Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump continues to be the most efficient, effective person we've ever seen in Washington D.C.

Trump Assembles Government and Private Industry to Fight Coronavirus
While the rest of us pull together:
He’s certainly the greatest President in my lifetime and I go back to Eisenhower.
Pres. Trump had a good week. He continues to make the kenyan klown look like a feckless community agitator.

In fact, I don't remember Trump saying "I just heard about it on the news.... like you!"

Not one time.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Gonna give us the best healthcare. Failed. Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs. Manufacturing declined. Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it. Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week. Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.
I'd be sure to hammer the point home in the swing states: POTUS was dealing with a fake impeachment while he and congress could have been paying more attention to an impending pandemic.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Gonna give us the best healthcare. Failed. Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs. Manufacturing declined. Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it. Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week. Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.

Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy. Oh good, then you can disprove simple logic with data?

Trillion dollar deficits. Before Corona Trump was on pace to add less debt than what occurred on O'bummer's watch. That's despite having to pay interest on Bush/Obama debt, and Trump sports a much greater GDP.

Gonna give us the best healthcare. Failed. Similar O'bummer right? BTW dumb-shit, as a result of Corona we will have the greatest medical infrastructure ever seen, and that will occur on Trump's watch.

Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs. Manufacturing declined. Long-term plan well beyond a PROG's-head. That and manufacturing has steadily increased since 2009.

Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it. Interesting how thanks to Trump, Mexico now contributes to protecting OUR BORDER. Trump knows how to play the hand given him, what's O'bummer's excuse?

Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week. Everyone now.........Go fuck yourself "Brain".

How come PROGS consistently declare labels that represent their opposite?
I'd be sure to hammer the point home in the swing states: POTUS was dealing with a fake impeachment while he and congress could have been paying more attention to an impending pandemic.
Check his tweets, guy wasn't taking it seriously even last week.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Gonna give us the best healthcare. Failed. Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs. Manufacturing declined. Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it. Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week. Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.

Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy. Oh good, then you can disprove simple logic with data?

Trillion dollar deficits. Before Corona Trump was on pace to add less debt than what occurred on O'bummer's watch. That's despite having to pay interest on Bush/Obama debt, and Trump sports a much greater GDP.

Gonna give us the best healthcare. Failed. Similar O'bummer right? BTW dumb-shit, as a result of Corona we will have the greatest medical infrastructure ever seen, and that will occur on Trump's watch.

Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs. Manufacturing declined. Long-term plan well beyond a PROG's-head. That and manufacturing has steadily increased since 2009.

Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it. Interesting how thanks to Trump, Mexico now contributes to protecting OUR BORDER. Trump knows how to play the hand given him, what's O'bummer's excuse?

Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week. Everyone now.........Go fuck yourself OP.
Is that all a joke or am I supposed to take that seriously? I feel like you must be kidding..
POTUS banned travel from China on Jan 31, saving a lot of lives. Your ilk called it racist. Imagine that.

You're full of shit.
Yeah what a success story. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or grow the economy.
Uh...that's exactly what they did. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Wages up across the entire U.S. Taxes down. All of which combined for increased wealth and unprecedented economic prosperity.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Brainless.
Trillion dollar deficits.
That was Barack Obama, Brainless. Not Trump.
Tariffs are gonna bring back the jobs.
Brainless, the steel industry absolutely credited Trump with saving the entire industry, bringing back jobs, and allowing them to invest here in the U.S. Again...record low unemployment. Indisputably, undeniably brought back jobs. And China completely capitulated on everything!
Manufacturing declined.
Manufacturing at a 30-year high, Brainless.
Gonna build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. No wall and Mexico sure isn't paying for it.
No wall? Brainless, the wall has been under construction for like 2 years now. :eusa_doh:
Now the whole country is shutting down cause the guy didn't take the virus seriously until last week.
So Brainless is crying that the nation is "shut down" because Trump didn't SHUT DOWN the nation sooner. Bwahahahahah! :lmao:

And get this...when he restricted travel from China (drastically reducing this crises), anti-American assholes like Brainless screamed "racist".
Really, just check his tweets. Trump a complete failure.
And there you have it, folks. Libtards like Brainless don't educate themselves on the state of the union. Instead, they just swallow what MSNBC feeds them about his tweets. His tweeting drives the left off the sanity cliff. Think about that just for a moment here. The social media words are the complete and total focus of the left. No wonder they are incapable of governing. And no wonder their voters are the most uninformed, ignorant electorate on the planet.

*Note that everything I've stated is backed up with dozens and dozens of links, while Brainless merely posted propaganda.
He’s certainly the greatest President in my lifetime and I go back to Eisenhower.
Second. He's been amazing - but he's no Ronald Reagan.

Give him time, at the rate he is going he will add a greater percentage to the debt than even Reagan did

This libertarian criticizes everyone who advances freedom in America.

What a useless bitch.
Freedom for all and one hominid pone vote has never been among America's goals.

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