Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The US tax payers are funding the construction of a concrete and steel border wall in Jordan.....Pelosi knows this and so does Schumer....and if CNN was a righteous news agency instead of a propaganda machine you all would know it too....
Trump must stand firm on this. Otherwise Ann Coulter will make fun of him again.
We're not falling for this being a "negotiation" where the democrats give anything at all....In the world of Daily Kooks, "negotiation" is where republicans cave and democrats get nearly everything they want.
When you are negotiating with a hostage taker the only option you offer them is to give up.
We're not falling for this being a "negotiation" where the democrats give anything at all....In the world of Daily Kooks, "negotiation" is where republicans cave and democrats get nearly everything they want.
When you are negotiating with a hostage taker the only option you offer them is to give up.
Trump must stand firm on this. Otherwise Ann Coulter will make fun of him again.
It was a lie that Coulter or Rush caused Trump to pull his offer off the table...that offer was only good before the shut down....when Pelosi said no money for the wall that offer went out of the room with Pence....then the dishonest media placed the blame on a talk show host....and this buffoon swallowed it....
We American taxpayers are being asked to pay for something we never asked for and were told that somebody else (Mexico) was going to pay for. A campaign promise made by a candidate most Americans did not vote for.

And now that man is holding the federal government hostage. He could not get Mexico to foot the bill and he could not get a Republican House of Representatives and a Republican Senate to pay for either.

Now, with Democrats holding the purse strings, he knows that his tentpole issue is as dead as fried chicken. So, the Master Dealmaker, the Champion Negociator is holding his breath until he turns blue. Holding up the government he leads, holding American taxpayers feet to the fire to appease his narrow and shrinking base of supporters.

This is a hostage situation and the hostages are us.
We American taxpayers are being asked to pay for something we never asked for and were told that somebody else (Mexico) was going to pay for. A campaign promise made by a candidate most Americans did not vote for.

And now that man is holding the federal government hostage. He could not get Mexico to foot the bill and he could not get a Republican House of Representatives and a Republican Senate to pay for either.

Now, with Democrats holding the purse strings, he knows that his tentpole issue is as dead as fried chicken. So, the Master Dealmaker, the Champion Negociator is holding his breath until he turns blue. Holding up the government he leads, holding American taxpayers feet to the fire to appease his narrow and shrinking base of supporters.

This is a hostage situation and the hostages are us.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

it is a hostage situation, because trying to get a deal on border security and keeping the government open and working are separate issues, unless one is wanting to get attanetion and...

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.

No one needs a wall, but Trump - because he promised.

America has border security, and can improve upon it or repair parts of it.

It is beyond stupid. Today, what did Trump offer. Did he walk in to the situation room and make an offer about the dreamers? Did he offer to lower the request for more than five billion dollars? What kind of "deal" did the great "dealmaker" propose?

Nothing. He offered nothing. He asked for his wall, he was told no, and then he all but fell down on the floor kicking and screaming like a two year old denied his request for a sucker. He is the most worthless human being to ever grace the halls of the White House, a national disgrace, an embarrassment.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.
You need a wall like a toddler needs a blankie.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.
You need a wall like a toddler needs a blankie.

You need free shit, everyone knows that.

With these third worlders taking over the country there soon won't be any to go around. You are only shooting yourself in the foot.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.
You need a wall like a toddler needs a blankie.

You need free shit, everyone knows that.

With these third worlders taking over the country there soon won't be any to go around. You are only shooting yourself in the foot.
You still have not come to terms with the fact that this is the Trump shutdown and no one except total Trumpbots blame democrats.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

it is a hostage situation, because trying to get a deal on border security and keeping the government open and working are separate issues, unless one is wanting to get attanetion and...


Dems could make all this go away by not obstructing.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

it is a hostage situation, because trying to get a deal on border security and keeping the government open and working are separate issues, unless one is wanting to get attanetion and...


Dems could make all this go away by not obstructing.
Give in to bullies once and they will never stop. Trump cannot be allowed to win anything under these circumstances.
I think many have fallen for the narrative that there is some sort of policy disagreement going on here between two sides who both want something and that a compromise from both sides is needed.

That isn’t what is happening. This isn’t a disagreement that needs a compromise, it is a hostage situation.

Don't Fall For This Being A Negotiation Where Both Sides Need To Give Something

Yes, Americans need that wall and if we don't get it you can say end to the democrat party and maybe even democracy.
You need a wall like a toddler needs a blankie.

You need free shit, everyone knows that.

With these third worlders taking over the country there soon won't be any to go around. You are only shooting yourself in the foot.
You still have not come to terms with the fact that this is the Trump shutdown and no one except total Trumpbots blame democrats.

Shut down? I am not noticing anything, because the government is not doing much of anything that is useful. Do you know what I am noticing? That they are NOT securing the border, open or closed. Build the damned wall.

When the government opens back up again, there better be a plan on how to get the wall done.
I don't blame either side and would suggest that any agency that isn't funded by the end of the week should be shutdown permanently. Pay those that are owed for their work and be done with it. If both Republicans and Democrats can't agree something needs to be funded, then do away with it. Perhaps we'll regain some fiscal sanity we haven't seen in 19 years. You know it's the right thing to do, the Bible comes down heavily on those that withhold wages.

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