Trump: The Mass Deportations will begin in Springfield and Aurora

Did you read that?

The people in question were not currently in custody.
There were serious constitutional issues regarding subpoenas NOT issued by a judge

The jusidicfioms said they would comply if a judge signs off on it
I was going to say that till I read your post

But hopefully trump will close the door on the rest who want to come here
A president can't really do that. It's governed by laws.

All Trump can do is pretend he has a solution, while making sure to kill all other solutions for personal benefit.
Did you read that?

The people in question were not currently in custody.
There were serious constitutional issues regarding subpoenas NOT issued by a judge

The jusidicfioms said they would comply if a judge signs off on it
The objections were raised by libs who do not want to deport criminal illegal aliens
A president can't really do that. It's governed by laws.

All Trump can do is pretend he has a solution, while making sure to kill all other solutions for personal benefit.
A president has too much power thanks to executive action

Until we fix that both sides will take advantage of it
The objections were raised by libs who do not want to deport criminal illegal aliens
Thanks for your bullshit characterization. I’m sure you’re not a partisan( cough cough)

I accurately noted what was in the link you posted
Thanks for your bullshit characterization. I’m sure you’re not a partisan( cough cough)

I accurately noted what was in the link you posted
ICE wanted the sanctuary city/state authorities to hold criminals long enough for ICE to pick them up

The only reason for anyone to object is that you dont want them deported
ICE wanted the sanctuary city/state authorities to hold criminals long enough for ICE to pick them up

The only reason for anyone to object is that you dont want them deported
According to your link they wanted information on people no longer in their custody

They were told they would comply if they got a judge’s order

Did you read your link?

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