Dont blame me for all those black deaths in the inner cities, blame the guy who thinks he is a God. George Soros at it again.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Soros hands $1 million to group attempting to defund police as violent crime skyrockets nationwide
Soros sent the million dollars via his Color Of Change PAC on May 14, according to Federal Election Commission files obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The organization describes itself as "the nation’s largest online racial justice organization" and actively engages in efforts to defund police departments such as spreading an online petition calling for "divesting from and dismantling the systems that unjustly harm
George Soros when young worked for the Nazi's. Nothing has changed about George because he doesnt give a shit about mankind, especially blacks, he only cares about his godhood. It is all a game to him.
How did this Soros creep become a US citizen? I thought there were some morals requirements. He must have paid someone off but I guess that's what he does for everything he wants. It's probably high time to investigate the money trails that accompany all his shady dealings. The man is buying government, bribing crooked people and getting away with it.
George Soros when young worked for the Nazi's. Nothing has changed about George because he doesnt give a shit about mankind, especially blacks, he only cares about his godhood. It is all a game to him.

George Soros is hiding under your bed and he's going to get you tonight!!!!
How did this Soros creep become a US citizen? I thought there were some morals requirements. He must have paid someone off but I guess that's what he does for everything he wants. It's probably high time to investigate the money trails that accompany all his shady dealings. The man is buying government, bribing crooked people and getting away with it.
Ummmn..... Can you point to anything Soros has done wrong?
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His money elected my state AG, Shapiro, who defied our constitution and helped Democrats steal the state of Pa. His money also helped elect many other totalitarian, globalist robber barons like himself.
You are free to support the candidate of your choice

Even if he isn’t Republican
You are free to support the candidate of your choice

Even if he isn’t Republican
That's right. This is America, where our forefathers expected us to defend our form of government which is not Marxism. Americans are expected to defend their way of life, especially against totalitarian Democrat interlopers who would enslave everyone except the ruling class.
Soros hands $1 million to group attempting to defund police as violent crime skyrockets nationwide George Soros when young worked for the Nazi's. Nothing has changed about George because he doesnt give a shit about mankind, especially blacks, he only cares about his godhood. It is all a game to him.
But that is virtually the same rhetoric you use against any Democrat! I recall being told by you white-rights that we thought Obama was "the Messiah". And of course all of us Jeffersonian progressive liberals are really "Nazis, fascists, Communists and globalists," all at once, and that's quite a trick.

Do you even understand what "defund" (a bad choice of word, admittedly) means? It does not mean eliminate Police. It means that in some cases it should be social workers or shrinks who answer calls, instead of or alongside armed cops. It would put USA policing more in line with that of many other developed nations, the more advanced ones, the demosocialist ones like UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc. You know, all those Commie Marxist globalists.
That's right. This is America, where our forefathers expected us to defend our form of government which is not Marxism. Americans are expected to defend their way of life, especially against totalitarian Democrat interlopers who would enslave everyone except the ruling class.
This is dangerous and treasonous rhetoric. The Democratic Party is not "Marxist". All you reveal is that you have no clue what "Marxism" is. Totalitarian? Enslave? Fool, it is the Republcans who work for corporate hegemony. They've really pulled the wool over your eyes... Corporate rule is fascist rule. You think govt can't be trusted but you trust corporations? Who the hell elected THEM to run the country? Well... anyone who treasonously votes Republican, that's who.
His money elected my state AG, Shapiro, who defied our constitution and helped Democrats steal the state of Pa. His money also helped elect many other totalitarian, globalist robber barons like himself.
The state of PA was not stolen, you are repeating treasonous lies. Totalitarian? Globalist? You have little idea what words actually mean, apparently.

Do you consider the Koch Bros. to be totalitarian, globalist, robber barons? I mean they support corporate hegemony, which is fascism... but of course you're a fascist so no problem, right?

It's called TREASON
But that is virtually the same rhetoric you use against any Democrat! I recall being told by you white-rights that we thought Obama was "the Messiah". And of course all of us Jeffersonian progressive liberals are really "Nazis, fascists, Communists and globalists," all at once, and that's quite a trick.

Do you even understand what "defund" (a bad choice of word, admittedly) means? It does not mean eliminate Police. It means that in some cases it should be social workers or shrinks who answer calls, instead of or alongside armed cops. It would put USA policing more in line with that of many other developed nations, the more advanced ones, the demosocialist ones like UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc. You know, all those Commie Marxist globalists.
Wasnt those on the right calling the brown turd Obammy the Messaih, it was you prog slaves,.


Also indoctrinating the kids to see him as their god.

As for releasing BLM/ANTIFA on minority businesses murdering blacks and burning down their stores, it used to be Southern White Democrats but now it is both progressive blacks and whites doing the same thing. Joseph Goebel couldnt do to America what you lefties have done..
The state of PA was not stolen, you are repeating treasonous lies. Totalitarian? Globalist? You have little idea what words actually mean, apparently.

Do you consider the Koch Bros. to be totalitarian, globalist, robber barons? I mean they support corporate hegemony, which is fascism... but of course you're a fascist so no problem, right?

It's called TREASON
How is it at 2am when everyone was supposed to be closed down, and no more tallies report with President Trump 10s of thousands of votes ahead, and then miraculously Joe Biden wins all the contended states? Because you fuckers dont have any policies that concerned citizens are for, so you MUST, lie, steal and cheat to win.

This is dangerous and treasonous rhetoric. The Democratic Party is not "Marxist". All you reveal is that you have no clue what "Marxism" is. Totalitarian? Enslave? Fool, it is the Republcans who work for corporate hegemony. They've really pulled the wool over your eyes... Corporate rule is fascist rule. You think govt can't be trusted but you trust corporations? Who the hell elected THEM to run the country? Well... anyone who treasonously votes Republican, that's who.
You are just an uneducated moron, who has his head shove up Uranus so far that you just cant accept that your side is totally fucked in the brain, like you. As a slave you must defend your prog masters because if you dont they might not give you a $1,400 check for your support...Such a sorry ass you are.
Wasnt those on the right calling the brown turd Obammy the Messaih, it was you prog slaves,.

View attachment 517541

Also indoctrinating the kids to see him as their god.

As for releasing BLM/ANTIFA on minority businesses murdering blacks and burning down their stores, it used to be Southern White Democrats but now it is both progressive blacks and whites doing the same thing. Joseph Goebel couldnt do to America what you lefties have done..

HOw was that different than Republicans teaching their kids to worship a cutout of Geo. W. Bush.


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