Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should go to jail


Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

Red (from both posts):
Truly, I'm not even sure there is (or was prior to 2014) a law expressly proscribing the use of a private server or one mandating the use of government servers. I suspect there are departmental regulations about the security provisions that must be observed by government employees, but even there, I'm hard pressed to think they necessarily apply to department secretaries if folks at that level are of a mind to do something different while nonetheless doing their best to comply with the security guidelines.

After all, principals functioning at that level have wide degrees of administrative discretion, and for a departmental secretary, as with senior executives in the corporate world, one must consider whether it's more important to blithely follow the letter of a regulation or whether to do one's best to comply with its spirit. The latter is what I think Mrs. Clinton attempted to do, albeit not as well as may have perhaps been possible.

I understand too that that the "average" person, not ever functioning at the senior executive level or near it even, will have little to no understanding of the concept of executive/administrative discretion. It's not surprising that they would not for most folks in mid and lower levels of management typically have little to no discretionary decision making authority or freedom. For most "worker bees," part of doing their job well is complying with every rule. Whether they think it should be followed or not isn't within the realm of choices they are accorded the freedom to ponder, let alone make unilaterally.

Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should go to jail
"Ocala, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton "has to go to jail" because the scandal over her email server, comments that mark a major departure from the American political tradition.

The GOP nominee, firing up a large crowd of loyal supporters during a swing through Florida, also laid into the Democratic nominee over her health and seized on disclosures from hacked emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, released by Wikileaks."

I think Trump is getting a little carried away
yeah he is ruining his own chances of becoming President every time he says something like this
Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.

a pretty good reason.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

Red (from both posts):
Truly, I'm not even sure there is (or was prior to 2014) a law expressly proscribing the use of a private server or one mandating the use of government servers. I suspect there are departmental regulations about the security provisions that must be observed by government employees, but even there, I'm hard pressed to think they necessarily apply to department secretaries if folks at that level are of a mind to do something different while nonetheless doing their best to comply with the security guidelines.

After all, principals functioning at that level have wide degrees of administrative discretion, and for a departmental secretary, as with senior executives in the corporate world, one must consider whether it's more important to blithely follow the letter of a regulation or whether to do one's best to comply with its spirit. The latter is what I think Mrs. Clinton attempted to do, albeit not as well as may have perhaps been possible.

I understand too that that the "average" person, not ever functioning at the senior executive level or near it even, will have little to no understanding of the concept of executive/administrative discretion. It's not surprising that they would not for most folks in mid and lower levels of management typically have little to no discretionary decision making authority or freedom. For most "worker bees," part of doing their job well is complying with every rule. Whether they think it should be followed or not isn't within the realm of choices they are accorded the freedom to ponder, let alone make unilaterally.

under normal circumstances the head of the party (e.g. the party nominee) would not be feeding garbage about locking up his/her political opponent to the torch and pitchfork crowd.

and this is what makes donald appear unhinged and insane... to normal people.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

Red (from both posts):
Truly, I'm not even sure there is (or was prior to 2014) a law expressly proscribing the use of a private server or one mandating the use of government servers. I suspect there are departmental regulations about the security provisions that must be observed by government employees, but even there, I'm hard pressed to think they necessarily apply to department secretaries if folks at that level are of a mind to do something different while nonetheless doing their best to comply with the security guidelines.

After all, principals functioning at that level have wide degrees of administrative discretion, and for a departmental secretary, as with senior executives in the corporate world, one must consider whether it's more important to blithely follow the letter of a regulation or whether to do one's best to comply with its spirit. The latter is what I think Mrs. Clinton attempted to do, albeit not as well as may have perhaps been possible.

I understand too that that the "average" person, not ever functioning at the senior executive level or near it even, will have little to no understanding of the concept of executive/administrative discretion. It's not surprising that they would not for most folks in mid and lower levels of management typically have little to no discretionary decision making authority or freedom. For most "worker bees," part of doing their job well is complying with every rule. Whether they think it should be followed or not isn't within the realm of choices they are accorded the freedom to ponder, let alone make unilaterally.

under normal circumstances the head of the party (e.g. the party nominee) would not be feeding garbage about locking up his/her political opponent to the torch and pitchfork crowd.

and this is what makes donald appear unhinged and insane... to normal people.
agreed with this
Carried away? What do you mean? He's been saying this for awhile now, he's actually led crowds in chanting "Lock her up!".

Lock the mexicans up, lock the blacks up, lock the muslims up, lock the liberals up, lock the press up..... its a trend with him
he said it recently

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up.

Actually, Hillary asked Colin Powell (the previous SOS) how she should do things, and he told her to set up a private server. I know that a lot of people didn't believe that Powell told Clinton to set up a private server but he did, and the emails have surfaced concerning that subject....................

Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released -

Well you might have a point, except for two little facts. 1. The server was in operation before that supposed conversation. 2. Powell said he told her no such thing.

Now explain why she violated her own department policy 60,000 times on CCing the State archivist on official business.
That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up. utter crap. You cannot prove any of that. Total speculation. Some of it MIGHT be true. But you have no idea.

Actually the events prove it. Are you seriously saying she didn't violate her own departments policy to CC the archivist at state on official email sent form an outside system some 60,000 times? What could be the only reason not to do that? There was plenty of intent on display, Comey just wasn't interested in finding it.
Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

Federal records keeping laws. Otherwise she would have reported the servers existence to congress and complied with her own dept policies.
Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.

Point where 793 (F) was mentioned in your link. I didn't find anything related. BTW hot linking a SCOTUS case to something you wrote proves nothing.
Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.

a pretty good reason.

Reason for what, he hot linked an unrelated SCOTUS case to something he wrote, you can't take anything he writes at face value, go to the link.
Oh right, why did she set up the private system to begin with, do you think it was to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws? She had an obligation to CC a state dept archivist on every work relate email, she didn't do that, did she. The classified material was just part and parcel of an ongoing crime. Intent and foreknowledge is evident to anyone willing to see it.

Also you and your ilk thinking you're progressives just proves how delusional you really are. No one in the country is above the law, not even the hildabithch.

She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.

Point where 793 (F) was mentioned in your link. I didn't find anything related. BTW hot linking a SCOTUS case to something you wrote proves nothing.

It would if you were to have read the linked case's decision.
She had an obligation, but as I said, no mens reas, no case, case closed.

As I said, until Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz are brought to account of WMD, you neocon whackos don't have a leg to stand on. No one in the country is above the law, not even Dumbya.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

your premise is totally incorrect. there hasn't been an iota of evidence that the email server was set up to "evade the law".

what "law" was broken? we'll wait

That is precisely the element of mens rea that the FBI could not evince and that lack of intent -- something that the SCOTUS stated must be present re: 793(f) -- is the only reason Mrs. Clinton was not criminally charged.

Point where 793 (F) was mentioned in your link. I didn't find anything related. BTW hot linking a SCOTUS case to something you wrote proves nothing.

It would if you were to have read the linked case's decision.

So why didn't you link that?
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should go to jail
"Ocala, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton "has to go to jail" because the scandal over her email server, comments that mark a major departure from the American political tradition.

The GOP nominee, firing up a large crowd of loyal supporters during a swing through Florida, also laid into the Democratic nominee over her health and seized on disclosures from hacked emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, released by Wikileaks."

I think Trump is getting a little carried away
Bill Clinton did worse in my opinion
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should go to jail
"Ocala, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton "has to go to jail" because the scandal over her email server, comments that mark a major departure from the American political tradition.

The GOP nominee, firing up a large crowd of loyal supporters during a swing through Florida, also laid into the Democratic nominee over her health and seized on disclosures from hacked emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, released by Wikileaks."

I think Trump is getting a little carried away
I think Clinton's crimes were much worse

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up.

Actually, Hillary asked Colin Powell (the previous SOS) how she should do things, and he told her to set up a private server. I know that a lot of people didn't believe that Powell told Clinton to set up a private server but he did, and the emails have surfaced concerning that subject....................

Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released -

Well you might have a point, except for two little facts. 1. The server was in operation before that supposed conversation. 2. Powell said he told her no such thing.

Now explain why she violated her own department policy 60,000 times on CCing the State archivist on official business.

1. Powell didn't advise her that she should start a brand new one, he simply said that it would be easier if she used her own account, and she did, by putting it on her server.

2. Yeah........Powell claimed that he never said anything like that, but unfortunately for him (as well as you conspiracy types) he actually DID send an email detailing what Hillary originally said he told her.

Setting up the private server to avoid the law meets and exceeds your BS claim. And like I said before, keep your fucking deflections, you want to talk about Bush, start another thread.

Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up.

Actually, Hillary asked Colin Powell (the previous SOS) how she should do things, and he told her to set up a private server. I know that a lot of people didn't believe that Powell told Clinton to set up a private server but he did, and the emails have surfaced concerning that subject....................

Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released -

Well you might have a point, except for two little facts. 1. The server was in operation before that supposed conversation. 2. Powell said he told her no such thing.

Now explain why she violated her own department policy 60,000 times on CCing the State archivist on official business.

1. Powell didn't advise her that she should start a brand new one, he simply said that it would be easier if she used her own account, and she did, by putting it on her server.

2. Yeah........Powell claimed that he never said anything like that, but unfortunately for him (as well as you conspiracy types) he actually DID send an email detailing what Hillary originally said he told her.
yeah Powell is innocent!!
Not if she didn't know it was totally illegal. Which she didn't.

Not a deflection. You trying to ignore it is a deflection in itself.

That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up.

Actually, Hillary asked Colin Powell (the previous SOS) how she should do things, and he told her to set up a private server. I know that a lot of people didn't believe that Powell told Clinton to set up a private server but he did, and the emails have surfaced concerning that subject....................

Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released -

Well you might have a point, except for two little facts. 1. The server was in operation before that supposed conversation. 2. Powell said he told her no such thing.

Now explain why she violated her own department policy 60,000 times on CCing the State archivist on official business.

1. Powell didn't advise her that she should start a brand new one, he simply said that it would be easier if she used her own account, and she did, by putting it on her server.

2. Yeah........Powell claimed that he never said anything like that, but unfortunately for him (as well as you conspiracy types) he actually DID send an email detailing what Hillary originally said he told her.
yeah Powell is innocent!!

Never said anything about Powell being innocent or otherwise. I simply said that he was the SOS prior to Hillary, and he was the one that advised her to keep her correspondence on a private account so that it would be easier to manage.
That's a fucking lie too, she knew federal records keeping requirements form her time in the senate, she sat up that email server two months prior to taking office at state. She fully intended to circumvent the records keeping laws or she would have followed her own department policies that required any official business conducted on an outside system to be copied to the state dept archivist. She didn't want outside scrutiny on what she was doing via FOIA requests so she tried to hide all her shit. Even when state received congressional subpoenas requesting her email on Benghazi and state told congress they couldn't find any, she remained silent, she sure as hell didn't tell congress she had all those on a different system, did she? The existence of the private server was not revealed voluntarily by anyone at state, it was discovered in a federal suit on a FOIA request. She had every intent to break the law from day one and the fact that classified documents were put at risk during the commission of that crime should have been icing on the cake for any prosecutor. She has provided any prosecutor ample intent and evidence of criminality.

Now run along and pretend this was something other than a political cover up.

Actually, Hillary asked Colin Powell (the previous SOS) how she should do things, and he told her to set up a private server. I know that a lot of people didn't believe that Powell told Clinton to set up a private server but he did, and the emails have surfaced concerning that subject....................

Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released -

Well you might have a point, except for two little facts. 1. The server was in operation before that supposed conversation. 2. Powell said he told her no such thing.

Now explain why she violated her own department policy 60,000 times on CCing the State archivist on official business.

1. Powell didn't advise her that she should start a brand new one, he simply said that it would be easier if she used her own account, and she did, by putting it on her server.

2. Yeah........Powell claimed that he never said anything like that, but unfortunately for him (as well as you conspiracy types) he actually DID send an email detailing what Hillary originally said he told her.
yeah Powell is innocent!!

Never said anything about Powell being innocent or otherwise. I simply said that he was the SOS prior to Hillary, and he was the one that advised her to keep her correspondence on a private account so that it would be easier to manage.
real talk

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