Donations to BLM Go to the DNC

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

That is damning evidence that BLM is an anti-white hate group and terrorist organization.

They were born out of an anti-civil rights political campaign. BLM protested the civil right of the people to keep and bear arms. Never forget that fact.

BLM promoted the railroading of GZ because he had the balls to exercise his 1st amendment right to free speech at a town hall meeting.

BLM= anti-civil rights.

Democrats are evil authoritarian assholes.
Last edited:
This article is retarded. It's an organization built to raise money for Democrats, so it has only contributes to Democrats. That doesn't make it an illegal funding arm of the DNC.
ActBlue is a 'charitable' organization that funds and supports Demoncrats and their interests......including Pro-Choice abortions (Naral)

10,429,058 Democratic donors have saved their payment information with us via an ActBlue Express account.

The best part? Express users can use their account to give to any candidate or organization on ActBlue. And with our ActBlue Express Lane toolset, you can build single-click automatic payment links for your fundraising emails. That means happier supporters and higher conversion rates.

Nonprofit Technology Organization
ActBlue is a nonprofit technology organization established in June 2004 that enables Democrats, progressive groups, and nonprofits to raise money on the Internet by providing them with online fundraising software. Its stated mission is to "empower small dollar donors"


When I clicked on this link, a window pops up about how they support BLM....
This article is retarded. It's an organization built to raise money for Democrats, so it has only contributes to Democrats. That doesn't make it an illegal funding arm of the DNC.

Not sure, but I think the point is if you donate to BLM to support that organization, then that's where the money should stay, within BLM

Instead it goes thru ActBlue
This article is retarded. It's an organization built to raise money for Democrats, so it has only contributes to Democrats. That doesn't make it an illegal funding arm of the DNC.

Not sure, but I think the point is if you donate to BLM to support that organization, then that's where the money should stay, within BLM

Instead it goes thru ActBlue

From what I can tell by their Wikipedia page they're just a service candidates use like a GoFundMe for Democrats. They charge the groups that use them a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The OP suggests it's a money laundering scheme by the DNC.
I never donate money to organizations for humans. This makes me glad. Even if I do draw the line at humans I still wouldn't give a dime to black lies matter.
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
This article is retarded. It's an organization built to raise money for Democrats, so it has only contributes to Democrats. That doesn't make it an illegal funding arm of the DNC.

Not sure, but I think the point is if you donate to BLM to support that organization, then that's where the money should stay, within BLM

Instead it goes thru ActBlue

From what I can tell by their Wikipedia page they're just a service candidates use like a GoFundMe for Democrats. They charge the groups that use them a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The OP suggests it's a money laundering scheme by the DNC.

That may be true...…….but also check their list of complaints...…...though that has nothing to do with them laundrying money or not,
Not sure it matters, democrats just took over Seattle, they are tearing down our Heritage statues, democrats are doing what ever they like
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

You weren't donating to them to begin with.
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?
So what about Shawn king?
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?

Great! IM2 let's figure this out together
You might talk more sense to my friend on FB
who told me "he wasn't trying to redefine Gladys"
but that "she needed to quit the Republican party"
and unite all Blacks to vote out Trump by voting Biden in.

Do you also object to what my friend on FB said?
Do you think you can better redirect this whole issue
he brought up, telling me that "all Blacks should unite with the Democratic Party"???
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?
So what about Shawn king?

YES! Let's ask HIM what he thinks of this idea
of uniting the Black voters by allowing them to
takeover and REINVENT the Democratic Party to fit their narrative.
And everyone else who wants to support the Black led initiative
can either join with the Democratic Party to help directly,
or work with other parties alongside and complementary to them.

If the SAME solutions that work for Blacks, taking back power of
govt, courts, prisons and medical systems for their ownership
and management for their constituents, can also work for other
groups as well, then those other groups can work with that party, too.

But just keep the OWNERSHIP and MGMT owned and led by Black leaders.
No more "white definitions" imposed on the Black leaders who are
in charge of defining the narrative and programs for themselves.
Maybe you guys need to look at all the facts instead of running your racist mouths.

This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?

Great! IM2 let's figure this out together
You might talk more sense to my friend on FB
who told me "he wasn't trying to redefine Gladys"
but that "she needed to quit the Republican party"
and unite all Blacks to vote out Trump by voting Biden in.

Do you also object to what my friend on FB said?
Do you think you can better redirect this whole issue
he brought up, telling me that "all Blacks should unite with the Democratic Party"???

I am not talking to anyone. Gladys does need to leave the republican party, but if she doesn't so what?

Why do you and some of these white people get so bothered by this? Republicans are anti black, you see that here. So it makes sense, especially in Texas for a black person to say that to another one. Why in the hell do you post this bullshit in a forum full of white who tell us blacks how we are losers. You are asian yourself, you ain't white and 75 percent of the asians in America vote democrat. I don't see you complaining about that here.

So there is nothing for me to say to FB. You go tell some of your asian buddies to join the republican party, you go join the republican party and stop posting white racist narratives about blacks.
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

You actually donated to them before now?


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