Donald Trump's Nonexistent Problem with GOP Women

What staggers me is that idiots think, that a man that just gave up his show "The Apprentice" with all the millions he'd make off of that, and someone that has HIS NAME spoken everyday by MILLIONS of Americans, and a guy that CLEARLY will spend $1 BILLION dollars in winning the presidency, will simply fade away!

Amazingly brilliant you Communists are!

How many more years did you think that he was goign to get out of his "pretend D-list celebrities are business people" show?

The guy will fade away because the GOP is not going to let a Reality TV Rodeo clown hijack their party.

Depending on which national poll you look at, up to 40% so far think he's in it to win it.... The GOP really can't do shit to him, IF they now fuck with him since he signed the Republican pledge, all bets are off with him, and I will vote for him as a SECOND PARTY candidate, as the GOP's VOTES will make them the THIRD party!...Try logical thinking, it may hurt the first few times, but you'll get the hang of it....maybe!
Yeah, the only time the polls are right is when they support your position. When they don't, something is wrong with the polls.

I rarely use polls to support "my position" on anything.

Reality check. No one is thinking about this all that hard right now. Rick Perry was the front runner in 2011. Rudy Guliani was the front runner in 2007.

I don't disagree with that. We are too far from the goal line to be making predictions. However when Hilarious was moving strong, every liberal on here was bragging about it. Now that she's sinking in those same polls, crickets. Polls don't matter anymore.
Depending on which national poll you look at, up to 40% so far think he's in it to win it.... The GOP really can't do shit to him, IF they now fuck with him since he signed the Republican pledge, all bets are off with him, and I will vote for him as a SECOND PARTY candidate, as the GOP's VOTES will make them the THIRD party!...Try logical thinking, it may hurt the first few times, but you'll get the hang of it....maybe!

Guy, you are mistaking Reality TV stupid for a real campaign.

The GOP Establishment is already plotting to sandbag this clown, and frankly, I'm happy to see the fighting. The GOP has spent the last 40 years appealing the the most vile racism and sexism in this country, and now you have the candidate you truly deserve.
I don't disagree with that. We are too far from the goal line to be making predictions. However when Hilarious was moving strong, every liberal on here was bragging about it. Now that she's sinking in those same polls, crickets. Polls don't matter anymore.

Those polls still show her with 50% of the democratic support, but more to the point, the Democrats have something called "Superdelegates", and the Superdelegates aren't going to support a socialist who isn't even a member of the Democratic Party.
Depending on which national poll you look at, up to 40% so far think he's in it to win it.... The GOP really can't do shit to him, IF they now fuck with him since he signed the Republican pledge, all bets are off with him, and I will vote for him as a SECOND PARTY candidate, as the GOP's VOTES will make them the THIRD party!...Try logical thinking, it may hurt the first few times, but you'll get the hang of it....maybe!

Guy, you are mistaking Reality TV stupid for a real campaign.

The GOP Establishment is already plotting to sandbag this clown, and frankly, I'm happy to see the fighting. The GOP has spent the last 40 years appealing the the most vile racism and sexism in this country, and now you have the candidate you truly deserve.

hahahaha..politics IS "reality tv"..all fake drama to keep the people squabbling...meanwhile both parties actively work to undermine traditional american values, heritage and culture

trump isn't a politician, though..he's a patriot who puts american values ahead of party politics...
I don't disagree with that. We are too far from the goal line to be making predictions. However when Hilarious was moving strong, every liberal on here was bragging about it. Now that she's sinking in those same polls, crickets. Polls don't matter anymore.

Those polls still show her with 50% of the democratic support, but more to the point, the Democrats have something called "Superdelegates", and the Superdelegates aren't going to support a socialist who isn't even a member of the Democratic Party.

Okay, so who will they support if Hillary is indicted and she has to leave the race?
hahahaha..politics IS "reality tv"..all fake drama to keep the people squabbling...meanwhile both parties actively work to undermine traditional american values, heritage and culture

trump isn't a politician, though..he's a patriot who puts american values ahead of party politics...

Hey, guy, Racism, Sexism and glorifying assholes from 150 years ago aren't "Traditional values"

Trump is a narcissist who puts his name on things in HUGE letters. They guy is pretty obviously deranged.
hahahaha..politics IS "reality tv"..all fake drama to keep the people squabbling...meanwhile both parties actively work to undermine traditional american values, heritage and culture

trump isn't a politician, though..he's a patriot who puts american values ahead of party politics...

Hey, guy, Racism, Sexism and glorifying assholes from 150 years ago aren't "Traditional values"

what are you on about now?

Trump is a narcissist who puts his name on things in HUGE letters. They guy is pretty obviously deranged.

Okay, so who will they support if Hillary is indicted and she has to leave the race?

1) She won't be indicted.
2) She won't leave the race.

You guys need to stop wanking off to these kinds of fantasies.

Also, it really doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate.

The Demographics that doomed Romney will doom anyone else who runs.

The Republican candidate would need to get 65% of the White Vote in order to win if all other racial groups vote in the same proportions they did in 2012.

the only time a Republican did that was in 1984, when Reagan got 66% of the White vote. This was a likable incumbent president with a good economy and a truly awful opponent.

Two groups Republicans have to do better with to win. Hispanics and Women.

Trump is pretty much, "Let's do the opposite of that!"
hahahaha..politics IS "reality tv"..all fake drama to keep the people squabbling...meanwhile both parties actively work to undermine traditional american values, heritage and culture

trump isn't a politician, though..he's a patriot who puts american values ahead of party politics...

Hey, guy, Racism, Sexism and glorifying assholes from 150 years ago aren't "Traditional values"

what are you on about now?

Trump is a narcissist who puts his name on things in HUGE letters. They guy is pretty obviously deranged.


Hey,did you hear they had a black guy play the Human Torch?
hahahaha..politics IS "reality tv"..all fake drama to keep the people squabbling...meanwhile both parties actively work to undermine traditional american values, heritage and culture

trump isn't a politician, though..he's a patriot who puts american values ahead of party politics...

Hey, guy, Racism, Sexism and glorifying assholes from 150 years ago aren't "Traditional values"

what are you on about now?

Trump is a narcissist who puts his name on things in HUGE letters. They guy is pretty obviously deranged.


Hey,did you hear they had a black guy play the Human Torch?

no how did it go? did they film it in ferguson?..he'd do well there with that "power"....
Okay, so who will they support if Hillary is indicted and she has to leave the race?

1) She won't be indicted.
2) She won't leave the race.

You guys need to stop wanking off to these kinds of fantasies.

Also, it really doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate.

The Demographics that doomed Romney will doom anyone else who runs.

The Republican candidate would need to get 65% of the White Vote in order to win if all other racial groups vote in the same proportions they did in 2012.

the only time a Republican did that was in 1984, when Reagan got 66% of the White vote. This was a likable incumbent president with a good economy and a truly awful opponent.

Two groups Republicans have to do better with to win. Hispanics and Women.

Trump is pretty much, "Let's do the opposite of that!"

You are forgetting the enthusiasm factor. You have to have an electrified candidate to get your people to come out and vote. I don't see that right now in the Democrat party. It's what I call the Clown Car vs the Senior Citizen bus.

I don't know if Trump will make it, but if he stays on this path, people will climb mountains to get out their vote for him. While Hillary can barely draw a crowd, Trump fans are coming out in droves such as what we seen in Alabama. He has very similar energy to what Obama had during his first election. Never before have we seen record viewership for a simple debate than when they came here to Cleveland, and it was all because of Trump.

I don't buy this demographic stuff. Why? Because the mid-terms showed a much different picture. The last mid-terms were historic and record breaking all across the country. People in the last two presidential elections were not so much attracted to the Democrat party, but they were attracted to Obama. Obama's not running next election.
You are forgetting the enthusiasm factor. You have to have an electrified candidate to get your people to come out and vote. I don't see that right now in the Democrat party. It's what I call the Clown Car vs the Senior Citizen bus.

If htis country is dumb enough to elect an insane narcissist like Trump because he's on reality TV, then we need to give up on this democracy thing.
You are forgetting the enthusiasm factor. You have to have an electrified candidate to get your people to come out and vote. I don't see that right now in the Democrat party. It's what I call the Clown Car vs the Senior Citizen bus.

If htis country is dumb enough to elect an insane narcissist like Trump because he's on reality TV, then we need to give up on this democracy thing.

That's the same way I felt about Obama, a community organizer.

Are non-professional politicians such a bad idea? Ventura had a pretty good thing going there for a while. So did Schwarzenegger, People seem to like Al Frankin. Sonny Bono had a great career until his tragic death.

It's not the end of the world because the status quo didn't get the job. To be honest, I'm sick of what the Republicans are doing with this "business as usual" way of running things. Apparently, so are a lot of Republican voters because not only is Trump first, but Carson is in second place which tells me we want outside of the box.
That's the same way I felt about Obama, a community organizer.

What bothered you more, that he was a community organizer or a Negro? Never mind, that question needs no answer. (I guess you missed the part where he was a Senator and State legislature.... all you saw was a scary negro.)

Are non-professional politicians such a bad idea? Ventura had a pretty good thing going there for a while. So did Schwarzenegger, People seem to like Al Frankin. Sonny Bono had a great career until his tragic death.

Actually, Ventura and Schwarzenegger were considered disasters as governors. As for Franken, the thing is there is the guy never speaks publicly on issues because they keep expecting him to do a bit.

It's not the end of the world because the status quo didn't get the job. To be honest, I'm sick of what the Republicans are doing with this "business as usual" way of running things. Apparently, so are a lot of Republican voters because not only is Trump first, but Carson is in second place which tells me we want outside of the box.

No, that just indicates how disconnected from reality the GOP base has become. They've got no one but themselves to blame. They've let cheap demagogues like Limbaugh and Beck and O'Reilly set the agenda for years.
That's the same way I felt about Obama, a community organizer.

What bothered you more, that he was a community organizer or a Negro? Never mind, that question needs no answer. (I guess you missed the part where he was a Senator and State legislature.... all you saw was a scary negro.)

Are non-professional politicians such a bad idea? Ventura had a pretty good thing going there for a while. So did Schwarzenegger, People seem to like Al Frankin. Sonny Bono had a great career until his tragic death.

Actually, Ventura and Schwarzenegger were considered disasters as governors. As for Franken, the thing is there is the guy never speaks publicly on issues because they keep expecting him to do a bit.

It's not the end of the world because the status quo didn't get the job. To be honest, I'm sick of what the Republicans are doing with this "business as usual" way of running things. Apparently, so are a lot of Republican voters because not only is Trump first, but Carson is in second place which tells me we want outside of the box.

No, that just indicates how disconnected from reality the GOP base has become. They've got no one but themselves to blame. They've let cheap demagogues like Limbaugh and Beck and O'Reilly set the agenda for years.

I doubt that because they don't seem to listen to Bill O' or Rush very well. I don't know about Beck because I don't listen to him. Rush and Bill are entertainers and reporters. They are not part of the RNC.

DumBama a state Senator and US Senator. Yes, most of the time in the US Senate, he spent running for President. As a State Senator, he was renown for his "present" vote most all of the time. He really didn't do much of anything; certainly nothing that even resembles leadership of any kind.

The Negro bit is worn out already. It doesn't work anymore and hasn't for a while. While Obama never discussed race much, his followers did with the constant accusations of racism. I believe it's you people that will keep blacks out of the White House for the remainder of our lifetime because most of us are sick of hearing about race--especially when race had nothing to do with his issues. We don't want to go through this again. It's just a cheap attempt to try and make others feel guilty, and of course, it never works.
I doubt that because they don't seem to listen to Bill O' or Rush very well. I don't know about Beck because I don't listen to him. Rush and Bill are entertainers and reporters. They are not part of the RNC.

they listen to these mutants too much.

DumBama a state Senator and US Senator. Yes, most of the time in the US Senate, he spent running for President. As a State Senator, he was renown for his "present" vote most all of the time. He really didn't do much of anything; certainly nothing that even resembles leadership of any kind.

How i can tell I am dealing with Hate Radio ignorance, when they mention the voting present thing.

Obama voted Present 167 times over ten years out of some 10,000 votes taken in the IL Legislature. Usually, it was to indicate he might be vote for a bill, if some changes were made. It's a common legislative tactic, but you dumb-ass ignorant crackers repeat it like it was proof that he was a slacker in the Legislature.

The Negro bit is worn out already. It doesn't work anymore and hasn't for a while. While Obama never discussed race much, his followers did with the constant accusations of racism. I believe it's you people that will keep blacks out of the White House for the remainder of our lifetime because most of us are sick of hearing about race--especially when race had nothing to do with his issues. We don't want to go through this again. It's just a cheap attempt to try and make others feel guilty, and of course, it never works.

Well, it never makes racists feel guilty. People with a conscience who see cops strangle an unarmed man or shoot a child in the street with his hands up, yeah,t hat kind of bothers us.
I doubt that because they don't seem to listen to Bill O' or Rush very well. I don't know about Beck because I don't listen to him. Rush and Bill are entertainers and reporters. They are not part of the RNC.

they listen to these mutants too much.

DumBama a state Senator and US Senator. Yes, most of the time in the US Senate, he spent running for President. As a State Senator, he was renown for his "present" vote most all of the time. He really didn't do much of anything; certainly nothing that even resembles leadership of any kind.

How i can tell I am dealing with Hate Radio ignorance, when they mention the voting present thing.

Obama voted Present 167 times over ten years out of some 10,000 votes taken in the IL Legislature. Usually, it was to indicate he might be vote for a bill, if some changes were made. It's a common legislative tactic, but you dumb-ass ignorant crackers repeat it like it was proof that he was a slacker in the Legislature.

The Negro bit is worn out already. It doesn't work anymore and hasn't for a while. While Obama never discussed race much, his followers did with the constant accusations of racism. I believe it's you people that will keep blacks out of the White House for the remainder of our lifetime because most of us are sick of hearing about race--especially when race had nothing to do with his issues. We don't want to go through this again. It's just a cheap attempt to try and make others feel guilty, and of course, it never works.

Well, it never makes racists feel guilty. People with a conscience who see cops strangle an unarmed man or shoot a child in the street with his hands up, yeah,t hat kind of bothers us.

It does? Especially when it's a lie? You must be a member of Black Lies Matter.
I wish they would do a poll with just women on the right and the left, and split them up to see how many on each side like him.
I think we would find that there are many left women who like him as well, like myself he is much better than Hillary who thought she had it in the bag so she could lie . I personally like Trump because of his transparency, business mind, and seems liberal about most woman's issues . Unlike the crazy ass Righties on the bottom.

It all depends on how the questions are asked & the words used. The same people who say they don't like 'Obamacare' will also say they like the ACA.

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