Doomsday Clock closest to ‘apocalypse’ since Cold War

Donald Trump and his idiotic dealings with nuclear powers of the world has made our country and the world less safe.

Another Schifforbrains garbage thread without a drop of evidence, not even a link, to support a word you say. Squawk on, Little Man.

View attachment 302089
You are a helpless, sorry son of a bitch. I gave you the reporter and Fox news. But if the panty ass, helpless minion needs a link, here you go.
Doomsday Clock moves to 100 seconds to midnight -- closest point to nuclear annihilation since Cold War

Funny, I don't see a thing in there about Trump! If that clock is worth anything, and no one can say that it does, just more proof maybe that we are closer to paying the price for decades and decades of soft, progressive ideology allowing so many crazies on the planet to acquire nuclear arms. Idiots like you.
Oh my, you are a helpless little snowflake. I am guessing someone has to take you by the hand and take you bathroom, help you do your job, flush for you and take you back where you started.
Try some critical thinking dumb ass.

Insults will get you nowhere. Just another way of hiding the fact this is all about blaming and bashing Trump with no supporting facts.
This is about the current threat of nuclear war and bashing people like you who are too stupid to look at the facts.
Doomsday Clock closest to ‘apocalypse’ since Cold War reported Chris Ciaccia of FOX News.

The Doomsday Clock is a symbol which represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe. Maintained since 1947 by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The Clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances.

The key term is unchecked. Donald Trump and his idiotic dealings with nuclear powers of the world has made our country and the world less safe.


The clock has always been a propaganda scare monger piece. If you go by the definition of the peril implied, a worldwide oppressive government in the vein of Oceania in 1984 would set the clock to "zero" because there would be no chance of catastrophe.
A propaganda scare monger? that sounds like Donald Trump. He keeps his minions in line through fear mongering immigrants, Muslims, Democrats, women, minorities, environmentalists, . Old white men, watch out or they will all get you.

Nice job not responding to my actual statement, and instead just going off on a TDS rant.
Guess what? While we weren't looking the alleged group of "atomic scientists" (isn't that an archaic term?) that maintains the "doomsday clock) included concept of climate change.
Another Schifforbrains garbage thread without a drop of evidence, not even a link, to support a word you say. Squawk on, Little Man.

View attachment 302089
You are a helpless, sorry son of a bitch. I gave you the reporter and Fox news. But if the panty ass, helpless minion needs a link, here you go.
Doomsday Clock moves to 100 seconds to midnight -- closest point to nuclear annihilation since Cold War

Funny, I don't see a thing in there about Trump! If that clock is worth anything, and no one can say that it does, just more proof maybe that we are closer to paying the price for decades and decades of soft, progressive ideology allowing so many crazies on the planet to acquire nuclear arms. Idiots like you.
Oh my, you are a helpless little snowflake. I am guessing someone has to take you by the hand and take you bathroom, help you do your job, flush for you and take you back where you started.
Try some critical thinking dumb ass.

Insults will get you nowhere. Just another way of hiding the fact this is all about blaming and bashing Trump with no supporting facts.
This is about the current threat of nuclear war and bashing people like you who are too stupid to look at the facts.
Bashing people like you who think the world strategies taken by Trump makes us safer.
Only the dumbest among us think so.
You are a helpless, sorry son of a bitch. I gave you the reporter and Fox news. But if the panty ass, helpless minion needs a link, here you go.
Doomsday Clock moves to 100 seconds to midnight -- closest point to nuclear annihilation since Cold War

Funny, I don't see a thing in there about Trump! If that clock is worth anything, and no one can say that it does, just more proof maybe that we are closer to paying the price for decades and decades of soft, progressive ideology allowing so many crazies on the planet to acquire nuclear arms. Idiots like you.
Oh my, you are a helpless little snowflake. I am guessing someone has to take you by the hand and take you bathroom, help you do your job, flush for you and take you back where you started.
Try some critical thinking dumb ass.

Insults will get you nowhere. Just another way of hiding the fact this is all about blaming and bashing Trump with no supporting facts.
This is about the current threat of nuclear war and bashing people like you who are too stupid to look at the facts.
Bashing people like you who think the world strategies taken by Trump makes us safer.
Only the dumbest among us think so.

Then you agree with Shifforbrains: half the nation is too dumb to vote and we need to take elections out of the hands of the people. At least the "common" people. How lucky for you, that you just happen to be among that select Elite wise enough to pick our rulers for us!

You know what I find truly amusing about the "conservative" right-wing Trumplican. It is their cognitive dissonance. I mean this is real entertainment.

So here we have Fox reporting on the Doomsday Clock

Let's look at some of the responses: Look at Fox News when did they become such Chicken Littles! It's Propaganda and yada yada yada.

Now I remind you it is some of these same folks that on other threads say: "The world is falling apart!" "Civil War is around the Corner!"

But move the Doomsday clock one minute and they change their tune to "Hey! What''s the problem?"
WASHINGTON - The keepers of the Doomsday Clock on Thursday moved the symbolic countdown to global disaster to the closest point to midnight in its 73-year history, citing "existential danger" from nuclear war and climate change.
Doomsday Clock moves closest to midnight in 73-year history

THis is how they get you running to take those vaccines.......... it's a pandemic ( that doesn't mean don't be careful douches" ) it means the false flag props. are about to begin LMFAO this is gonna be good.

and the dumbasses who think it's all a joke there's one thing you dumbasses are missing it's working to get you right where they want you and you all can't even tell. LOL>
While we weren't looking those hack "scientists" in charge of the clock included the theory of man made global warming in the equation.
Interesting how the Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight...right in the middle of Schiff's long, rambling, boring, marathon diatribe....even the Doomsday clock yearned for death...


(Just kidding - it was a joke)
Doomsday Clock closest to ‘apocalypse’ since Cold War reported Chris Ciaccia of FOX News.

The Doomsday Clock is a symbol which represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe. Maintained since 1947 by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The Clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances.

The key term is unchecked. Donald Trump and his idiotic dealings with nuclear powers of the world has made our country and the world less safe.

Lord amighty, what is we gonna do??!
Global Warming = total bullshit

Human overpopulation = the real cause of the fires, too many humans sucking too much fresh water from nature, and by far the biggest problem the human species faces.

A warmer Earth is a wetter Earth. That is the data from Jurassic. That is also the reality of the big chart, which is as follows....

When Earth has a high temperature of 30F, there is no moisture in the air, none. Every H2O on the planet is frozen ice. When Earth has a low temperature of 215F, all H2O is gas (steam) and hence Earth is totally wet.... and absolutely nothing in nature would burn.

The warmer the Earth gets, the less there are droughts and fires....

Too bad our idiot political class is yet to figure that out...

Earth is not warming. Humans are deep in Stage 1 of human overpopulation, and we'd better do something about that, or we face a multi billion human death event very soon...
I TOTALLY believe in 'Climate Change'!

I see its effects 4 times a year.

The climate does change. Jurassic was much warmer and wetter. It was a period of virtually no land in either polar circle.

Warm Earth parameter = two polar oceans
Cold Earth parameter = two polar continents aka two Antarcticas

Land moves. 90% of Earth ice is on land mass Antarctica, but there are also 70 million year old dinosaur fossils on Antarctica, when it was not frozen. Antarctica froze because it moved from "Pangea" to the South Pole....


The deliberate fraud regarding Co2 is misdiagnosing our real problems. Global Warming isn't just a gigantic taxpayer funded fraud. It is also the worst crime against the environment and humanity ever....
Global Warming = total bullshit

Human overpopulation = the real cause of the fires, too many humans sucking too much fresh water from nature, and by far the biggest problem the human species faces.

A warmer Earth is a wetter Earth. That is the data from Jurassic. That is also the reality of the big chart, which is as follows....

When Earth has a high temperature of 30F, there is no moisture in the air, none. Every H2O on the planet is frozen ice. When Earth has a low temperature of 215F, all H2O is gas (steam) and hence Earth is totally wet.... and absolutely nothing in nature would burn.

The warmer the Earth gets, the less there are droughts and fires....

Too bad our idiot political class is yet to figure that out...

Earth is not warming. Humans are deep in Stage 1 of human overpopulation, and we'd better do something about that, or we face a multi billion human death event very soon...
LaDumDum thinks the earth is flat, also
"I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man."

Dr. Manhattan
Another Schifforbrains garbage thread without a drop of evidence, not even a link, to support a word you say. Squawk on, Little Man.

View attachment 302089
You are a helpless, sorry son of a bitch. I gave you the reporter and Fox news. But if the panty ass, helpless minion needs a link, here you go.
Doomsday Clock moves to 100 seconds to midnight -- closest point to nuclear annihilation since Cold War

Funny, I don't see a thing in there about Trump! If that clock is worth anything, and no one can say that it does, just more proof maybe that we are closer to paying the price for decades and decades of soft, progressive ideology allowing so many crazies on the planet to acquire nuclear arms. Idiots like you.
Oh my, you are a helpless little snowflake. I am guessing someone has to take you by the hand and take you bathroom, help you do your job, flush for you and take you back where you started.
Try some critical thinking dumb ass.

Insults will get you nowhere. Just another way of hiding the fact this is all about blaming and bashing Trump with no supporting facts.
This is about the current threat of nuclear war and bashing people like you who are too stupid to look at the facts.
Its just that it seems to be controlled by men who have agendas in a world where trust/belief has declined precipitously.

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