Don't these Democrat fools know this Trump Witch Hunt will end with America burning at the stake?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Everyone knows what this is. It's a Democrat-contrived political prosecution of their bogeyman.

And they're not even hiding it anymore.

In a hysterical self-own - that I'd be laughing about if I wasn't scared to death – Politico published a piece on Thursday under the headline: 'Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What?'

'So what?' I'm sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the heck – collect the kindling and grab the matches, because we're having a bonfire.

The problem is -- America is lashed to the stake.

Everyone knows what this is. It's a Democrat-contrived political prosecution of their bogeyman.

And they're not even hiding it anymore.

In a hysterical self-own - that I'd be laughing about if I wasn't scared to death – Politico published a piece on Thursday under the headline: 'Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What?'

'So what?' I'm sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the heck – collect the kindling and grab the matches, because we're having a bonfire.

The problem is -- America is lashed to the stake.

gee---I kinda agree with you. Netanyahu too. Whilst pootie
Everyone knows what this is. It's a Democrat-contrived political prosecution of their bogeyman.

And they're not even hiding it anymore.

In a hysterical self-own - that I'd be laughing about if I wasn't scared to death – Politico published a piece on Thursday under the headline: 'Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What?'

'So what?' I'm sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the heck – collect the kindling and grab the matches, because we're having a bonfire.

The problem is -- America is lashed to the stake.

The problem with the statist left is they fell into the groupthink/hive mentality trap. It can happen to anyone once they abandon critical thinking to adopt groupthink which of course leads to the hive mentality.
Everyone knows what this is. It's a Democrat-contrived political prosecution of their bogeyman.

And they're not even hiding it anymore.

In a hysterical self-own - that I'd be laughing about if I wasn't scared to death – Politico published a piece on Thursday under the headline: 'Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What?'

'So what?' I'm sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the heck – collect the kindling and grab the matches, because we're having a bonfire.

The problem is -- America is lashed to the stake.

Meh...we had a good run.
More farcical attempts to bring Trump down.

Liberals have continually overreached in their attempts to bring Trump down. And each time, they end up making Trump look better, sometimes even sympathetic.

Almost every time his adversaries think they have dealt the killer blow, they get overly excited, only to then lose. It started with Hillary Clinton in 2016, when she denounced Trump supporters as ‘deplorables’. She thought this was a clever quip. But it ended up being a big reason she lost. Since he became president, there have been so many attempts to nail Trump using extraordinary measures. Think of the false Russia-collusion claim, the two impeachments (both of which failed to remove him from the White House), and more recently the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

Democrats are excited, if not downright giddy, about seeing Trump in handcuffs and fingerprinted.

And who is this person. Bragg?

As it happens, Bragg – like many liberal district attorneys – has refused to bring charges against a vast number of lawbreakers in New York. That reluctance has contributed to a rash of street crime in the Big Apple. Democrats keep repeating that no one is above the law, and that’s true in principle. But Bragg has chosen not to prosecute many more serious crimes. Clearly, he is being selective in going after Trump. It looks like he’s engaged in a vendetta, not neutral law enforcement.​

But if it was a federal crime, why is New York City trying the case, after the Department of Justice reviewed the case and passed on it? And why now, seven years later, after Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, was unable to find a case against Trump?​
Doesn't the GQP know that rules and laws apply to everyone?
Several people went to prison for protecting/lying for the orange, corrupt, grifter.
Trump's cult, doesn't care about them anymore.
Nigel Farage says:

...that the indictment will “will only help him get re-elected in 2024”.​

He added: “The indictment of Donald Trump is yet another attempt, we’ve had the Russian hoax, the Mueller inquiry, two failed impeachments and now he’s going to have to appear in court in New York early next week.​

“Even if this $130,000 should have been declared as a campaign contribution, it’s $130,000 out of about $1.6 billion spend between the two sides over that general election in 2016.​

“It is at worst a very minor infringement, it’s a misdemeanour, it’s not a felony.​

“And not only is this dangerous in the ways in which is divides America, but to any fair-minded person they can see with the Biden family raking in millions from corrupt regimes all over the world.​
And who is this person. Bragg?

As it happens, Bragg – like many liberal district attorneys – has refused to bring charges against a vast number of lawbreakers in New York. That reluctance has contributed to a rash of street crime in the Big Apple. Democrats keep repeating that no one is above the law, and that’s true in principle. But Bragg has chosen not to prosecute many more serious crimes. Clearly, he is being selective in going after Trump. It looks like he’s engaged in a vendetta, not neutral law enforcement.​

But if it was a federal crime, why is New York City trying the case, after the Department of Justice reviewed the case and passed on it? And why now, seven years later, after Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, was unable to find a case against Trump?​
Because Trump's corrupt DOJ stopped their investigation.

William Barr Turns DOJ Into Donald Trump's Law Firm​

The Intercept › 2020/06/22 › william-barr-h...

Jun 22, 2020 — By firing the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Barr's effort to protect Trump further bulldozes the norms of the Department ...

Bill Barr Blasts Letitia James for Involving Trump Children ...​

Newsweek › ... › Republicans

Sep 21, 2022 — Bill Barr Blasts Letitia James for Involving Trump Children in Lawsuit ... Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr has blasted New York State ...

All former presidents AT RISK as Donald Trump indictment prompts 'open season' for criminal charges, warns Victor Davis Hanson.​

He told Laurence Fox: “This was a city prosecutor, not even a state, so it’ll be an open season now on any emeritus president.

“It’s exactly what the founders in The Federalist Paper warned against. When Joe Biden leaves office, a prosecutor in Sacramento, California could say you broke the law here or there on your dealings with Ukraine or China or Russia, or you used a bank wire transfer in our state.

“Whatever slight relevance it might have to jurisdictional authority, you’re going to have an open season on the out party.

“It’s exactly what the founders and the federalists warned against. This isn’t new, Donald Trump is the first President to be impeached in his first term since Andrew Johnson.


All former presidents AT RISK as Donald Trump indictment prompts 'open season' for criminal charges, warns Victor Davis Hanson.​

He told Laurence Fox: “This was a city prosecutor, not even a state, so it’ll be an open season now on any emeritus president.

“It’s exactly what the founders in The Federalist Paper warned against. When Joe Biden leaves office, a prosecutor in Sacramento, California could say you broke the law here or there on your dealings with Ukraine or China or Russia, or you used a bank wire transfer in our state.

“Whatever slight relevance it might have to jurisdictional authority, you’re going to have an open season on the out party.

“It’s exactly what the founders and the federalists warned against. This isn’t new, Donald Trump is the first President to be impeached in his first term since Andrew Johnson.

No, they aren't.
The two former presidents that come the closest to Trump's criminality are dead.

"When Joe Biden leaves office, a prosecutor in Sacramento, California could say you broke the law here or there on your dealings with Ukraine or China or Russia, or you used a bank wire transfer in our state".

That's true, so what is wrong with that?
Meh...we had a good run.

You certainly had a run but it looks and smells like diarrhea.

And after you have been overwhelmed we will leave you to tell us whether you were the slightest good for yourselves or your country.
Everyone knows what this is. It's a Democrat-contrived political prosecution of their bogeyman.

And they're not even hiding it anymore.

In a hysterical self-own - that I'd be laughing about if I wasn't scared to death – Politico published a piece on Thursday under the headline: 'Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What?'

'So what?' I'm sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the heck – collect the kindling and grab the matches, because we're having a bonfire.

The problem is -- America is lashed to the stake.

Trump's hysterical tantrum and vilification of officers of the law is no substitute for substantive refutation of the charges against him and, if he follows the proper decorum of a court of law, he shall be accorded that opportunity.

His desperate attempts to politicize the law is futile.

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I guess that most liberals do not care that their great-grandchildren will be living in a nation full of types such as Alvin Bragg!
Trump's hysterical tantrum and vilification of officers of the law is no substitute for substantive refutation of the charges against him and, if he follows the proper decorum of a court of law, he shall be accorded that opportunity.

His desperate attempts to politicize the law is futile.

I don’t care what you say, as far as l am concerned, he was a good President, and ran the country properly.
A witch hunt is only a bad thing when there is no witch. Trump put a lot of effort into scamming the country. He deserves to get what he earned.
Unfortunately, the "witch" is a scapegoat, a handy whipping boy for the failures of the left. Persecuting him will only distract from those failures for so long. Put Trump in jail and DeSantis will take over. Get rid of him and another populist fascist will step in. Democrats can't seem to get it through their heads that people are fed up with their idiocy. So much so that they are ready to go full-tilt fascist to get rid of them.
I don’t care what you say, as far as l am concerned, he was a good President, and ran the country properly.
Most Americans differ.

Even if had had not registered relentless disapproval numbers, his indictment demands he respond in a civil manner.

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