Dow Drops 317. Time For Crackheads to Ween Themselves from Stimulus


Take the time to listen to the guy in my other post.......Many of the things I'm been saying.........The Recovery is BS and the ending scene is going to suck. We don't have a Fing recovery...........Look behind the Curtain and see what's really happening.[/QUOTE]

This post by Eagle is so profound and spot on, I think I'll re emphasize it again. :)
"Yo"? :eusa_eh: You sound like a LadyGunSlinger sock to me. :eusa_think:

As to your OP, what happened? :dunno:

What an idiot.

I started weeeeeening. Just like I told you to do, moron.

And I'm still telling you to ween.

Completely consistent with my OP.

If you come back and tell me you can't tell the difference between the words "ween" and "pull out of all equities now" you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

Take the time to listen to the guy in my other post.......Many of the things I'm been saying.........The Recovery is BS and the ending scene is going to suck. We don't have a Fing recovery...........Look behind the Curtain and see what's really happening.[/QUOTE]

This post by Eagle is so profound and spot on, I think I'll re emphasize it again. :)[/QUOTE]

You have not been saying much buy opinions and insults. Where is that knowledge? That knowledge you have yet to prove and you must ride another's coat tails to make your point?
The Fed has been tapering since Dec. 2013, notice the word used?
tapering, not ween...

Why the Fed’s tapering announcement affects MLPs

and you never stated in a concise manner or dialect the true definitions used by real economist...

Historically, MLP yields have moved with Treasury yields

Except for the period of the financial crisis, where investors pulled money out of riskier investments such as equities (including MLPs) and poured it into cash and Treasuries, MLP yields have often moved in the same direction as Treasury yields.
Why the Fed s tapering announcement affects MLPs - Yahoo Finance
Five nations forming their own world bank Is this the new New World Order -

The group is called BRICS, and the members are all developing or newly industrialized countries that are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs.

From the AP:

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -the so-called BRICS countries – are seeking “alternatives to the existing world order,” said Harold Trinkunas, director of the Latin America Initiative at the Brookings Institution.

At a summit Tuesday through Thursday in Brazil, the five countries will unveil a $100 billion fund to fight financial crises, their version of the IMF. They will also launch a World Bank alternative, a new bank that will make loans for infrastructure projects across the developing world.

The five countries will invest equally in the lender, tentatively called the New Development Bank. Other countries may join later.

The BRICS powers are still jousting over the location of the bank’s headquarters – Shanghai, Moscow, New Delhi or Johannesburg. The headquarters skirmish is part of a larger struggle to keep China, the world’s second-biggest economy, from dominating the new bank the way the United States has dominated the World Bank.

The BRICS grouping’s first formal summit was held in Yekaterinburg in June 2009. Afterward, the nations announced the need for a new global reserve currency, which would have to be “diversified, stable and predictable.” While they did not directly address the perceived “dominance” of the US dollar – something that Russia has done in the past – the statement did spark a drop in the value of the dollar against other major currencies.

On Tuesday, the group’s 6th summit began in Brazil. On the agenda: the creation of a $100 billion development bank and a $100 billion dollar reserve fund, designed to boost investment in BRICS economies and reduce the power of the Western-dominated World Bank and IMF.

Thomas Wright, a fellow at Brookings’ Project on International Order and Strategy, told the AP that the BRICS countries “want a safety net if they fall out with the West.”
Bric 3 Billion people

5 countries

Growing economies...........

Are OPENLY attacking the dollar and now are now dumping the dollar.........

Bi-Lateral Trade agreements between the countries bypassing the Dollar and the IMF with it's Euro........

A currency War is underway. Has been, and Bric with 3 Billion people are ditching us as the Reserve Currency.

The IMF wants the Bancor...............In honor of Keynes...........
In other words these nations want a back up to have the ability to wage war and not be strapped for cash...
In other words these nations want a back up to have the ability to wage war and not be strapped for cash...

There hoarding Gold............Opening a new Central Bank and setting Trade Agreements in other currencies.............Starting the Bank with a 100 Billion.
Articles China Appears Ready to Dump its U.S. Treasury Bonds

China appears ready to dump its $1.3 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds to drive U.S. interest rates up to strengthen the dollar.

The weakening of the U.S. dollar that began in 2007 may have precipitated the 2008 global financial crisis. China would prefer to not start another international currency crisis. But desperate to weaken the yuan to restart growth and support employment, Lombard Street Research believes China will soon start dumping U.S. Treasury bonds.
Well, look at that.

Just like those of us who actually understand the market predicted.

All that artificial driving up of the stock market numbers we kept warning about? Well, we told ya, what goes up, must come down.

And we warned ya that once there were "signs" of an "improving" economy, the crack heads would have to start weening themselves from all that free money pushing up the stock market. Well not free, but with zero interest rates, almost free.

Ooops, in Obama's fucked up Bizzarro World, good economic news is bad news for the stock market.

This is the watershed event. Watch smart investors start to slowly pull out.
EconoSlick, looks like you have egg all over your face, again. DOW 18,000+, GDP growth, 5%. As a prognosticator, better return to kindergarden.
You 'Conservatives' were all about how we should be doing austerity like Europe. So look at where Europe is now, and where we are at. Would Europe have followed our lead, their economy would be picking up, and ours would have started booming six months earliear.
Just like those of us who actually understand the market predicted.

All that artificial driving up of the stock market numbers we kept warning about? Well, we told ya, what goes up, must come down.
This is why we don't pay attention to lifelong students who think going to class equates to real world experience/ knowledge/expertise.

S&P500 when you posted this: 1930
S&P500 today: 2096

This is the watershed event. Watch smart investors start to slowly pull out.
Pulling out would have cost you missed opportunity of 9%.

Stock market goes up, and the stock market goes down... the fool is the one who thinks a single day is a watershed event indicating any long term trends.

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