don't let folks confuse you! here's Wonderful Donald's full immigration policy!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
don't listen to the liars, here's the truth!



Prohibit access to federal, state, and local welfare programs by any individual who cannot provide proof of citizenship, including food stamps, housing assistance, medicine, and other non-lifesaving medical treatment.

Prohibit any form of driver license/permit or bank account for illegal aliens (to include the infamous "driver privilege card").

Require any individual seeking employment to verify citizenship and provide that proof of verification to the employer before he/she could be hired.

Require proof of citizenship or legal residence for home purchases and rentals, college entrance, and bank accounts.

Provide real criminal penalties for corporate officers and other individuals who knowingly harbor or conceal illegal aliens. This includes repealing the religious "leader" exemption the Mormon church lobbied into federal code.

Repeal NAFTA, GATT, TPP and other insane "trade" deals (including their special courts) that empower foreign nations to abuse our roads, infrastructure, companies, and immigration statutes.

Decriminalize natural drugs like marijuana, which would significantly curtail the perverse profit and incentive mechanisms currently enjoyed by our foreign (and domestic) enemies. In other words, they would have less reason to cross the border -- with all of the crime that entails.

Repeal sales taxes on goods made in the U.S., and increase tariffs on foreign goods from other countries.

Fully empower and support states to enforce immigration statutes and deport illegal aliens if the federal regime fails to do so in a timely manner.

Abolish abhorrent "sanctuary" cities, in-state tuition rates for legal or illegal aliens, and similar nonsense.
don't listen to the liars, here's the truth!



Prohibit access to federal, state, and local welfare programs by any individual who cannot provide proof of citizenship, including food stamps, housing assistance, medicine, and other non-lifesaving medical treatment.

Prohibit any form of driver license/permit or bank account for illegal aliens (to include the infamous "driver privilege card").

Require any individual seeking employment to verify citizenship and provide that proof of verification to the employer before he/she could be hired.

Require proof of citizenship or legal residence for home purchases and rentals, college entrance, and bank accounts.

Provide real criminal penalties for corporate officers and other individuals who knowingly harbor or conceal illegal aliens. This includes repealing the religious "leader" exemption the Mormon church lobbied into federal code.

Repeal NAFTA, GATT, TPP and other insane "trade" deals (including their special courts) that empower foreign nations to abuse our roads, infrastructure, companies, and immigration statutes.

Decriminalize natural drugs like marijuana, which would significantly curtail the perverse profit and incentive mechanisms currently enjoyed by our foreign (and domestic) enemies. In other words, they would have less reason to cross the border -- with all of the crime that entails.

Repeal sales taxes on goods made in the U.S., and increase tariffs on foreign goods from other countries.

Fully empower and support states to enforce immigration statutes and deport illegal aliens if the federal regime fails to do so in a timely manner.

Abolish abhorrent "sanctuary" cities, in-state tuition rates for legal or illegal aliens, and similar nonsense.
With the exception of the Wall, which is unnecessary, I agree with the thrust of his proposed policies.

In place of the Wall a much more effective solution would be to require a mandatory, addressable biometric ID card for every American citizen and assign a serious criminal penalty for anyone who hires a non-citizen without proper documentation. With this in place there will be no need for a wall because there will be no way for illegals to obtain work. Enforce this by substantially increasing the INS (get rid of the DEA and BATF), commence an aggressive search for illegals -- and DEPORT EVERY ONE OF THEM.
the border patrol agents said the wall is essential. the border patrol agents said the wall is essential.

Trump is talking about the process.

We start with the criminals, the rapists. the drug dealers....
Here's Trumps immigration policy, enforce existing immigration law and secure the border. Stunning in its simplicity.
Mr Trump meets thousands and thousands of people who tell him the same thing. mmmm hmmm
It's not "amnesty." It's "comprehensive immigration reform"!!!! Trump: "they have to pay taxes, there's no amnesty."

I don't like all of this above seems s bit goofy? Back taxes? Some landscaper working fof cash? I don't care so much about good illegals.

Post#5 is correct. I would add plug the leaky wall, Obama made hole bigger. Oh yeah, pop all visa violators. Obama is a spinner and liar. Tell the truth Trump.
"The time has come for a new immigration commission to develop a new set of reforms to our legal immigration system in order to achieve the following goals.

To keep immigration levels measured by population share within historical norms. To select immigrants based on their likelihood of success in U.S. society and their ability to be financially self- sufficient.

We take anybody. Come on in, anybody. Just come on in. Not anymore.

You know, folks, it's called a two-way street. It is a two-way street, right? We need a system that serves our needs, not the needs of others. Remember, under a Trump administration it's called America first. Remember that.

To choose immigrants based on merit. Merit, skill, and proficiency. Doesn't that sound nice? And to establish new immigration controls to boost wages and to ensure that open jobs are offered to American workers first. And that in particular African- American and Latino workers who are being shut out in this process so unfairly.

And Hillary Clinton is going to do nothing for the African- American worker, the Latino worker. She's going to do nothing. Give me your vote, she says, on November eighth. And then she'll say, so long, see you in four years. That's what it is.

She is going to do nothing. And just look at the past. She's done nothing. She's been there for 35 years. She's done nothing. And I say what do you have to lose? Choose me. Watch how good we're going to do together. Just watch." - Tough Donald
To choose immigrants based on merit. Merit, skill, and proficiency. Doesn't that sound nice? And to establish new immigration controls to boost wages and to ensure that open jobs are offered to American workers first. And that in particular African- American and Latino workers who are being shut out in this process so unfairly.

it's a quote within a quote, though

tricky way of hearing what he's saying, what does he mean by ''this process''?

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