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Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It might hurt some feelings!

Understanding Why They Lie and Why They Get Away with It

I don't agree the conclusion of "why they lie" as there doesn't really seem to be one.

I have questioned why it is they all, to a person, promise they're going to do whatever- then don't and I wonder why? Yes I have some opinions but that's a discussion for a different thread.

Is there really anybody out there who will deny that the US government lies pretty much about everything and anything?. And itā€™s not just the Executive Branch, Congress lies possibly even more (both parties, of course). In fact, I would argue that lying is both necessary AND expected from any US politician. When somebody like Tulsi Gabbard or Ron Paul donā€™t abide by this rule, the media immediately dismisses them as ā€œPutin agentsā€ or something equally insipid.

The truth is that lies have become the norm of the western political discourse.

That is bad enough by itself. But there is worse.

The worst is not that western politicians lie, the worst is that almost nobody cares.

That is really scary.


Because in a society which expects everybody to lie, facts simply donā€™t matter any more.

So that is the key question: do we care or donā€™t we?
It might hurt some feelings!

Understanding Why They Lie and Why They Get Away with It

I don't agree the conclusion of "why they lie" as there doesn't really seem to be one.

I have questioned why it is they all, to a person, promise they're going to do whatever- then don't and I wonder why? Yes I have some opinions but that's a discussion for a different thread.

Is there really anybody out there who will deny that the US government lies pretty much about everything and anything?. And itā€™s not just the Executive Branch, Congress lies possibly even more (both parties, of course). In fact, I would argue that lying is both necessary AND expected from any US politician. When somebody like Tulsi Gabbard or Ron Paul donā€™t abide by this rule, the media immediately dismisses them as ā€œPutin agentsā€ or something equally insipid.

The truth is that lies have become the norm of the western political discourse.

That is bad enough by itself. But there is worse.

The worst is not that western politicians lie, the worst is that almost nobody cares.

That is really scary.


Because in a society which expects everybody to lie, facts simply donā€™t matter any more.

So that is the key question: do we care or donā€™t we?

I agree that lying is a common occurrence, it is one of the reasons why I decided in the early 1990's to be a free thinker, avoid ideologies and rarely vote. The Media lies constantly, so do politicians. so do people who advance some form of advocacy, such as animal rights, global warming propaganda, black lies matter, white guilt, PC, reparations and so on and on and on....

But there are sections in your article that are plain silly, the 9/11 "Truth Movement and the never changing Kennedy assassination who did it story are good examples of stupid claims that easily destroyed by simple facts. Oliver Stones movie about Jim Garrison has been roundly castigated as partial fiction, some of the lies in it were created to make a delusionous man look smart, when his own staff over time realized he was a nutcase.

I did honest research on all of these claims and found them easily short on evidence and rational thinking. Too bad the people I debated with resorted to blatant lies to maintain their delusions, it is why I don't debate on it much anymore, not when they will lie over and over about the real evidence or the lack of it.
So that is the key question: do we care or donā€™t we?

IMHO, Americans have serious identity issues along with iron clad denial shields which are social constructs the powers that be engineered for us long ago Gdjjr

It's hard to be objective, but viewed through the lenze of history a millennium from now, do you think America will be viewed any differently than say....the English empire?

I took your advice and did not visit this antisemitic hate site.

Musta missed it, didn't pick anything out in the article....

So that is the key question: do we care or donā€™t we?

IMHO, Americans have serious identity issues along with iron clad denial shields which are social constructs the powers that be engineered for us long ago Gdjjr

It's hard to be objective, but viewed through the lenze of history a millennium from now, do you think America will be viewed any differently than say....the English empire?

I took your advice and did not visit this antisemitic hate site.

Musta missed it, didn't pick anything out in the article....

I didn't say it was in the conspiratorial article. I said it was one of the main thrusts of the website, itself.

You are not perceptive. I am.
So that is the key question: do we care or donā€™t we?

IMHO, Americans have serious identity issues along with iron clad denial shields which are social constructs the powers that be engineered for us long ago Gdjjr

It's hard to be objective, but viewed through the lenze of history a millennium from now, do you think America will be viewed any differently than say....the English empire?

I took your advice and did not visit this antisemitic hate site.

Musta missed it, didn't pick anything out in the article....

I didn't say it was in the conspiratorial article. I said it was one of the main thrusts of the website, itself.

You are not perceptive. I am.


maybe you can put your antisemetic radar on 'hold' long enough to opine then....

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do you think America will be viewed any differently than say....the English empire?
I don't think so, in fact, I point it out when in conversations that go in that direction, but Historians will make the call.
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But there are sections in your article that are plain silly, the 9/11 "Truth Movement and the never changing Kennedy assassination who did it story are good examples of stupid claims that easily destroyed by simple facts
You must have looked at different facts than I have- as well as had different life experiences. I had "formal" training in failure analysis and I assure you that we were not taught to not look at all the evidence. Coming to a conclusion without looking at all the evidence is "silly"- and making "stupid" claims comes from stupid people, especially those who deem themselves all knowing who don't study all the evidence- I can provide you with some good links if you'd care to illustrate just how stupid one can be when not entertaining all the evidence.

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