DOW Closing on 20 January 2017..................

You know, when the stock market tanked today, I started to wonder if it was going to go lower than what it was when Obama left office. Guess what? If the stock market tanks again tomorrow, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Stock market closing on 20 January 2017? 21,200

Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today? That's right...............21,200. Trump has lost all the stock market gains that happened since he took office.

Anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

A more accurate picture - stocks surged on November 9th 2016, the day after Trump was elected, and rose steadily after.

STOCKS SURGE AFTER TRUMP WINS: Here's what you need to know
Here's what you need to know: The Trump win was a signal to Wall Street that the finance cops have been sent home and it's bubble time. His strong economy was an illusion and those who remember the past have been expecting a "correction" for quite some time now. If it hadn't been the corona virus it would have been something else.
You know, when the stock market tanked today, I started to wonder if it was going to go lower than what it was when Obama left office. Guess what? If the stock market tanks again tomorrow, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Stock market closing on 20 January 2017? 21,200

Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today? That's right...............21,200. Trump has lost all the stock market gains that happened since he took office.

Anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

A more accurate picture - stocks surged on November 9th 2016, the day after Trump was elected, and rose steadily after.

STOCKS SURGE AFTER TRUMP WINS: Here's what you need to know
Here's what you need to know: The Trump win was a signal to Wall Street that the finance cops have been sent home and it's bubble time. His strong economy was an illusion and those who remember the past have been expecting a "correction" for quite some time now. If it hadn't been the corona virus it would have been something else.

You know, I was watching one of the finance shows, and they said that the bubble had been there for a long time, and they expected it to pop over a year and a half ago. Gonna be interesting to see how long it takes to recover.
You know, when the stock market tanked today, I started to wonder if it was going to go lower than what it was when Obama left office. Guess what? If the stock market tanks again tomorrow, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Stock market closing on 20 January 2017? 21,200

Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today? That's right...............21,200. Trump has lost all the stock market gains that happened since he took office.

Anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

A more accurate picture - stocks surged on November 9th 2016, the day after Trump was elected, and rose steadily after.

STOCKS SURGE AFTER TRUMP WINS: Here's what you need to know
Here's what you need to know: The Trump win was a signal to Wall Street that the finance cops have been sent home and it's bubble time. His strong economy was an illusion and those who remember the past have been expecting a "correction" for quite some time now. If it hadn't been the corona virus it would have been something else.

You know, I was watching one of the finance shows, and they said that the bubble had been there for a long time, and they expected it to pop over a year and a half ago. Gonna be interesting to see how long it takes to recover.

I doubt more than a year.

The virus will most likely not hit US as hard as other places, that in itself is good news for US stock market.
You know, when the stock market tanked today, I started to wonder if it was going to go lower than what it was when Obama left office. Guess what? If the stock market tanks again tomorrow, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Stock market closing on 20 January 2017? 21,200

Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today? That's right...............21,200. Trump has lost all the stock market gains that happened since he took office.

Anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

A more accurate picture - stocks surged on November 9th 2016, the day after Trump was elected, and rose steadily after.

STOCKS SURGE AFTER TRUMP WINS: Here's what you need to know
Here's what you need to know: The Trump win was a signal to Wall Street that the finance cops have been sent home and it's bubble time. His strong economy was an illusion and those who remember the past have been expecting a "correction" for quite some time now. If it hadn't been the corona virus it would have been something else.

You know, I was watching one of the finance shows, and they said that the bubble had been there for a long time, and they expected it to pop over a year and a half ago. Gonna be interesting to see how long it takes to recover.
Supply chains world-wide have been seriously wounded. That's how this differs from 2008. It's a sudden mechanical breakage of the manufacturing sector rather than a casino bust. It takes world wars to stop the movement of people and goods on the scale it will turn out to be. Uncharted territory.
You know, when the stock market tanked today, I started to wonder if it was going to go lower than what it was when Obama left office. Guess what? If the stock market tanks again tomorrow, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Stock market closing on 20 January 2017? 21,200

Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today? That's right...............21,200. Trump has lost all the stock market gains that happened since he took office.

Anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

Not the blob’s fault. The excuses being made are unfortunate though.

You're right, the virus itself isn't Trump's fault. However, the piss poor handling of the situation thus far IS his fault, and he's been screwing the pooch royally on this one. But, then again, he told us he knows more than the generals, scientists and doctors.

By piss-poor handling meaning he didn’t blame climate change on t and suggest grants for cronies.

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