Maga terrorises Springfield even as Governer states that trump and vance are lying

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This is amazing. Cars damaged and bomb threata at schools as Springfield wakes up to maga love.

We should not be shocked about this. Maga is a violent cult always looking for a scapegoat.
Hitler killed Jews. trump will see Haitians killed in their homes.
Now the Gov states trump/vance are full of shit. Maga are too thick to listen.
You ignorant dumb ass. Repub and Demo have had enough of their town being destroyed by illegal aliens, no matter how much money Sherrod Brown made on the deal. You bet there is about to be a showdown.
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I don't have to "LOOK IT UP" I have a clinical impression...
HOWEVER I have never witnessed cat eating. I have witnessed
some benign episodes of "VOODOO"---and evidence of violence.
but it is anecdotal. Trump is not a hate monger
you have experience with HAITIANS in your town?
No, that’s you all who do that, every time you twist a trump statement out of context and make claims he meant or said something that he didn’t, the plaster it all over social media and lefty news.

That kind of thing gins up fear more than anything
Trump lies to spread hate

What he said about Haitians was inexcusable
you have experience with HAITIANS in your town?
Haitians are NOT all the same.

I knew several in my twenties. . . they were/are the primary work force for that Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Nice people, good Christian folks.

The majority of them are decent hard working people, just like Americans are.

‘We’re getting squeezed out:’ Mackinac Island businesses fight for in-demand migrant labor

This is amazing. Cars damaged and bomb threata at schools as Springfield wakes up to maga love.

We should not be shocked about this. Maga is a violent cult always looking for a scapegoat.
Hitler killed Jews. trump will see Haitians killed in their homes.
Now the Gov states trump/vance are full of shit. Maga are too thick to listen.
The native MAGAs are so grateful to Trump. Trump issued a license to hate on Haitians. Now behaving like racist assholes is patriotic.
Haitians are NOT all the same.

I knew several in my twenties. . . they were/are the primary work force for that Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Nice people, good Christian folks.

The majority of them are decent hard working people, just like Americans are.

‘We’re getting squeezed out:’ Mackinac Island businesses fight for in-demand migrant labor
View attachment 1011186
All true----I have interacted and worked with lots of nice Haitians---BUT,
unfortunately----in HAITIAN ENCLAVES there is an unusual amount of
crime centered around HAITIAN 'niteclubs'
-I have interacted and worked with lots of nice Haitians
And that, really, is the whole point here isn't it? :dunno:

There is truth to BOTH sides of this argument, but folks are acting dumb.

Tommy's thread? It ain't the truth.

Mud's thread that was posted soon after today?
Both narratives are nonsense.

It ain't the truth either.

But I do agree, there is probably a problem, which the MSM and the left need to deny, because they caused it, and they have to gas-light folks about the reality in order to win the election.
The native MAGAs are so grateful to Trump. Trump issued a license to hate on Haitians. Now behaving like racist assholes is patriotic.
MAGAS "hate" Haitians? How do you know? I live in and have worked
for years in a VERY DIVERSE city-----when it comes to "HATE" based on
"race"-----the big issue I have seen is the VARIOUS GROUPS of Latinos who HATE EACH OTHER----sometimes to the point of violence
MAGAS "hate" Haitians? How do you know? I live in and have worked
for years in a VERY DIVERSE city-----when it comes to "HATE" based on
"race"-----the big issue I have seen is the VARIOUS GROUPS of Latinos who HATE EACH OTHER----sometimes to the point of violence
How do I know? I read the stuff that MAGA dreck posts here. That's how I know.
Why Trump cannot be President

His statement about Haitians was not just false but meant to generate hatred towards the Haitian community

Except according to the residents of Springfield it's not false. Of course as always, you'll run with the actual liars and propagandist.

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Except according to the residents of Springfield it not false. Of course as always, you'll run with the actual liars and propagandist.

I actually WATCHED the whole damned debate. Trump alluded to
the eating of animals---some apparently taken from the public
parks ----to wit DUCKS -in DA DUCK POND BIRD SANCTUARY and
also cats. It has been determined that Haitians DO EAT CATS
(very weird for us americans but people all over the world have
weird eating habits---and to a HAITIAN--the local bird sanctuary
may very well be FAIR FREE GAME ie some Haitians) I do believe
that some cats and some ducks got transformed into lunch---a
QUIRK of a foreign culture that should be addressed. Did he say

This is amazing. Cars damaged and bomb threata at schools as Springfield wakes up to maga love.

We should not be shocked about this. Maga is a violent cult always looking for a scapegoat.
Hitler killed Jews. trump will see Haitians killed in their homes.
Now the Gov states trump/vance are full of shit. Maga are too thick to listen.
Such is the hateful, violent, racist right.
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