Donald Trump said ‘excuse me’ 18 times in a 1-hour town hall

Donald Trump doesn’t like to be interrupted — by anyone.

So when Anderson Cooper started asking tough questions right from the beginning of Tuesday’s town hall event on CNN, the Republican presidential front-runner was immediately on the defensive — about his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, about protesters at his rallies and a whole host of other issues. And each time he and Cooper spoke over each other, Trump interjected, making sure to get his point across even when the CNN host was taking him to task.

Donald Trump said ‘excuse me’ 18 times in a 1-hour town hall
Its a stalling tactic so he can have time to think.

If that is true and the answers he gives are “thought out”…whoa!!!!
Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker. He couldn't even handle Chris Matthews. Imagine what Putin would do to him.

Seriously….every time that boob opens his mouth, it reminds everyone just how ill prepared he is.

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