Donald Trump's Father Arrested In Ku Klux Klan Brawl With Cops


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
How does Trump explain this?
Who cares? If you claim that Byrd was recovered from 1952 how does something that happened in 1927 and not even to Trump matter? Or shall we hold YOU responsible for your families actions too?
Who cares? If you claim that Byrd was recovered from 1952 how does something that happened in 1927 and not even to Trump matter? Or shall we hold YOU responsible for your families actions too?

Gee, deflect much? Trump sounds like he is also a Klan member - or at least a sympathizer. Sounds like his daddy taught him well.
Who cares? If you claim that Byrd was recovered from 1952 how does something that happened in 1927 and not even to Trump matter? Or shall we hold YOU responsible for your families actions too?

Gee, deflect much? Trump sounds like he is also a Klan member - or at least a sympathizer. Sounds like his daddy taught him well.
Sounds like you're desperate.
In 1927 the KKK was mostly all Democrats. Dems founded the KKK.

If Trump's dad was a KKK Democrat....looks like his son chose a better path.
Reaching back to almost 100 years ago....with someone other than Don.

That's a reach worthy of the climate change board.
How does Trump explain this?
hey lakota trump probably smoked a joint once or twice....lets not forget that...
How does Trump explain this?

Is his father running for president?

No, but it's interesting how the guy who is running, handled the question a few months ago...

>> Mr. Trump’s barrage of answers – his sudden denial of a fact he had moments before confirmed; his repeatedly noting that no charges were filed against his father in connection with the incident he had just repeatedly denied; and his denigration of the news organization that brought the incident to light as a “little website” – shows his pasta-against-the-wall approach to beating down inconvenient story lines.

Q. Have you seen this story about police arresting a Fred Trump who lived at that Devonshire address in 1927 after a Ku Klux Klan rally turned violent?

A. Totally false. We lived on Wareham. The Devonshire — I know there is a road Devonshire but I don’t think my father ever lived on Devonshire.

Q. The Census shows that he lived there with your mother there. But regardless, you never heard about that story?

A. It never happened. And by the way, I saw that it was one little website that said it. It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false ... Somebody showed me that website — it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned ... Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him — I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened.

The author of the piece wrote that Trump revisited the topic "unprompted" and interjected:

"And by the way, my father was not involved, was never charged and I never even heard this before. What? It comes out on a website and you are going to write it on The New York Times?

It shouldn’t be written because it never happened, No. 1. And No. 2, there was nobody charged." <<
"He never lived on that street.
...And if he did live on that street it never happened.
...And if it did happen he was never charged.
....And it comes from a "little website".

Actually it's in the record, but this is the sort of thing Rump wants to snuff out by repealing the First Amendment, as he expounded on last week.
Who would have guessed it? Another desperate "Trump is a racist" thread.
In 1927 the KKK was mostly all Democrats. Dems founded the KKK.

If Trump's dad was a KKK Democrat....looks like his son chose a better path.


The KKK was founded (originally) by six Confederate army veterans. We know their names and much about them, but none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation. That Klan was extinguished in less than 15 years and was confined to insurgency in the South.

In 1915 it was re-formed by a Georgia salesman/opportunist named William Simmons. He too had no known political affiliation or activity. That Klan hired PR and got much bigger and spread far wider.

When that Klan (the second) finally did get to dabbling in politics --- it worked with Democrats or Republicans, whichever suited the purpose for the time and place. Including Republicans in Indiana, Colorado, Oregon and Anaheim, where they just had a Klan stabbing last weekend.

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Trump is clearly a racist - much like his daddy.

A 1979 article, published by Village Voice, reported on a civil rights suit that alleged that the Trumps refused to rent to black home-seekers, and quotes a rental agent who said Fred Trump instructed him not to rent to blacks and to encourage existing black tenants to leave.

Who cares? If you claim that Byrd was recovered from 1952 how does something that happened in 1927 and not even to Trump matter? Or shall we hold YOU responsible for your families actions too?

Gee, deflect much? Trump sounds like he is also a Klan member - or at least a sympathizer. Sounds like his daddy taught him well.

Its this type thinking that explains why there are very few native americans. Just dumbness.
A 1927 brawl? Wouldn't you think the left would want to downplay political relatives since Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's father was a alcoholic bigamist anti-American African nationalist? God only knows what Hussein's ancestors on his fathers were doing in Africa in 1927.

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