Don't Be Hoodwinked By Trumps UAE-Israel Deal, It's A Sham

The Arab League rejected your position.

Arab League rejects Palestinian demand to condemn Israel-UAE deal
The Arab league’s refusal to endorse the draft resolution is considered a severe blow to the Palestinians.

The Arab League on Wednesday refused to endorse a Palestinian draft resolution condemning the United Arab Emirates for its normalization agreement with Israel, a move that is a severe blow to the Palestinians, Ramallah officials said.

Trump just makes better deals.

PROGRESS: F-35 Stealth Fighter Now Costs Less Than Boeing’s F-15EX. “Moreover, the aircraft’s maker, Lockheed Martin, has also done its part to bring the sustainability cost per flying hour down by some 40 percent—meaning that the F-35 costs less to fly per hour, which is notable as the hours flown each year are set to increase.”

Moreover, the F-35 also costs less to fly per hour, which is notable as the hours flown each year are set to increase.

The F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter is the most lethal and versatile aircraft of the modern era. Three unique variants have been produced so that the aircraft can fit the needs of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and United States Marine Corps. It is an agile aircraft that has radar-jamming abilities, supersonic speed and stealth capabilities. It has been widely adopted by American allies and partners and could remain in service well into the 2070s.

DoD has been able to leverage its buying power and that has driven down the cost of each F-35A to around $80 million a full year earlier than planned. That means the fifth-generation F-35 now costs less than the F-15EX, a less capable but still significantly updated fourth-generation aircraft, which costs around $88 million each.

The United Arab Emirates plans to acquire the F-35.

It's kinda sad that some folks think their feelings are more important than world peace.

Since the F-22 is out of service, the F-35 is the single most expensive plane in the world to fly.

  • The F-22A and the F-35A have an hourly operating cost of $33,538 and $28,455 respectively.
  • The A-10 which costs just under $6,000 every hour.
  • The F-16, hourly operating costs of around $8,000.
  • The AV-8B Harrier in the air comes to around $13,700
  • Two-Seat FA-18F costs somewhere in the region of $10,500.

It's kinda sad that some folks think their feelings are more important than world peace.

Israel is illegal confiscating Palestinian homes and farms.
That is not peaceful by any definition.
The Arab League rejected your position.

Arab League rejects Palestinian demand to condemn Israel-UAE deal
The Arab league’s refusal to endorse the draft resolution is considered a severe blow to the Palestinians.

The Arab League on Wednesday refused to endorse a Palestinian draft resolution condemning the United Arab Emirates for its normalization agreement with Israel, a move that is a severe blow to the Palestinians, Ramallah officials said.

Trump just makes better deals.

PROGRESS: F-35 Stealth Fighter Now Costs Less Than Boeing’s F-15EX. “Moreover, the aircraft’s maker, Lockheed Martin, has also done its part to bring the sustainability cost per flying hour down by some 40 percent—meaning that the F-35 costs less to fly per hour, which is notable as the hours flown each year are set to increase.”

Moreover, the F-35 also costs less to fly per hour, which is notable as the hours flown each year are set to increase.

The F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter is the most lethal and versatile aircraft of the modern era. Three unique variants have been produced so that the aircraft can fit the needs of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and United States Marine Corps. It is an agile aircraft that has radar-jamming abilities, supersonic speed and stealth capabilities. It has been widely adopted by American allies and partners and could remain in service well into the 2070s.

DoD has been able to leverage its buying power and that has driven down the cost of each F-35A to around $80 million a full year earlier than planned. That means the fifth-generation F-35 now costs less than the F-15EX, a less capable but still significantly updated fourth-generation aircraft, which costs around $88 million each.

The United Arab Emirates plans to acquire the F-35.

It's kinda sad that some folks think their feelings are more important than world peace.

The F-22 is still in service.
No they aren't

Yes they are.
It has been the Land of Canaan from about 8000 BC.
The Hebrew did not invade from the Sinai until around 1000 BC, and only ruled about 250 years before being kicked out by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
The Hebrew were NEVER the natives, NEVER a majority, and NEVER the rightful owners.
The Romans brought them back around 150 BC as puppets, but King Herod was actually a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
Judea was fake.
And that only lasted until the Jewish rebellion around 70 AD.
By 150 AD, all the Jews had been kicked out, and were in Saudi Arabia, where they later allied with Mohammad.
Yes they are.
It has been the Land of Canaan from about 8000 BC.
The Hebrew did not invade from the Sinai until around 1000 BC, and only ruled about 250 years before being kicked out by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
The Hebrew were NEVER the natives, NEVER a majority, and NEVER the rightful owners.
The Romans brought them back around 150 BC as puppets, but King Herod was actually a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
Judea was fake.
And that only lasted until the Jewish rebellion around 70 AD.
By 150 AD, all the Jews had been kicked out, and were in Saudi Arabia, where they later allied with Mohammad.

Palestinian, as a name doesn't exist until Roman times. Genetically they trace their origins to the southern Sinai peninsula.
The F-22 is still in service.

They keep trying to kill it because it costs so much, but apparently there is no finished replacement yet.
But they are working on one, the NGAD.

The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) is the United States Air Force (USAF) sixth-generation fighter program with a goal of fielding a "family of systems" that would eventually succeed the Lockheed Martin F-22. The fighter aircraft aspect of the program has also been referred to as the F-X or Penetrating Counter-Air (PCA).
Palestinian, as a name doesn't exist until Roman times. Genetically they trace their origins to the southern Sinai peninsula.

Palestine is referenced everywhere, at all times.
It is even in the Bible.
It is contained in letter from Egypt and Greece.
The Palestinians likely started out as the People of the Sea, like the Hyksos, the Phoenicians, the Philistines, etc.
But the inland cultures are much older, like the Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Nabatians,

And NO, the Palestinians most definitely do NOT come from the Sinai.
That is where the Hebrew come from.
The UN won't let that happen.
The whole rest of the world has stated over and over how Israel is the perpetrator.

The Palestinians have never been the problem.
If the Palestinians were the problem, then why did the Zionists murder the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, and gun down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte?
They why did they start massacring all the Arab villages near the West Bank, as reported by Albert Einstein?
And what can you have against the Palestinians?
They are the natives of over 8000 years in the Land of Canaan.

Bull pucky... they are descents of Arabs who arrived in the region 3700 years AFTER The Jews.

So you believe Indians stole America from the white man?
The UN won't let that happen.
The whole rest of the world has stated over and over how Israel is the perpetrator.

The Palestinians have never been the problem.
If the Palestinians were the problem, then why did the Zionists murder the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, and gun down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte?
They why did they start massacring all the Arab villages near the West Bank, as reported by Albert Einstein?
you have a link to Albert Einstein's putative claim
that DA JOOOS were massacring all the arab
villages near the West Bank
The Palestinians have been invaded and are attempting to liberate their occupied country.
That totally justifies anything they can think of doing.
It is never terrorism when you are fighting an illegal occupier who has invaded your country illegally.
There is absolutely nothing legitimate about Israel.
As a Jew I can tell you that even going to the Mideast before the coming of the Messiah, is a sin. are out of your mind...the Pals are un-indstrious/lazy/violent/TERRORISTS/etc just like the blacks
...everything you just posted is total babble crap are out of your mind...the Pals are un-indstrious/lazy/violent/TERRORISTS/etc just like the blacks
...everything you just posted is total babble crap
be glad we have Rigsie, Harmonica. He provides a glimpse into islamo-nazi propaganda. I have been criticized for using the term 'islamo-nazi' ----but lots
of it REALLY was generated by actual nazi war criminals who escaped the Nuremburg Trials to
muslim lands and other bona-fide nazis living
in muslim lands SINCE the 1930s---especially Syria and Egypt. I read the stuff since I was a kid (I is a
post war baby boomer)----- The sleazy stuff
existed ALL OVER my suburban home town----which
was an ex nazi enclave. -----in fact located next to
the town of the famous nazi THOMAS EDISON---to
wit ---Edison, New Jersey. In that literature the word "zionism" was already a pejorative in the 1930s and HOLOCAUST denial (in the midst of the Holocaust) was a very important "message" as
usual libels from "international banking" to cooking
with baby blood. There were all kinds of really silly
accusations. In New Jersey---fluoridation of drinking water never happened-----because it is a ZIONIST
PLOT. I ran into the term "DUALIE" about 1960
be glad we have Rigsie, Harmonica. He provides a glimpse into islamo-nazi propaganda. I have been criticized for using the term 'islamo-nazi' ----but lots
of it REALLY was generated by actual nazi war criminals who escaped the Nuremburg Trials to
muslim lands and other bona-fide nazis living
in muslim lands SINCE the 1930s---especially Syria and Egypt. I read the stuff since I was a kid (I is a
post war baby boomer)----- The sleazy stuff
existed ALL OVER my suburban home town----which
was an ex nazi enclave. -----in fact located next to
the town of the famous nazi THOMAS EDISON---to
wit ---Edison, New Jersey. In that literature the word "zionism" was already a pejorative in the 1930s and HOLOCAUST denial (in the midst of the Holocaust) was a very important "message" as
usual libels from "international banking" to cooking
with baby blood. There were all kinds of really silly
accusations. In New Jersey---fluoridation of drinking water never happened-----because it is a ZIONIST
PLOT. I ran into the term "DUALIE" about 1960
terrorism is part of their culture --I've linked it many times before
be glad we have Rigsie, Harmonica. He provides a glimpse into islamo-nazi propaganda. I have been criticized for using the term 'islamo-nazi' ----but lots
of it REALLY was generated by actual nazi war criminals who escaped the Nuremburg Trials to
muslim lands and other bona-fide nazis living
in muslim lands SINCE the 1930s---especially Syria and Egypt. I read the stuff since I was a kid (I is a
post war baby boomer)----- The sleazy stuff
existed ALL OVER my suburban home town----which
was an ex nazi enclave. -----in fact located next to
the town of the famous nazi THOMAS EDISON---to
wit ---Edison, New Jersey. In that literature the word "zionism" was already a pejorative in the 1930s and HOLOCAUST denial (in the midst of the Holocaust) was a very important "message" as
usual libels from "international banking" to cooking
with baby blood. There were all kinds of really silly
accusations. In New Jersey---fluoridation of drinking water never happened-----because it is a ZIONIST
PLOT. I ran into the term "DUALIE" about 1960

Do you have the names of these Nazis who moved to Syria and Egypt? There have always been conspiracy theories.
Do you have the names of these Nazis who moved to Syria and Egypt? There have always been conspiracy theories.
there were lots---off the top of my head one comes
to mind ALOIS BRUNNER. syria. I am well past
70------my mind ain't so sharp anymore-----HOWEVER you know that there were nazis in both
Egypt and Syria----your "query" is an obvious diversion
there were lots---off the top of my head one comes
to mind ALOIS BRUNNER. syria. I am well past
70------my mind ain't so sharp anymore-----HOWEVER you know that there were nazis in both
Egypt and Syria----your "query" is an obvious diversion
PS---another one comes to mind JOHANN VON
LEERS----Egypt. High ranking nazi under you know
there were lots---off the top of my head one comes
to mind ALOIS BRUNNER. syria. I am well past
70------my mind ain't so sharp anymore-----HOWEVER you know that there were nazis in both
Egypt and Syria----your "query" is an obvious diversion
Surely you know that your all time FAVE "doctor" Josef Mengele-----lived like an EMIR in Cairo----compliments of Baathist Gamel Abdel Nasser

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