Trial balloon about DNC replacing Biden

Yeah, well, Cult 45 revels in conspiracy theories. It's kind of pathetic that you guys are still pushing the Hillary conspiracies after all these years.

You mean like when she paid a foreign agent to create a Fake Dossier implicating her political opponent as a Russian asset, and was then fined for it by the Federal Electoral Commission?
You mean like when she paid a foreign agent to create a Fake Dossier implicating her political opponent as a Russian asset, and was then fined for it by the Federal Electoral Commission?

Oh I should also add that the same FEC declined to fine Trump for the expired misdemeanor that has now been blown up into 34 felony counts. (Right before the current DA had declined as well as the DOJ.)

But conspiracies don't exist.

In fact, if you look up the definition it's "FAKE NEWS".

conspiracy /kən-spîr′ə-sē/


  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

"Conspiracy" is the most misunderstood word in the modern day English language, and - as usual, it's the Left who fail to understand it.

Bottom line:

Conspiracies happen.

Yeah, we get it. Biden scares the piss out of you, so you're begging Democrats to replace him.
Piss outa who?
Can you imagine after all the lying about how robust Biden is… then replace him with Hillary? :laughing0301:

That would be amazing.

They are considering it for sure.



You fools are shameless.
will biden be sleepy joe or jacked up joe next week?

Who knows?

The miracle of modern pharmaceuticals and stem cell treatments might give him focus and stamina for a few hours.

But Joe's failing octogenarian system can't handle that kind of strain for long.

He'll be right back to...

But we see President Trump actively giving multi-hour rallies.

if you mean rambling incoherent nonsense & repeating himself over & over & over again ... about sharks & 'acing' a very simple cognitive test, & of course the nuttiest of all - that the election was rigged.

We know he is still spry.

& a felon.

Biden needs five jumpcuts to get thru a 15 second video challenging Trump to debate ...

if you mean rambling incoherent nonsense & repeating himself over & over & over again ... about sharks & 'acing' a very simple cognitive test, & of course the nuttiest of all - that the election was rigged.

& a felon.

Sorry dude...the Kangaroo Konviction* isn't getting any traction.

Democrat Lawfare is already baked into this cake.

Biden's brain is broken. It's sad. But it's true.

There's still time to get Kamala prepared for the election. :lol:

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