Don't Get Your Pets Vaccinated For Awhile....WEF Wants Them Dead


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I kept seeing these stories surface about how the WEF wanted to kill off most of the pet population to reduce our carbon footprint and save the planet.

Now a story was released the other day saying that dogs are coming down with respiratory infections from some "mystery virus" in 10 states.
  • Oregon
  • Colorado
  • New Hampshire and the surrounding Northeast area
  • California
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • Washington
  • Idaho
  • Georgia
  • Florida
I went online and Reuters and Snopes both are trying to convince everyone that the story is bogus. However I was talking to someone online this afternoon and they said that rabies vaccines were mandated in their state and their pet and another friends pet went downhill fast after getting the shots and they both died.

So don't get any booster shots for your pets until this "mystery virus" blows over.



"Our four-legged friends donā€™t drive gas-guzzling SUVs or use energy-sucking appliances, but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t have a climate impact. In fact, researchers have showed that pets play a significant role in the climate crisis.

But what do Barkley and Whiskers have to do with our warming planet? Itā€™s the products we buy for them that need a closer look.

Their meat-heavy diet is the biggest contributor to their carbon pawprints, which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. And the production of pet food emits huge amounts of planet-warming gases.

cat elderly woman STOCK

Pets can boost your brain power, study says

According to a 2017 study, feeding dogs and cats creates the equivalent of around 64 million tons of carbon dioxide in the US each year. Thatā€™s roughly the same impact as 13.6 million cars on the road. And, if our furry friends formed a separate country, it would rank 5th in global meat consumption behind China, the US, Brazil and Russia, according to UCLA professor and author of that study Gregory Okin.

But donā€™t panic. Bidding farewell to your best friends is not the answer.

In addition to all the joy they bring, pets have a measurable positive impact on our physical health and mental wellbeing. Having a pet in the family is associated with lower stress, fewer heart attacks, lower rates of depression and increased self-esteem.

ā€œOur work does not mean we are ā€˜againstā€™ keeping pets,ā€ said Pim Martens, a professor of Sustainable Development at Maastricht University and someone who has researched the impact of pets on the planet. ā€œThere are lots of benefits as well. Just be aware of the ā€˜side-effects.ā€™ā€

So, whatā€™s a concerned pet parent to do? Here are some ways to minimize your petsā€™ environmental impact while still caring for your furry fleet.

Do an assessment of your petā€™s diet​

First, and most importantly ā€” responsible owners considering making significant changes to their petā€™s diet should discuss it with their veterinarian to make sure itā€™s right for their animalā€™s needs.

In fact, if youā€™re the proud owner of a feline, you shouldnā€™t even think about switching their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores ā€” they must eat meat, according to Angela Frimberger, a veterinarian with Vets for Climate Action.

Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores and donā€™t necessarily need to have meat every meal ā€” let alone sirloin steak."
I kept seeing these stories surface about how the WEF wanted to kill off most of the pet population to reduce our carbon footprint and save the planet.

Now a story was released the other day saying that dogs are coming down with respiratory infections from some "mystery virus" in 10 states.
  • Oregon
  • Colorado
  • New Hampshire and the surrounding Northeast area
  • California
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • Washington
  • Idaho
  • Georgia
  • Florida
I went online and Reuters and Snopes both are trying to convince everyone that the story is bogus. However I was talking to someone online this afternoon and they said that rabies vaccines were mandated in their state and their pet and another friends pet went downhill fast after getting the shots and they both died.

So don't get any booster shots for your pets until this "mystery virus" blows over.


I have a Vegan friend that believes having children is terrible for the planet. She has always substituted having cats for children, as an emotional crutch. She has always treated her cats like children. . . it is sort of, a mental illness.

I have told her, the NWO propaganda, will, eventually, come after her cats too, if she doesn't see through the propaganda, and realize, this is a false paradigm.

I knew this was coming.
I have a Vegan friend that believes having children is terrible for the planet. She has always substituted having cats for children, as an emotional crutch. She has always treated her cats like children. . . it is sort of, a mental illness.

I have told her, the NWO propaganda, will, eventually, come after her cats too, if she doesn't see through the propaganda, and realize, this is a false paradigm.

I knew this was coming.
Duplicate topic.

I had a dog that was vaccinated and died 14 years after getting the jab

Be warned!
To my knowledge, there is not one available yet?

Software is telling me, you posted your thread in the Rubber Room. We only merge threads, when duplicates are in the same sub-forums.

Staff doesn't move threads around, from the sub-forums that members placed them in, unless there is good cause.
Ok, I will post a duplicate in every forum but this one and rubber room.
Ok, I will post a duplicate in every forum but this one and rubber room.

I refuse to get my dog vaccinated for anything. She is not socialized so is not at risk for anything communicable.

The trick has been finding a groomer who will groom unvaccinated pets. I found a great groomer who feels exactly as I do.

BTW, I heard an interesting radio program a few years ago -- an interview with a vet who vaccinated himself for rabies and checked his antibody titers yearly for thirty years, during which time he retained plenty of rabies antibodies! Having pets vaccinated every year is a great way to sell vaccines.

I was going to ask the same :confused:
The Deep State, the UN, the WEF, blames Russia and China for the things they're doing to us.

Dr Fauci probably had the shit released......

He has a lab in Hamilton Montana....about 70 miles from my home town.

I hope he burns in Hell.


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