Dem voters wont get to decide who their nominee is in 2024 !

Quite true IMHO but he still represents a future for humanity because he's at least said that he will end the war against Russia.

And if he succeeds in bringing down democracy in America then at least he's too old to benefit from doing it.
Trump isnt out to bring down democracies ..
and there is the problem ...dems want people to vote they just dont want said voters to be sane or posses even a minuscule amount of common sense ..
All of this is an endless attempt to make people not want to vote.

I am all for waiting for November 2024 when the vote will actually take place and have all who can vote VOTE.

That is the measure of the quality of the candidates, and NOT this endless attempts to stop people from voting.
thats right ! the man that supposedly got more votes than any nominee in history will not be allowed to be the 2024 nominee for POTUS ! and no matter who the democrat voters want it wont matter ! the Tyrannical DNC machine along with help from their msm and social media flunkies are turning on Biden ! and they are turning on him not because of his policies but because of falling poll numbers ! so look for the leftwing media to start doing something that they arent accustomed to doing .. and that something is revealing just a fraction of the problems with the Biden admin ! now they are turning on him not because of his policies ...oh no ! they are turning on him because they are afraid he doesnt paint the physical picture what they want their standard bearer to be ! in other words they believe they would do better not running an aging white man in decline for 2024 ! and guess what! they aint gonna let Harris anywhere near the nomination either ! but what if Biden refuses to drop out of the race ? well the dnc will install a younger more radical candidate to run against him ! and if said candidate runs a good race but still falls a little short of securing the nomination dont worry ! the DNCs super delegates will supplant the will of their voting base !

Does it bother you that you are nuts?
thats right ! the man that supposedly got more votes than any nominee in history will not be allowed to be the 2024 nominee for POTUS ! and no matter who the democrat voters want it wont matter ! the Tyrannical DNC machine along with help from their msm and social media flunkies are turning on Biden ! and they are turning on him not because of his policies but because of falling poll numbers ! so look for the leftwing media to start doing something that they arent accustomed to doing .. and that something is revealing just a fraction of the problems with the Biden admin ! now they are turning on him not because of his policies ...oh no ! they are turning on him because they are afraid he doesnt paint the physical picture what they want their standard bearer to be ! in other words they believe they would do better not running an aging white man in decline for 2024 ! and guess what! they aint gonna let Harris anywhere near the nomination either ! but what if Biden refuses to drop out of the race ? well the dnc will install a younger more radical candidate to run against him ! and if said candidate runs a good race but still falls a little short of securing the nomination dont worry ! the DNCs super delegates will supplant the will of their voting base !

And they will embrace the candidate chosen for them, with uproarious applause. Just like they did last time...
thats right ! the man that supposedly got more votes than any nominee in history will not be allowed to be the 2024 nominee for POTUS ! and no matter who the democrat voters want it wont matter ! the Tyrannical DNC machine along with help from their msm and social media flunkies are turning on Biden ! and they are turning on him not because of his policies but because of falling poll numbers ! so look for the leftwing media to start doing something that they arent accustomed to doing .. and that something is revealing just a fraction of the problems with the Biden admin ! now they are turning on him not because of his policies ...oh no ! they are turning on him because they are afraid he doesnt paint the physical picture what they want their standard bearer to be ! in other words they believe they would do better not running an aging white man in decline for 2024 ! and guess what! they aint gonna let Harris anywhere near the nomination either ! but what if Biden refuses to drop out of the race ? well the dnc will install a younger more radical candidate to run against him ! and if said candidate runs a good race but still falls a little short of securing the nomination dont worry ! the DNCs super delegates will supplant the will of their voting base !

yidnar's mind is breaking.

Trump and Biden, foregoing any unforeseen problems, will be the candidates.

And Dark Brandon will kick Old Orange's ass.
All of this is an endless attempt to make people not want to vote.

I am all for waiting for November 2024 when the vote will actually take place and have all who can vote VOTE.

That is the measure of the quality of the candidates, and NOT this endless attempts to stop people from voting.
nobody is preventing anyone from voting .. and no showing a valid id at the voting stations isnt voter suppression .
of course you are, dear
oh Biden may be the nominee in 2024 but only if your dnc masters allow it ! but its looking like your masters are contemplating instructing you to vote for someone else .
umm ... the southern plantation owners were democrats .
Yes, some were. There were Democrats and Republicans then.

Around the 1930s the Republicans started to think like the Democrats, and the Democrats started thinking like the Republicans.

SOOOO, todays Republicans were the Democrats of the 19th century.

nobody is preventing anyone from voting .. and no showing a valid id at the voting stations isnt voter suppression .
No problems in showing ID and voter ID at voting stations. At all. It is as it should be. Prove that one is a citizen with the right to vote.

But why end mail in ballots, and take away early voting and Post office dropping boxes?

THAT is called voter suppression.
Yes, some were. There were Democrats and Republicans then.

Around the 1930s the Republicans started to think like the Democrats, and the Democrats started thinking like the Republicans.

SOOOO, todays Republicans were the Democrats of the 19th century.

So, the two laughing creatures do not know History and do not want to know about it.

By laughing, which means it did not happen, somehow they are going to make that history disappear.

Nothing like Republicans who do not know and hate who knows American History.
No problems in showing ID and voter ID at voting stations. At all. It is as it should be. Prove that one is a citizen with the right to vote.

But why end mail in ballots, and take away early voting and Post office dropping boxes?

THAT is called voter suppression.
no it isnt ... you can vote early in most states .. with plenty of time to vote before election day ! allowing voting weeks before the candidates even have their 1st debate is ridiculous just look at the fact that Fetterman [ i feel bad for the poor guy] had hundreds of thousands of votes cast for him before he even had his 1st debate and the public got a clear view of the problems he is having .. the fact that the dnc hid said problems from voters tells you allot about your party . and people who are unable to legitimately vote at the polls are allowed to mail in ballots ! certified ballots should be the only ballots accepted ... dont you agree . with that in mind remember Biden [if the den establishment allows him to run ] wont get anywhere near 80 million votes in 2024 ! your next POTUS will be the republican nominee if Biden is the dem nominee and the left is starting to realize that fact !
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no it isnt ... you can vote early in most states .. with plenty of time to vote before election day ! allowing voting weeks before the candidates even have their 1st debate is ridiculous just look at the fact that Fetterman [ i feel bad for the poor guy] had hundreds of thousands of votes cast for him before he even had his 1st debate and the public got a clear view of the problems he is having .. the fact that the dnc hid said problems from voters tells you allot about your party .
Poor response.
Hold on to the Republican talking points.
Poor response.
Hold on to the Republican talking points.
tell me whats poor about said response . and i edited said response while you were posting to further my point . so you may not want to read what i added to the post ..
tell me whats poor about said response . and i edited said response while you were posting to further my point . so you may not want to read what i added to the post ..
Fetterman is fine. The voters have not quit on him and demanded that he resign.

Biden is just fine. Considering that republicans have shown since 2018 that they care about their issues and have been voting for Democratic candidates, as so many voted for Biden in 2020........I do not expect after the latest Supreme Court Decisions, including Roe, that many Republicans are going to want to vote for many Republican candidates.

Way too long a time to be worrying about elections and candidates right now.

People who send mail in ballots, like Trump himself, are only following their right to send a mail in ballot and not go and wait in line for hours. Elderly people and disabled ones do that all the time. Even those who are not elderly or disabled.

They can vote by mail because they went to the Election office in the first place, showed their proof of citizenship and chose to check on receiving a mail in ballot so that they could vote via mail.

And the Republican Party has been thinking about using mail in ballots to make it easier for Republican voters to vote.

Now, what is the next problem ?
You could be giving those Democrats more credit than they deserve. They have a tendency to outdo themselves, or double down on whatever they did last time. This is after all, the third term of Obama by proxy. It's just a continuation of what Obama started.

They're like Judge Smales' kid in the movie Caddyshack...

My fear is that the Democrats will let Biden take the nomination, then force his to pull out of the race, and then the DNC will appoint Obama to the Obama 4th Term.

And before anyone says that Obama can’t serve again, that’s not the Obama I mean.

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