Double standard…

To get to the fake Trump/Putin connection, you have to climb a mountain of Obama/Putin connections. And Obama probably sold him the mountain......
Yeah , while obama was president ! Not before.

See the difference?
Yeah , while obama was president ! Not before.

See the difference?

He wasn't in the position to gift to Russia before... He couldn't sell them American land until he had access to it. He needed flexibility to treat his friend lavishly.
I still can't figure out when Putin switched from OBAMA'S pal to public enemy #1.

Can someone tell me exactly when we realized that Obama was stupid or lying about Putin not being a threat to America?
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It seems the progressive nut sacks are fine with the shit stain that is Obama... lol

Inside Obama’s Secret Outreach to Russia

Yes, but you did not mention that loathsome Bush reaching out to Iran before he took office and was just the President elect! How crooked was that!

Oh wait a second, that was not Bush..........must have been Reagan. Hmmm, don't think it was Reagan either. Damn! Did Trump do that too?

No, then who did such a dastardly thing? Wait, you mean the sainted Barack, Hussein, Obysmal did it! Say it isn't so, oh no, no, no! You mean the number 1 state sponsor of terror, how could that be-) What a political star he was-)

By the way, how many of have watched the MIGHTY HILLARY hand off the reset button, while laughing her big ass off? And they could NOT even get the Russian words correct. Look at the Russian Ambassadors face. If some bimbo handed you some bullshit, phony-baloney do nothing button, you would probably fall on the floor and piss your pants-) He kept it together though, which is more than most of us could do when some clown handed you something like that, lololol! Oh my, that Obysmal and Hillary, what a team!

Did Trump ever personally attack Hillary supporters?

Did he call them a basket of deplorables?

Fact checkers?

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