America has always cockblocked one hominid one vote, the founders were all about restricting representation. It's always been a pillar of american democracy.

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