"Dont call an ambulance, I cant afford it"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
A woman got her leg caught in the gap of an Orange Line train — and then begged for no ambulance because of the cost - The Boston Globe

When a 45-year-old woman’s leg became caught in the gap between an Orange Line train and the platform Friday afternoon, she was in agony. The cut on her leg went down to the bone.

Beyond her pain, she had another fear. Shaking and crying, she begged people not to call an ambulance. “Do you know how much an ambulance costs?” she wept.

Her fellow passengers rushed to her aid. One man stood behind her so she could lean on him. Another passenger placed a cold bottle of water to her leg. And at least 10 people pushed on the car together, moving it just enough for the woman to pull free, according to a video of the accident the MBTA released Monday.

Wow, you have to pay for the ambulance ?
Ambulance is free. The workers donate the time and corporations donate all the equipment.
That woman is obviously stupid.
A woman got her leg caught in the gap of an Orange Line train — and then begged for no ambulance because of the cost - The Boston Globe

When a 45-year-old woman’s leg became caught in the gap between an Orange Line train and the platform Friday afternoon, she was in agony. The cut on her leg went down to the bone.

Beyond her pain, she had another fear. Shaking and crying, she begged people not to call an ambulance. “Do you know how much an ambulance costs?” she wept.

Her fellow passengers rushed to her aid. One man stood behind her so she could lean on him. Another passenger placed a cold bottle of water to her leg. And at least 10 people pushed on the car together, moving it just enough for the woman to pull free, according to a video of the accident the MBTA released Monday.

Wow, you have to pay for the ambulance ?
You have to pay for the Hearse too.
I'd like to know how many ambulance rides the gov't pays for.

As a volunteer fire fighter I know there are dozens of people we have put into ambulances that did not have insurance, driver's licenses, or even a legal right to be here.

I don't remember the figures, but there are homeless in Austin who have racked up 7 figures in medical expenses by laying on the sidewalk unresponsive. Forcing police to put them into ambulances that take them to emergency rooms where they sleep off whatever drug they were on. Some of them just do it to sleep in a bed with A/C.

I was in an emergency room years ago and saw dozens of filthy homeless people on stretchers along the hallways and wondered if there wasn't some pandemic that had not made the news yet.

The nurse told me it's a nightly sight. Some of them have done it nearly every night, for years. Legally the ambulances have to pick them up, the hospitals have to bring them in, and doctors have to examine them.

Makes you wonder how much cheaper EVERYTHING in the medial industry might be if the feds didn't force private hospitals and ambulances to waste so much money on the same several dozen people. The government that enforces that law pays a fraction of that cost, leaving the industry to find ways to compensate itself for the tremendous loss.

Want lower HC costs?

Get the fucking government's foot off the throats of the industry.

Period, end of fucking story.

A woman got her leg caught in the gap of an Orange Line train — and then begged for no ambulance because of the cost - The Boston Globe

When a 45-year-old woman’s leg became caught in the gap between an Orange Line train and the platform Friday afternoon, she was in agony. The cut on her leg went down to the bone.

Beyond her pain, she had another fear. Shaking and crying, she begged people not to call an ambulance. “Do you know how much an ambulance costs?” she wept.

Her fellow passengers rushed to her aid. One man stood behind her so she could lean on him. Another passenger placed a cold bottle of water to her leg. And at least 10 people pushed on the car together, moving it just enough for the woman to pull free, according to a video of the accident the MBTA released Monday.

Wow, you have to pay for the ambulance ?
Several hundred dollars.
Ambulance staff see some horrific sights and are all real gentlemen, and that includes the girls.

When I cut my head open in school they even put the siren on to keep me amused. Great experience.

In Georgian England there was no National Fire Service. They were all run by the insurance commpanies. If they turned up at your house and you were with a different company they would not help you.

This sounds like a variant on that.

You cant leave people bleeding and in pain in the street.
When my brother crashed his car, he was sent by helicopter despite being dead. My mother is STILL getting $50,000+ bills addressed to him.

Personally...just let me bleed out.

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