Donald Trump to Give Remarks to The Press and Provide Relief For Hurricane Helene Victims

They can't get into western N.C. but it has been all over the news, tv and internet. When you do nothing but read USMB you're certainly going to miss something.
You seem to be unable to read.

Are they covering it like they did Katrina when a Republican was President?

The answer is fuck no, they are not. Why? Because a Democrat is in office.
You seem to be unable to read.

Are they covering it like they did Katrina when a Republican was President?

The answer is fuck no, they are not. Why? Because a Democrat is in office.
You seem to be quite the asshole so go fuck yourself, punk.

The lack of media presence on the ground isn’t due to neglect—reporters can't get into many areas, for the same reason help can’t. Even if they could, there is phone and internet do not exist. This is not going to be a quick recovery for anyone. Some rural parts of Western NC may not be rebuilt.

Some thoughts and observations to the state and federal response to historic flooding in Western NC from Hurricane Helene Its not sinking in to outsiders, or it’s just so hard to comprehend that the countless roads in Western N.C. , simply no longer exist. The state and federal response has been ongoing, with over 1,000 personnel, including National Guard assets, deployed according to FEMA. Disaster Declaration for NC have been expedited, approved, but… Those crews cannot traverse over collapsed bridges, 100+ foot ravinesthat weren’t there before.

Main interstates I-40 and I-26 have collapsed. Primary state routes are scoured. The secondary roads into neighborhoods are effectively eviscerated, for miles. Survivors can’t get out, help can’t get in. It’s hard enough to get into Asheville. 30 minutes drives take 8-12 hours with the roads not existing, the remaining gas stations swamped. To get into the towns in villages in the mountains is a days journey if possible at all. National Guard trucks with food and water have to stop and collapses. The tools and supplies for SAR aren’t getting in via road.

Similar to Hurricane Katrina, where boats and helicopters were the only viable means of aid delivery in the first days, air support is currently the most effective way to connect Western NC to the outside world. There’s a limited amount of helicopters operating. Although the water has receded, the roads are still impassable.This is still very much an active search and rescue mission not a recovery. There is a high number of missing (in the thousands per state media) because people can’t get in touch with loved ones. We saw this after Hurricane Ian as well, that number will drop significantly when phone service/internet returns. For death toll and recovery, the final number will not be known for at least a month in the region.
Obviously civilian Trump can't get the government to provide relief to the victims but where the hell is old Joe? Is the surf too rough on the Delaware shore that he has to be evacuated?
Federal Disaster Relief
Today, Governor DeSantis announced that Florida secured approval of a major disaster declaration for Hurricane Helene from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The declaration includes Individual Assistance and Public Assistance (Categories A and B). Individual Assistance, which is assistance to residents and households, is available for Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Sarasota Taylor and Wakulla counties. Public Assistance, which is available for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities, is available for Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor and Wakulla counties for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance.

You seem to be unable to read.

Are they covering it like they did Katrina when a Republican was President?

The answer is fuck no, they are not. Why? Because a Democrat is in office.
That's the lie trumpers.make up to play victim.

In reality, the coverage is different because the events are so different.

But let's all remember who the true victims are, in all this:


Just ask them
You seem to be quite the asshole so go fuck yourself, punk.

The lack of media presence on the ground isn’t due to neglect—reporters can't get into many areas, for the same reason help can’t. Even if they could, there is phone and internet do not exist. This is not going to be a quick recovery for anyone. Some rural parts of Western NC may not be rebuilt.

Some thoughts and observations to the state and federal response to historic flooding in Western NC from Hurricane Helene Its not sinking in to outsiders, or it’s just so hard to comprehend that the countless roads in Western N.C. , simply no longer exist. The state and federal response has been ongoing, with over 1,000 personnel, including National Guard assets, deployed according to FEMA. Disaster Declaration for NC have been expedited, approved, but… Those crews cannot traverse over collapsed bridges, 100+ foot ravinesthat weren’t there before.

Main interstates I-40 and I-26 have collapsed. Primary state routes are scoured. The secondary roads into neighborhoods are effectively eviscerated, for miles. Survivors can’t get out, help can’t get in. It’s hard enough to get into Asheville. 30 minutes drives take 8-12 hours with the roads not existing, the remaining gas stations swamped. To get into the towns in villages in the mountains is a days journey if possible at all. National Guard trucks with food and water have to stop and collapses. The tools and supplies for SAR aren’t getting in via road.

Similar to Hurricane Katrina, where boats and helicopters were the only viable means of aid delivery in the first days, air support is currently the most effective way to connect Western NC to the outside world. There’s a limited amount of helicopters operating. Although the water has receded, the roads are still impassable.This is still very much an active search and rescue mission not a recovery. There is a high number of missing (in the thousands per state media) because people can’t get in touch with loved ones. We saw this after Hurricane Ian as well, that number will drop significantly when phone service/internet returns. For death toll and recovery, the final number will not be known for at least a month in the region.
You go ahead and tell yourself those lies.

The fact remains that national news held Katrina news and Bush bad president 40 to 50 minutes of every hour it was happening.

They barely mention Helene and when they do, you can be sure that that lack of real response by the Biden Admin is not mentioned at all.

As for being an asshole, you can blame the fuckwit left for that.
Thoughts and prayers are the best he will do.
Being a private person the only relief Trump could provide for people affected by the hurricane would have to come out of his own pocket. And we are talking about the guy who stiffs the cities who host his rallies.
That's the lie trumpers.make up to play victim.

In reality, the coverage is different because the events are so different.

But let's all remember who the true victims are, in all this:


Just ask them
In reality, they will do all they can to protect the democrats and trash anyone opposed to them.

In reality, they will do all they can to protect the democrats and trash anyone opposed to them.

No, that's the paranoid delusions of a wannabe victim who thinks the world is against him, not realizing it looks that way because he is so intellectually deviant.

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