If the DNC does persuade Biden to withdraw from his re-election campaign, who is most likely to get the Dem nod?

I posted this a few days ago on one of the debate threads. It is speculation by Steve Forbes, that they will have Biden debate, and that the early debate, is, in fact, a trap for Trump.

This is in an effort to stop Trump's momentum. . . it will make him look like a bully in front of all the aging Boomer demo's, beating up on a clearly aging Biden, at which point, the person they already have in the wings, will come out to rescue Biden as he announce a the next day or two after the debate he is dropping out due to health concerns.

We should know soon after that the front runners by those in the DNC that attack Trump for his viciousness and his attack on Biden. . . and Biden, of course, will play possum, purposely taking it, and playing up his frailness. . . or supposedly, that's Forbes' conspiracy theory on how the DNC will turn this around.....

"Steve Forbes believes that the debate is a trap, goading Trump to look like a bully, just before Biden takes one for the team and withdraws.

. . it's an interesting theory to reverse the downward trending polls.

Jun 11, 2024,06:00am EDT

. . . and he does not appear to be alone in this thinking.

Top pollster suggests it may be time for Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race as approval rating hits ‘all-time low’​

June 10, 2024, 10:13 p.m. ET

Get Ready! They are PLANNING something BIG before the Trump / Biden CNN debate | Redacted Live

The DNC should have set up a fake stroke/heart attack & just pulled pres. Biden out of the executive branch. Now it's too late for the statist left does not want to lose face(pride thing). Against a still competent & AGGRESSIVE Trump one can see how a debate between the two is going to pan out. Even with the debate tailored as best as possible to help pres. Biden weather the storm coming his way that's named Trump, it's obvious what's going to happen. Even without the debate the Biden admin. & it's reckless DEBT $pending, something like 2 Trillion just pissed away during the Biden admin reign, & that's just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on & on but I included some links below that tells the story about pres. Biden & his administration's standing with the American public @ large

I posted this a few days ago on one of the debate threads. It is speculation by Steve Forbes, that they will have Biden debate, and that the early debate, is, in fact, a trap for Trump.

This is in an effort to stop Trump's momentum. . . it will make him look like a bully in front of all the aging Boomer demo's, beating up on a clearly aging Biden, at which point, the person they already have in the wings, will come out to rescue Biden as he announce a the next day or two after the debate he is dropping out due to health concerns.

We should know soon after that the front runners by those in the DNC that attack Trump for his viciousness and his attack on Biden. . . and Biden, of course, will play possum, purposely taking it, and playing up his frailness. . . or supposedly, that's Forbes' conspiracy theory on how the DNC will turn this around.....

"Steve Forbes believes that the debate is a trap, goading Trump to look like a bully, just before Biden takes one for the team and withdraws.

. . it's an interesting theory to reverse the downward trending polls.

Jun 11, 2024,06:00am EDT

. . . and he does not appear to be alone in this thinking.

Top pollster suggests it may be time for Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race as approval rating hits ‘all-time low’​

June 10, 2024, 10:13 p.m. ET

Get Ready! They are PLANNING something BIG before the Trump / Biden CNN debate | Redacted Live


I dont underestimate biden

With luck and strong drugs he can be lucid for 2 hours and really surprise us

Anything is possible
I dont underestimate biden

With luck and strong drugs he can be lucid for 2 hours and really surprise us

Anything is possible

It is at least remotely possible that the ramping up of Biden's senility over the past couple of weeks could be a sucker play to lower the bar.

It's highly unlikely, but you can't rule anything out with these crooks.
the premise is unlikely. i am disappointed in biden's public relations team, but the foreign policy is solid with a statesman like blinken in charge.


War in the Middle East, Ukraine, a burgeoning China; we're kickin' ass!!!
It is at least remotely possible that the ramping up of Biden's senility over the past couple of weeks could be a sucker play to lower the bar.

It's highly unlikely, but you can't rule anything out with these crooks.
Anything is possible, but that is unlikely

I suspect the dems are more afraid of Biden actually becoming the senile vegetable he appears to be than they are of trump who has diarrhea of the mouth
Speaking of sickening irony, I searched for "replace Biden" on Google news. The lead result was about a proposal to replace Harris with Hillary. LOL - it's like they're sitting around thinking, "How can we fuck up our chances even more?"
I dont underestimate biden

With luck and strong drugs he can be lucid for 2 hours and really surprise us

Anything is possible
While I do agree with this, everything has a cost in life. Nothing come for free. You don't go out and binge drink and party, without a cost the next day. . .

. . and the costs? Come heavier the older you are.

It is my firm belief, this is what they did with the State of the Union speech, and the doctors who were in care of him, all probably warned them, that there would be severe repercussions and long term consequences of such a move for a man of his advanced age. . . and now?

We are all seeing it.

Dare they try those shenanigans again?

And we all know that his day to day functioning will then suffer even more. His vital organs and his primary neurological functioning? I really don't believe, can tolerate another stunt like that. . .

We shall see? eh?
I'd be Ok with that.
DeSsantis will crush Harris.
Both the DNC and GOP are corporations.

There is no guarantee they would sub in DeSantis, nor Harris. . . the folks that control the national parties corporate structure make those decisions.

(As we saw with the Bernie Sanders court case.)

More than likely, since Haley stayed in it longer and has more delegates, and since she represents what the billionaires actually want, we would have a Haley vs. Newsome election.
. . . on the bright side, it would not affect RFKjr.'s plans in the least. He would more than likely, get a boost.

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