Tyreek Hill admits he contributed to the problem during his arrest.

Evidently the punk needs some butt-kicking. He is disrespectful and a troublemaker. He has probably had a life of coddling by the school system because he could run fast. We have all seen it. anyone with 1/2 brain knows. I could tell stories about it. He did not get any learning as a kid. LW loons create monsters. It starts at early age.
tthats a very anti constitutional/american point of view,,
how about we stick to the facts and not run with a celebrity subject to social pressure??

he obeyed every lawful order and posed no threat to justify police violence,,
How about is no response and pure non reality deflection.
Hill himself says he was also causal
You feel he should not have done that and are angry
Not your call presumptuous twit
he rolled down the window both times and was almost out of the car within 8 seconds of being asked and was attacked for it,,

AFTER being asked over and over. I would have to re-watch it, no time working here. He only began to comply when the Cop started to open the door. You are defending a punk who was disrespectful and combative from the start. Making everyones' lives more difficult. Just like you Board Vermin do.
It was smart of the Miami Police to quickly release the body cam video. It forced Tyreek to admit he was wrong in rolling his window UP while the officer was still engaged with him. I REPEAT since IM2 does not process information very well, I agree with most people that the Cops over-reacted and exerted unnecessary force on Tyreek. But as with most bad situations with Cops, it starts with the person being combative, not the Cop.

Now let's see if the cop has the balls to admit he was wrong too.
Street vermin have the Police on edge. Getting shot and killed at Traffic stops is a real thing. 180 Police die every year in the line of duty. Many are shot, ran over........Traffic stops are high on the list of dangerous interactions.
I agree that Hill should not have made rolling up his window a pissing match with the cops. However, he had already given the cop the required documents for a traffic stop: license, registration, and proof of insurance. The cop had everything necessary to write Hill and tickets he had earned and send him on his way. Hill had no further obligation to talk to the cop as per the 5th amendment.

Cops can order a driver out of his car for officer safety; however, IMO these cops were pissed that Hill didn't respect their authority.

Having tinted windows rolled down are also for officer safety. And much less intrusive than ordering him out of the car. But Hill was a huge dick about it.
so you have nothing to show he was a threat or broke a law to justify the violence used against him,,
Again, NO ONE that I have heard from says the Cops were justified in their over-use of force. But Tyreek poked the bear by speeding and then by not complying with simple instructions and basic courtesy. If he leaves his window down and continues communicating with the Cop, he gets a ticket or a warning and there is no problem.
Street vermin have the Police on edge. Getting shot and killed at Traffic stops is a real thing. 180 Police die every year in the line of duty. Many are shot, ran over........Traffic stops are high on the list of dangerous interactions.
People think it's a cliche but anyone who knows Cops personally realizes the incredible stress they are under every day. The simplest traffic stops have resulted in the officer being shot, run over and/or killed.
First words I remember "don't knock on my window like that" over and over again. Right there he was out to be combative. If he had rolled it down and said "hello officer, how can I help you" nothing happens. Open the window when asked or told too right away and it all goes away. Keep from running your mouth non-stop interrupting the Police talking to you.
He was speeding in a construction zone - doing at least 80 mph. See Officer Tatum YouTube video. After being pulled over, he was asked why he wasn't wearing a seat belt.

Hill's speed was estimated. No electronic or mechanical machine to measure his speed.

The estimate was 60 in a 40, but perceptions can widely vary. Speed-size illusion means that smaller objects appear faster than larger objects when going the same speed. There is also something called motion parallax. An object closer to you appears to move faster.

Anyone can easily and informally test these. A plane you watch off a carrier appears to really motor. A plane several miles in the sky appears to lumber. Also, look at a car that speeds past your car. It's really cooking fast, right? But then that car appears to move slower when a mile ahead.

Hill was driving a small car. In my observation, smaller cars appear to zip along more than larger cars.

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