DOW down over 500 points to day so far

By the time Trump's administration is concluded and the economy is in shambles, people will be begging for Obama. Just wait and see.

Must be be that lack of confidence in the upcoming Democrat congressional majority. :dunno:

To be perfectly fucking honest, that's exactly what it is, asshat shill fuck!
No, it's the trade war.
/——-/ Since Obozo took credit for the rising market, when will he take credit for the sell off?
Someone told me quite emphatically that the stock market has nothing to do with the economy, stupid.
That's what they said.
Someone told me quite emphatically that the stock market has nothing to do with the economy, stupid.
That's what they said.

That someone was sort of correct but shouldn't have said "nothing". The stock market is not the economy would be more correct. The stock market is a lagging indicator of the economic cycle. To Americans it is a place to invest. To liberals a place to watch for minute or days or weeks or a YTD rise or fall for signs of what they missed out on.
/——-/ Since Obozo took credit for the rising market, when will he take credit for the sell off?

When Trump passed his tax bill, that is when it became his economy. It was further cemented as Trump's economy when he started his trade war.
The DOW was 7900 when Obama took the oath of office.

Stock markets go up and down. Always have and always will. Barack Hussein luckily inherited a market at the bottom of one of its declines. Then the government pumped QE 1-4 into the economy, dropped interest rates to zero, bailed out big banks and corporations and began a season of Financial Repression Financial repression - Wikipedia thought the market was at normal levels when Barack Hussein took over..and would never ever fall again after he left? It could only go up and up and up and recessions and bear markets were defeated forever by the Magic Kenyan?
Admit it. Come on. You are that stupid.

And then you thought if a bear market ever did come back, even one in the face of the normalization of interest rates (you having never heard of ERR theory of stock valuations) thought that would make people beg for Barack Hussein Soweto Obama?
LOL. Why?

Ive got to run. I Havent been watching today but if its down a bit then I have a bit of buying to do before the close.
Notice how giddy and celebratory bed wetters are at bad economic news.

Then we're told that they "care" about other people.

That's why I encourage libturds to kill themselves. I actually do care about other people, and I want what's best for those of us who love our country and want our people to prosper. A mass suicide of leftist pieces of shit would be the first step to achieving that objective.

By the time Trump's administration is concluded and the economy is in shambles, people will be begging for Obama. Just wait and see.

In a pig's eye, delusional douche!
All during Obama's 8 years of Quantitative Easing(FREE MONEY TO RICH GUYS) there was zero percent interest on that money to try to stir up economic growth. Yeah, he had 1.2 GDP(anemic) but with only 1 rise in the FED rate, because Janet Yellow would of crashed the market worse than Nancy Pelosi did back in 2007 when she had the purse strings of the government. Now that she has them again, we once again see the results...

Ahhhm....I know you prefer Chinese communists to America...but...the problem is not America's. Now you are disappointed ! LOL. You were hoping for America's economy to be crashing. But China is the trigger and has been months.
Now you can cry.

Dow down around 450 points after weak China data sets off alarm bells

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