Don’t Send Your Kids To School in New York State

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Is there any end to the lunacies we have to keep hearing about in blue states ? Maybe not. This time it’s New York. They’re doing away with literacy tests for teachers.

Whaaaat ??? Par for the course for the looney left. Qualification is always subordinate to race-pandering. It seems too many Blacks and Hispanics are flunking the literacy tests, and the New York lefties rate diversity more important than quality education.

Actually, there nothing really new about this. It was exactly 40 years ago, that I took a graduate school course in city planning methodology. Very important course. The nuts and bolts of how you’re going to do your job, after you graduate. Just 1 problem. The teacher was from India, got hired by Affirmative Action, and nobody in the class could understand a word the guy was saying.

That didn’t stop the race fanatics from putting him in that critically important job, and ruining the students’ education (which we were paying tidy tuition sums for). In fairness, this numbskull race-pandering can happen anywhere in America. Even in red states. It was in Tennessee that the Indian professor went through a whole semester speaking unintelligible speech, and then giving us all passing grades in the end. It was also there that I was denied an assistantship (as were all the non-Blacks who applied).

Well anyway, this a fair warning to anyone with kids in New York State. Either move to another state (with literacy tests), send your kids to schools in other states, or home school them. Otherwise, you’ll have kids speaking subliterate English about as bad as their subliterate teachers.
Keep 'em dumb keeps 'em down. Producing future iterations of low info dweebs gets easier and easier as more and more of the educational landscape becomes infested with such nonsense.

Let's see...Make America Great Again!...

Or, Make America a Shithole!...
I would never send my kids to a SUNY school. I went to one and got nothing out of it. I educated myself after I got my degree.
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