Donations to BLM Go to the DNC

damning evidence that BLM is an anti-white hate group and terrorist organization
Yet another front for ANTIFA.
BLM= anti-civil rights
The acronym is odd. There's a Bureau of Land Management. People got real estate and shit they're selling burial plots at Social Security. The don't want n****s to live in their neighborhood any more than they want whites living there.

Race is all but irrelevant to our real enemies this time around. There's a multicultural New World Order that does not include people on the right.

damning evidence that BLM is an anti-white hate group and terrorist organization
Yet another front for ANTIFA.
BLM= anti-civil rights
The acronym is odd. There's a Bureau of Land Management. People got real estate and shit they're selling burial plots at Social Security. The don't want n****s to live in their neighborhood any more than they want whites living there.

Race is all but irrelevant to our real enemies this time around. There's a multicultural New World Order that does not include people on the right.

Well, that's certainly a disjointed collection of interesting theories. :cuckoo:
Money laundering is one of the Democrats favorite crimes. Hillary and Bill wrote the book with their foundation. Biden carried on the tradition with his shakedown of China and the Ukraine. Democrats disdain for certain laws is what they use to justify their criminal disobedience
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?

Great! IM2 let's figure this out together
You might talk more sense to my friend on FB
who told me "he wasn't trying to redefine Gladys"
but that "she needed to quit the Republican party"
and unite all Blacks to vote out Trump by voting Biden in.

Do you also object to what my friend on FB said?
Do you think you can better redirect this whole issue
he brought up, telling me that "all Blacks should unite with the Democratic Party"???

I am not talking to anyone. Gladys does need to leave the republican party, but if she doesn't so what?

Why do you and some of these white people get so bothered by this? Republicans are anti black, you see that here. So it makes sense, especially in Texas for a black person to say that to another one. Why in the hell do you post this bullshit in a forum full of white who tell us blacks how we are losers. You are asian yourself, you ain't white and 75 percent of the asians in America vote democrat. I don't see you complaining about that here.

So there is nothing for me to say to FB. You go tell some of your asian buddies to join the republican party, you go join the republican party and stop posting white racist narratives about blacks.
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

You weren't donating to them to begin with.
I dont donate to known terrorist organizations. Or the DNC, assuming theres a difference.

This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

You actually donated to them before now?

Born without a sense of humor?

BLM is a shakedown organization. Fortune 500 companies hand them buckets of cash which they use to elect Democrats.

Democracy always leads to this b
BLM is a shakedown organization. Fortune 500 companies hand them buckets of cash which they use to elect Democrats.

Democracy always leads to this b
Actblue and BLM are 501c3. They are prohibited from political work.

Yet they do

Where's Barr?
This is money laundering! BLM wont get another dime from me!

Thanks Death Angel
I checked online and yes, the donation page does state that it is linked to ActBlue.

This is very sad.

I posted it on Facebook with the following comment
about a possible SOLUTION we could propose to resolve this issue
of Democrats claiming to represent Blacks:
I had two friends complain about me supporting Republicans,
and that if I support preserving Freedmen's Town Black history
and Gladys House, the Black business leader and descendant of
Freed Slave founders there, then I should "tell her to quit the
Republican Party" and go unite "all Blacks with the Democrats"
to vote for Biden and vote out Trump in November.

My first two replies were
(1) Why are you as a White Man trying to tell a Black Woman
she needs to quit the Republican Party to define herself?
(2) Why are you using Blacks for benefits of the
Democratic Party instead of the other way around? !!!!!

But after getting the second complaint, I'm thinking:
Would it help to quit splitting the Black vote, if we did allow all Blacks
to take over the Democratic Party? And use that for resolving all issues
regarding Blacks, Reparations and Police and Govt problems with class
disparity and equal protections for Blacks? What do YOU think of that idea!

(3) What if we demanded that all Whites HAND OVER control of the
Democratic Party to BLACKS to represent themselves, and only appoint,
elect or hire people they AGREE represents them. Would that solve the
problem with Democrats? Ask all Jewish people to LEAVE THAT PARTY
and unite with Republicans in support of Israel, so that vote isn't divided.

their own Constitutional govt and financial systems, schools and prisons
converted into teaching hospitals and jobs to help rebuild their communities.

Would that stop all the confusion over who is co-opting the Black Vote?
By letting all Blacks take over so they control the Democratic Party and
force all Whites and Jews to either follow that leadership or leave if they prefer.
Why do you repeat white racist narratives?

And you do understand that black Jews exist don't you?

Great! IM2 let's figure this out together
You might talk more sense to my friend on FB
who told me "he wasn't trying to redefine Gladys"
but that "she needed to quit the Republican party"
and unite all Blacks to vote out Trump by voting Biden in.

Do you also object to what my friend on FB said?
Do you think you can better redirect this whole issue
he brought up, telling me that "all Blacks should unite with the Democratic Party"???

I am not talking to anyone. Gladys does need to leave the republican party, but if she doesn't so what?

Why do you and some of these white people get so bothered by this? Republicans are anti black, you see that here. So it makes sense, especially in Texas for a black person to say that to another one. Why in the hell do you post this bullshit in a forum full of white who tell us blacks how we are losers. You are asian yourself, you ain't white and 75 percent of the asians in America vote democrat. I don't see you complaining about that here.

So there is nothing for me to say to FB. You go tell some of your asian buddies to join the republican party, you go join the republican party and stop posting white racist narratives about blacks.

Dear IM2
(1) I am AGREEING with you and asking my Democrat friend WHY is HE insisting that
Gladys quit the Republicans and vote Democrats in. I don't get that either!
That's why I'm asking YOU since YOU also said I needed to stop supporting "Republican" crap.
What is it?

(2) YES, I complain all the time about Freedmen's Town and the Mayor
to my father's friend in the Vietnamese community who had direct contact with him and past Mayors.

So YES I did complain to the highest best connections I had with the Asian community with pull with the Democrats
to try to save that district to use for the campus plans to change everything else.

IM2 my connections are not on this forum.
You are, Asclepias is. And a few Vets or Libertarians who offered to support the FT vet housing and campus project.
I am here for SOLUTIONS, but got stuck on this issue with Gladys or "who is a Republican"

The Asians I know work with either one, and don't have these issues.
My father's friend works with Conservative and Republican lawyers, and yes
I have constantly asked for help.

The Republicans seem to be "waiting on BLACKS" to get their act together first.
The BLACK MEN are most divided, everyone else seems to be waiting on that!

IM2 don't you agree that if all the BLACK MEN and BLACK LEADERS UNITED
then it wouldn't matter what "Asians or Whites" or Republicans said.

The Asians I know don't have these issues, and can run their own businesses
WITHOUT getting abused and smashed like the Black businesses and churches
pressured to give up or get cheated out of their property and land. The Asians
run their own Viet towns and China towns, but the Black wards have been
targeted and destroyed.

So that's why I've been trying to help the people and groups who have
ASKED for my help, and a lot of these are the Black women and community activists
fighting to save their community programs torn apart by corporate politics.

Most of the people at KPFT and the Peace and Justice community
that have the best solutions to solve these problems have been
organized around the Black history, churches and prison reforms
affecting more Black and Latino minorities than Asians.

The solutions like the campus plan came from the BLACK community
in Freedmen's Town, so that's where I have focused and brought everything
else into that general plan for democratizing districts to be sustainable.

IM2 it wasn't the Asians who developed that plan.
It was BLACK community leaders I volunteered with:
This article is retarded. It's an organization built to raise money for Democrats, so it has only contributes to Democrats. That doesn't make it an illegal funding arm of the DNC.

Not sure, but I think the point is if you donate to BLM to support that organization, then that's where the money should stay, within BLM

Instead it goes thru ActBlue

From what I can tell by their Wikipedia page they're just a service candidates use like a GoFundMe for Democrats. They charge the groups that use them a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The OP suggests it's a money laundering scheme by the DNC.

Now HERE'S a concept.
Why not petition ActBlue to donate that 3.95 processing fee
BACK to rebuilding BLACK ownership of businesses and
property in the areas destroyed by rioting and looting debunks the hoax too. This thread is Rubber Room material.

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