Don't eat pork, or leave home for food on the Sabbath


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Cable's been out now for about 40 minutes. I knew when I went out for pork fried rice yesterday I was breaking two commandments. But I was jonesin' for Chinese. Took Him a while, but G-d got even zapping my cable. :) Never doubt G-d works in mysterious ways.
Hell doesn't exist in Judaism. The early Catholics invented it out of thin air. Think G-d just makes us eat nothing but pork for a few millenia. :)
Christians are not bound by the laws of the OT under the New Covenant. Also, God supposedly declared this once unclean food clean in a dream to Peter.
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Christians are not bound by the laws of the OT under the New Covenant. Also, God supposedly declared this once unclean food clean in a dream to Peter.

The dream of Peter was confirmation from God that the dietary Laws are not about what you eat or serve for dinner.

As Jesus clearly taught, the law, all of it, will remain in effect and in full force for as long as heaven and earth endure.

Jesus freed believers from the burden of the law which is the death consequent for failure to comply by revealing that the words used in the law are figurative in nature and the subjects hidden opening the door to the only right way to understand and follow the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life that had been lost to time ever since the death of Moses.

What became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus was the thousand year tradition of a compulsory observance of a literal interpretation and application of Mosaic law under penalty of physical death.

Followers of Jesus are not bound to follow a literal interpretation of the law but are bound by the command of Jesus to follow the law according to the sublime teaching conveyed in the command to 'eat my flesh and drink my blood.'

Unless you eat his flesh, accept this teaching from God that the words used are figurative and the subjects hidden, and drink his blood, conform to the law accordingly, you cannot have the life promised for obedience to the Law in you.
Cable came back on. Finally got fed up with it and started tinkering around in the tv's on-screen menus and settings when I noticed the tv channel was on 5 instead of 4, clicking it down to 4 I noticed it was back on. Seems when it went out, the tv did a channel scan thing bumping the default channel up. Coulda been on only minutes after going off for all I know. :) G-d has a sense of humour it seems. :)
Christians are not bound by the laws of the OT under the New Covenant. Also, God supposedly declared this once unclean food clean in a dream to Peter.

Big time Amen!!! The Old Covenant was conditional and an agreement between God and the 12 tribes of Israel + nobody. That Covenant ended when God divorced Israel and sent her into dispersion. Christians are bound by the New Covenant that NEVER commands anyone to abstain from any particular food and NEVER commands anyone to rest on Saturday.

Jesus Christ has become our rest.

Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

The above rest takes place any day of the week.
Cable came back on. Finally got fed up with it and started tinkering around in the tv's on-screen menus and settings when I noticed the tv channel was on 5 instead of 4, clicking it down to 4 I noticed it was back on. Seems when it went out, the tv did a channel scan thing bumping the default channel up. Coulda been on only minutes after going off for all I know. :) G-d has a sense of humour it seems. :)

That's nice but now I've got a cold. I never get colds, never get sick. Not ever. Haven't had a cold since the 90s and, damn, this cold seems to be a doozy.

There's only one possible explanation:

I didn't want to go to Boston. I stayed home, just me and the critters, kicked back, worked on the projects I've been putting off and really having a great time.

So, the combo airplane/toddler cold was brought home to me.

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] --If you had told me this was going to happen, I'd-a gone to Boston!
Cable came back on. Finally got fed up with it and started tinkering around in the tv's on-screen menus and settings when I noticed the tv channel was on 5 instead of 4, clicking it down to 4 I noticed it was back on. Seems when it went out, the tv did a channel scan thing bumping the default channel up. Coulda been on only minutes after going off for all I know. :) G-d has a sense of humour it seems. :)

That's nice but now I've got a cold. I never get colds, never get sick. Not ever. Haven't had a cold since the 90s and, damn, this cold seems to be a doozy.

There's only one possible explanation:

I didn't want to go to Boston. I stayed home, just me and the critters, kicked back, worked on the projects I've been putting off and really having a great time.

So, the combo airplane/toddler cold was brought home to me.

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] --If you had told me this was going to happen, I'd-a gone to Boston!

Well now you know better than to put bacon bits on your salad.
Christians are not bound by the laws of the OT under the New Covenant. Also, God supposedly declared this once unclean food clean in a dream to Peter.

Big time Amen!!! The Old Covenant was conditional and an agreement between God and the 12 tribes of Israel + nobody. That Covenant ended when God divorced Israel and sent her into dispersion. Christians are bound by the New Covenant that NEVER commands anyone to abstain from any particular food and NEVER commands anyone to rest on Saturday.

Jesus Christ has become our rest.

Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

The above rest takes place any day of the week.

The law was given to the Jewish people as a light to the nations which is + everybody.

The new covenant is what was a new way to interpret and apply Mosaic law that Jesus learned from God in words that became flesh, teaching, that Jesus gave for the life of the world.

So in a way you are right, followers of Jesus do not have to worry about what to make or serve for dinner, but the dietary laws were never about that, so, if you eat the unclean flesh of lower beasts that do not ruminate your mind will be defiled and contaminated and you will degenerate into a creature that cannot ruminate.

Conforming to the law in this light is the work you must do every day if you are a believer in Jesus..

If you do, there will be plenty of time to rest when you are dead.
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Cable came back on. Finally got fed up with it and started tinkering around in the tv's on-screen menus and settings when I noticed the tv channel was on 5 instead of 4, clicking it down to 4 I noticed it was back on. Seems when it went out, the tv did a channel scan thing bumping the default channel up. Coulda been on only minutes after going off for all I know. :) G-d has a sense of humour it seems. :)

That's nice but now I've got a cold. I never get colds, never get sick. Not ever. Haven't had a cold since the 90s and, damn, this cold seems to be a doozy.

There's only one possible explanation:

I didn't want to go to Boston. I stayed home, just me and the critters, kicked back, worked on the projects I've been putting off and really having a great time.

So, the combo airplane/toddler cold was brought home to me.

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] --If you had told me this was going to happen, I'd-a gone to Boston!

Well now you know better than to put bacon bits on your salad.

Dang, he/she really IS a vengeful gawd, moving in mysterious ways and all that.
Last time I was sick was courtesy of my sister-in-law who was in school getting some certificate or other. Living alone, I'm rarely around other people (bit of a recluse) and as I like to joke, smoking kills off most all germs here. :) But I got the flu that was going around and was bed-ridden feeling like death. Never been so sick. So now she's not allowed to come over, and when she says she's sick I only half-jokingly covery my nose n mouth around her. Should get some kind of voodoo warding thing to shake at her, "Begone woman! Take your cooties far from the things of Man." :)

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