Trial balloon about DNC replacing Biden

Biden drops out, Kamala becomes the first black female president, Hillary becomes VP, Kamala has a nasty fall slipping on greased steps, Hillary becomes prez....LOL

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Yeah, well, Cult 45 revels in conspiracy theories. It's kind of pathetic that you guys are still pushing the Hillary conspiracies after all these years. Every time this woman makes an appearance you tards scramble around screaming, "Look! Look! She's making a play! She's up to something! They're going to put her on the ticket! Just wait! You'll see!"
Anyone see the news clip of Obama helping a lost in inner space Joe Biden, by the arm, from the stage?
This isn't good, this is about the third time now, he froze in Italy and France recently. I got a good idea they are letting him out there purposely. The whole world can see how bad he has deteriorated. In France, the others slid over to give him cover when he got all wrapped up and started to wander away. Then you have a very early debate.......he goes off bad there, several months prior to the convention, they have a case for him not running.

Biden drops out, Kamala becomes the first black female president, Hillary becomes VP, Kamala has a nasty fall slipping on greased steps, Hillary becomes prez....LOL

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Inarguably, a significant obstacle to a Biden win is Kamala Harris, whose low popularity has not been improved by her lackluster performance as vice president. More independents and disenchanted Republicans might swing for Biden if it weren’t for the prospect of a President Harris — not because of her sex, race or any other demographic category, but because of her competency, or lack thereof.
The question now is, how risky would it be for Democrats to replace her? Some worry that a change would jeopardize Black votes. It was never clear, however, that Harris was a draw for Black American voters, even if some Black women celebrated her rise. When she dropped out of the presidential race in 2019, she was polling below Pete Buttigieg in South Carolina.
No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton? At 76, she might want no part of it, but it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done. If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track. It’s just a thought, but worse ideas have met with regrettable success

President Joe Biden's advanced age is a major sore point heading into the upcoming election. And the 81 year-old's recent spate of public gaffes are raising more concerns.

Both experts and voters have voiced concern over Biden's series of odd 'freezing' incidents over the past week.

Most recently, the president's face and body appeared to freeze on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles. Biden stopped moving after his speech, staring blankly over the crowd for several seconds.

But a White House representative dismissed reports of a frozen reaction to as 'fakes' and 'lies,' explaining his reaction was simply 'taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds.'

The episode comes less than a week after POTUS seemed to also freeze at a Juneteenth White House celebration during a concert featuring gospel singer Kirk Franklin.

It's funny to watch the left spin this. Even while they could argue that Biden didn't actually "freeze up", Obama is still taking him by the arm and leading him off stage, helping a "nice elderly old man". You can't spin that. It is what it is.
Yeah, well, Cult 45 revels in conspiracy theories. It's kind of pathetic that you guys are still pushing the Hillary conspiracies after all these years. Every time this woman makes an appearance you tards scramble around screaming, "Look! Look! She's making a play! She's up to something! They're going to put her on the ticket! Just wait! You'll see!"
'Bro......sumpin's up in the Dem backrooms..... take it to the bank.
Anyone see the news clip of Obama helping a lost in inner space Joe Biden, by the arm, from the stage?
This isn't good, this is about the third time now, he froze in Italy and France recently. I got a good idea they are letting him out there purposely. The whole world can see how bad he has deteriorated. In France, the others slid over to give him cover when he got all wrapped up and started to wander away. Then you have a very early debate.......he goes off bad there, several months prior to the convention, they have a case for him not running.

Biden drops out, Kamala becomes the first black female president, Hillary becomes VP, Kamala has a nasty fall slipping on greased steps, Hillary becomes prez....LOL

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Inarguably, a significant obstacle to a Biden win is Kamala Harris, whose low popularity has not been improved by her lackluster performance as vice president. More independents and disenchanted Republicans might swing for Biden if it weren’t for the prospect of a President Harris — not because of her sex, race or any other demographic category, but because of her competency, or lack thereof.
The question now is, how risky would it be for Democrats to replace her? Some worry that a change would jeopardize Black votes. It was never clear, however, that Harris was a draw for Black American voters, even if some Black women celebrated her rise. When she dropped out of the presidential race in 2019, she was polling below Pete Buttigieg in South Carolina.
No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton? At 76, she might want no part of it, but it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done. If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track. It’s just a thought, but worse ideas have met with regrettable success

President Joe Biden's advanced age is a major sore point heading into the upcoming election. And the 81 year-old's recent spate of public gaffes are raising more concerns.

Both experts and voters have voiced concern over Biden's series of odd 'freezing' incidents over the past week.

Most recently, the president's face and body appeared to freeze on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles. Biden stopped moving after his speech, staring blankly over the crowd for several seconds.

But a White House representative dismissed reports of a frozen reaction to as 'fakes' and 'lies,' explaining his reaction was simply 'taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds.'

The episode comes less than a week after POTUS seemed to also freeze at a Juneteenth White House celebration during a concert featuring gospel singer Kirk Franklin.

Sounds like a MAGA desperation theory! :rolleyes-41:

I hope they dont replace him

I’m willing to roll the dice snd bet that biden will become a vegetable BEFORE nov 2024 instead of afterwards

Meaning lose the election rather than win

At least I hope so
LoL......the dems been freakin' for some time....... Trump gaining in the think they're not aware Biden is dragging the party down?
Government won't allow Trump to get close to the presidency as long as he threatens the war against Russia. There's some very promising possibility in replacing Biden, but it's still going to be, 'whatever it takes'?

And fwiw, I'll introduce another possibility: Biden's state of mind challenges America's war efforts on account of him being a near catatonic threat of falling into a Putin trap.

However, that would need the government allowing him to get in the same room with Putin. Imagine that!
LoL......the dems been freakin' for some time....... Trump gaining in the think they're not aware Biden is dragging the party down?
Gaining in the polls? He’s losing voters right and left: blacks, Latinos, women, the college educated and the entire psychiatric profession! :cool-45:

Gaining in the polls? He’s losing voters right and left: blacks, Latinos, women, the college educated and the entire psychiatric profession! :cool-45:



Of the 500 black voters surveyed in both Michigan and Pennsylvania, 76% in each state said they voted for Biden in 2020. Now, his support has fallen 20 points in Pennsylvania (to 56%) and 22 points in Michigan (to 54%). Trump is up 2.3 points in the Pennsylvania RCP Average and up 0.3 points in the Michigan RCP Average.
Trump’s support among black voters has seen more significant growth nationally. CNN reported on Monday that in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Biden was polling with an overwhelming 86% of support among black voters while Trump straggled with a mere 7% support in this group. Now, less than five months from the 2024 presidential election, Biden has shown a 16-point drop in support to 70%, while Trump has seen a 14-point gain and is now boasting 21% of the black vote.
Trump also continues to address topics such as inflation, immigration, and crime – issues that are of high importance to black voters. Trump promised new approaches toward these issues during a roundtable discussion in Detroit on Saturday. The event was held at 180 Church, a nondenominational congregation on Detroit’s west side.

The church’s senior pastor said he was humbled by Trump’s visit, reported the Detroit Free Press. “President Obama never visited the ‘hood,’” Lorenzo Sewell said. “President Biden came to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood.”
The Biden campaign called Trump’s visit in Detroit a “political stunt.

Trump didn't even bring chicken......................... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


Of the 500 black voters surveyed in both Michigan and Pennsylvania, 76% in each state said they voted for Biden in 2020. Now, his support has fallen 20 points in Pennsylvania (to 56%) and 22 points in Michigan (to 54%). Trump is up 2.3 points in the Pennsylvania RCP Average and up 0.3 points in the Michigan RCP Average.
Trump’s support among black voters has seen more significant growth nationally. CNN reported on Monday that in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Biden was polling with an overwhelming 86% of support among black voters while Trump straggled with a mere 7% support in this group. Now, less than five months from the 2024 presidential election, Biden has shown a 16-point drop in support to 70%, while Trump has seen a 14-point gain and is now boasting 21% of the black vote.
Trump also continues to address topics such as inflation, immigration, and crime – issues that are of high importance to black voters. Trump promised new approaches toward these issues during a roundtable discussion in Detroit on Saturday. The event was held at 180 Church, a nondenominational congregation on Detroit’s west side.

The church’s senior pastor said he was humbled by Trump’s visit, reported the Detroit Free Press. “President Obama never visited the ‘hood,’” Lorenzo Sewell said. “President Biden came to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood.”
The Biden campaign called Trump’s visit in Detroit a “political stunt.

Trump didn't even bring chicken......................... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Long time until November. Plenty of time for Trump to put his foot in his mouth…, again!

It's funny to watch the left spin this. Even while they could argue that Biden didn't actually "freeze up", Obama is still taking him by the arm and leading him off stage, helping a "nice elderly old man". You can't spin that. It is what it is.
^^^^ One of USMB's premier Republican posters.

Everything that comes from his keyboard is pro-Republican and anti-Democrat.

But he wants us all to pretend it's just happenstance.

* wink, wink *

I have discussed this in another thread on a couple of occasions. But this new piece is worthy of some additional consideration.

I suspect that the “news” is another trial balloon. The DNC may need to obtain a sense of how the electorate (particularly their base) might react to the President suddenly “deciding” to withdraw from the Presidential race.

So here is a link to my post in a related thread which cites a new news article as well as a clip from an Instagram video.

Run Joe run
Yeah, well, Cult 45 revels in conspiracy theories. It's kind of pathetic that you guys are still pushing the Hillary conspiracies after all these years. Every time this woman makes an appearance you tards scramble around screaming, "Look! Look! She's making a play! She's up to something! They're going to put her on the ticket! Just wait! You'll see!"
I think you have to admit that she is as likely a candidate to replace Biden as anyone.
The dems have no one that checks all the boxes they need checked for a candidate

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