Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

'U.S. stock futures fell sharply on Tuesday, as global equities careened lower on a fresh threat by President Donald Trump to slap up to $400 billion more in tariffs on China goods, the latest escalation in a worrying trade dispute.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.

Wait for Trump to see the money drain out, and then what him change.
'U.S. stock futures fell sharply on Tuesday, as global equities careened lower on a fresh threat by President Donald Trump to slap up to $400 billion more in tariffs on China goods, the latest escalation in a worrying trade dispute.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.
300 points is not enough to even be called a correction McStupid.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.
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Oh good, another hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.
True. Even at the height of the Vietnam war the Dow on average lost about 10%, if I remember correctly.
Dow tumbles 400 points, wiping out gain for year, as Trump directs more tariffs at China

Dow tumbles 400 points, wiping out gain for year, as Trump directs more tariffs at China

So, almost six months in...and the DOW is actually down for the year.

Clearly, the 'Trump Bump' is dead.

And before you Trumpbots try to spin this with the U-3 (the unemployment rate)...try this on:

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

And this time, he was DEAD right. The U-3 is a hoax.
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lol more rubbish. The U.S. stock market is just a pump and dump scam, with no real relation to the American economy. It takes a while to rebuild an economy that has been consistently looted since the 1970's by the financial sector, and only idiots think tariffs caused anything but good for the country, slowing down and lowering the deficits is indeed a good thing, and will encourage domestic businesses to compete, and on something besides labor racketeering and dumping scams by criminal syndicates overseas.

Ignore the 'business press'; they've been in the fake news business forever, and aren't credible about anything.
And before you Trumpbots try to spin this with the U-3 (the unemployment rate)...try this on:

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

And this time, he was DEAD right. The U-3 is a hoax.
Now. McRocket has me on ignore again, but if someone else wants to ask him if he means that it doesn’t actually measure people looking for work as s percent of the labor force, please do so. You won’t get s straight answer but it might be amusing.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics And Mind Reading (more like Mr. Bored Troll), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well (for all the good it did me - almost a complete waste of time).

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

You made the accusation - now back it up or withdraw it...please.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?

I don't give a fuck what you were thinking when you typed it.

And again you dodged the question. I guess I have to make it simpler

For the third time dickhead...I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

- silly
- ignorant
- transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts/data/evidence or have the decency to withdraw it.

I assume you will do neither...just another bored troll you seem to be.
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Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?

I don't give a fuck what you were thinking when you typed it.

And again you dodged the question. I guess I have to make it simpler

For the third time dickhead...I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

- silly
- ignorant
- transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

I assume you will do neither...just another dumb ass troll.
I've answered your question twice now. A normal adult would get it.

You're embarrassed and you're lashing out. I understand. I've had kids.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad. The fact that you're this angry & defensive just adds to my amusement for this thread.
And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?

I don't give a fuck what you were thinking when you typed it.

And again you dodged the question. I guess I have to make it simpler

For the third time dickhead...I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

- silly
- ignorant
- transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

I assume you will do neither...just another dumb ass troll.
I've answered your question twice now. A normal adult would get it.

You're embarrassed and you're lashing out. I understand. I've had kids.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad. The fact that you're this angry & defensive just adds to my amusement for this thread.

Once ducked my INCREDIBLY simple question. Clearly you are avoiding doing so because you KNOW you cannot without making your original post look silly/erroneous. A child can see it.

I will ask it again:

I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

A - silly
B - ignorant
C - transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

(this is actually rather fun)
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Wow, you're really triggered. Try to calm down.

This is my profession, and I find it pretty funny when wingers use one day - in fact, not even one day, but FUTURES - to (try to) make a point.

Both ends do it, and it betrays an abject ignorance of how markets work, particularly as they relate to macroeconomics.

I have to take this stuff seriously. You just attack people on the internet.

Have at it, celebrate the worst, if it makes you feel better. And I reserve the right to giggle.

I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?

I don't give a fuck what you were thinking when you typed it.

And again you dodged the question. I guess I have to make it simpler

For the third time dickhead...I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

- silly
- ignorant
- transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

I assume you will do neither...just another dumb ass troll.
I've answered your question twice now. A normal adult would get it.

You're embarrassed and you're lashing out. I understand. I've had kids.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad. The fact that you're this angry & defensive just adds to my amusement for this thread.

Once ducked my INCREDIBLY simple question. Clearly you are avoiding doing so because you KNOW you cannot without making your original post look silly/erroneous. A child can see it.

I will ask it again:

I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

A - silly
B - ignorant
C - transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

(this is actually rather fun)
Great, have fun. This was tedious a while back.
This happens every time a new round of tariff reporting kicks off, then the sky doesn't fall and market continues on....gee it wouldn't be globalists trying to reinforce their talking points could it
I am not 'triggered'. I just LOVE to attack dickheads. For years I could not on other sites. It's so refreshing that I can here.

And I do this for a living too pal...have a BS in Economics as well.

Now either answer my question or have the guts to admit you were wrong.

So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics (more like Mr. I am bored and like to troll the web), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?
I just told you. You tried to make a larger point based on one morning's market futures.

Only someone who is either a) completely ignorant of this topic, or b) consumed by political ideology would try something that absurd.

Would you like me to say it a third time, or are you lucid enough to understand?

I don't give a fuck what you were thinking when you typed it.

And again you dodged the question. I guess I have to make it simpler

For the third time dickhead...I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

- silly
- ignorant
- transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

I assume you will do neither...just another dumb ass troll.
I've answered your question twice now. A normal adult would get it.

You're embarrassed and you're lashing out. I understand. I've had kids.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad. The fact that you're this angry & defensive just adds to my amusement for this thread.

Once ducked my INCREDIBLY simple question. Clearly you are avoiding doing so because you KNOW you cannot without making your original post look silly/erroneous. A child can see it.

I will ask it again:

I typed the following: 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And you typed: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

So what exactly about my post was:

A - silly
B - ignorant
C - transparent.

You made the accusation let's see you either justify it with facts or have the decency to withdraw it.

(this is actually rather fun)
Great, have fun. This was tedious a while back.

Total Bullshit. You would have stopped typing 'a while back' if it had been tedious. You are just trying to cover up for the fact that you do not dare answer my simple question for fear of looking childish/erroneous.
Again, a child could see that.

You made an assumptive post originally.

All I typed was ''The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

You called it: 'Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

And I simply asked you what parts of it were each. You failed to answer (you childishly tried to deflect).

I will do it for you...'silly'. THE DOW was down for the year. So that is not was a fact. And saying it was due to Trump's trade practices was 100% accurate. No 'silliness' there.
So that was wrong.

Ignorant. Again...both statements within the sentence were fact-based. Nothing 'ignorant' there.
So that was wrong.

Finally, transparent?
Well that was obviously in regards to your 'partisan politics' comment. But as I typed - I have zero partisanship as I despise both parties and thought at least the last 3 POTUS's stunk at running the economy (to varying extents).
So that was also wrong. Besides, it was a guess. And it is impossible for you to confirm the guess without my agreement with it...which is not forthcoming as it was an erroneous statement on your part.

Now, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that even you are not so stupid that you did not realize all of the above was so.

Then the only logical conclusion is you are a troll who makes statements that he has no intention of either backing up or withdrawing them once they have been shown to be wrong.
That is how trolls act on chat forums/YouTube.

To sum make statements with ZERO basis in fact. You refuse to back away from them when they are proven to be fallacious. And then you desperately try and spin it when you are caught doing these two things.

What a friggin' loser, lying, dumb ass troll you are.

Thank you for confirming that to all to see (who have IQ's over 100 and who are not emotionally/mentally disturbed).

Bu bye.

BTW - now you will ignore this - hoping I will leave you alone on this. Or you will make some childish sounding, flippant remark like you tried to do above in a lame attempt to make it seem like you don't care what I am saying. Even though by all the posts you have made to me on this - you have proven 100% that you DO very much care about it as it is IMPOSSIBLE to type about something you care nothing about.
Trolls are SO transparent. No honor, little brains, huge egos.

Ta ta...macroeconomic, 'expert' wannabe.

We ARE done here and I will not waste my time reading your reply as I said everything above that I wanted to say (plus, I had time to kill...but now I do not).
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I'm sure that's all very interesting.


Ya gotta love this place.
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