Douche Water Will Lose The South And Here Is Why

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Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
One of the greatest mini speeches I have heard in a long time. Men like this are carving the path to freedom and liberty of the Negro people. And he knows to have that freedom that liberty that breaking the chains of the democrat masters is required.

More then a few white people need to heed his words as well.
One of the greatest mini speeches I have heard in a long time. Men like this are carving the path to freedom and liberty of the Negro people. And he knows to have that freedom that liberty that breaking the chains of the democrat masters is required.

More then a few white people need to heed his words as well.

You suck the cock of failure.

Never going to happen.

WH stays Dem.

Buh-bye, loser.
Mr. DarkFury, we heard all this kind of talk prior to Nov12. But keep right on posting your nonsense, will be fun to bring back after Nov16.
Think I'll be using this meme A LOT w/ Theowl32 & DarkFury threads

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