Dr. Ben Carson: "ACA worst thing since Slavery"

Then again, Ben Carson believes the Earth is 6,000 years old. I'm sure he'll find a way to pretend that slavery was no worse than having to wait for a bus...

You support that system of slavery. [/quote]
People who sling words like "slavery" and "holocaust" around haven't one iota of an inkling of what they mean to those who've experienced them.

You WANT the government to provide for you because you're too damn lazy to do for yourself.

Why does your side always have to lie? You know nothing about me. As I told you in the other forum, I pay for my own health insurance. To you that makes me a "leech."

So we'll add "slavery" to the list of words that do not mean what you think they mean.
did you think that under communism China had 175%
of our standard of living??

I think JakeStarkey's got you figured out.

Get back to me when you can support ANY ONE CLAIM that you've made in this thread.

Just one.

ok I'll be working on data to prove to you that China had a far lower standard of living under communism!! And then I'll prove to you that 1+1=2
ArianR, just go read his nonsense online. It is a hoot.

If we followed his economic theories, the US would increase world wide poverty by 15% in the first six months alone. Ten percent of the population would be dead within a year. He is a libertarian Misesian with a soul of Stalin.
presented anything to support.
too stupid!! Red China had about 20% of our standard of living while operating under socialism. Do you understand now?? Lilberals are stupid and anti science so when they see communist east Germany they say, great, lets switch to communism too!!
It now has about 45% of our living standard TODAY while under state-sponsored regulated capitalism. What is your point?
He just really likes making up percentages.
People who sling words like "slavery" and "holocaust" around haven't one iota of an inkling of what they mean to those who've experienced them.

Then again, Ben Carson believes the Earth is 6,000 years old. I'm sure he'll find a way to pretend that slavery was no worse than having to wait for a bus...

You support that system of slavery. You WANT the government to provide for you because you're too damn lazy to do for yourself.
Too stupid! You demonstrate a far right reactionary has a low IQ if you believe that junk.
Then again, Ben Carson believes the Earth is 6,000 years old. I'm sure he'll find a way to pretend that slavery was no worse than having to wait for a bus...

You support that system of slavery.
People who sling words like "slavery" and "holocaust" around haven't one iota of an inkling of what they mean to those who've experienced them.

You WANT the government to provide for you because you're too damn lazy to do for yourself.

Why does your side always have to lie? You know nothing about me. As I told you in the other forum, I pay for my own health insurance. To you that makes me a "leech."

So we'll add "slavery" to the list of words that do not mean what you think they mean.[/QUOTE]
dear, cut the BS and say something intelligent in support of liberalism or admit you lack the IQ to be here!
People who sling words like "slavery" and "holocaust" around haven't one iota of an inkling of what they mean to those who've experienced them.

Then again, Ben Carson believes the Earth is 6,000 years old. I'm sure he'll find a way to pretend that slavery was no worse than having to wait for a bus...

You support that system of slavery. You WANT the government to provide for you because you're too damn lazy to do for yourself.
Too stupid! You demonstrate a far right reactionary has a low IQ if you believe that junk.

Everything the left proposes centers around government as the central figure. It's easy for lazy people to join that. They don't have to do anything but be willing to be slaves to the cause.
You mean the Patriot Act that Obama urged the Senate to extend?

So that's another thing you were for before you were against it.

Are you claiming I was for it? Prove YOUR claim.

This board's been around long enough for you to have posted about it at some point. Have you?

Still waiting on your proof.

You really need to know all the facts about my use of the board to make a statement about what I should and shouldn't have responded to. Until this past Friday, I hadn't responded to anything on this forum since April.
Of course it is. And it's just the beginning.

one day the people will come to realize it
Carson is a real nut case.

Of course special ed probably believes paying taxes for anything is slavery...So he's even worse.

And you are what? Go read you postings lately. when you become a doctor/ surgeon let us know so we can call you a nut case too.
Ben Carson Biography
Author, Surgeon, Philanthropist (1951–)

Ben Carson overcame his troubled youth in inner-city Detroit to become a gifted neurosurgeon famous for his work separating conjoined twins.
Ben Carson Biography
Author, Surgeon, Philanthropist (1951–)
  • 20K
Author, Surgeon, Philanthropist
Birth Date
September 18, 1951 (age 64)
Yale University, University Of Michigan Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, Southwestern High School
Place of Birth
Detroit, Michigan

Ben Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan, on September 18, 1951. His mother, though undereducated herself, pushed her sons to read and to believe in themselves. Carson went from being a poor student to receiving honors and he eventually attended medical school. As a doctor, he became the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33, and became famous for his ground-breaking work separating conjoined twins

all of it here:

You don't seem to mind becoming a slave to this Federal Government
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You mean the Patriot Act that Obama urged the Senate to extend?

So that's another thing you were for before you were against it.

Are you claiming I was for it? Prove YOUR claim.

This board's been around long enough for you to have posted about it at some point. Have you?

Still waiting on your proof.

I should think you'd remember what you posted, or at least what you think (?) about the PATRIOT Act. That's okay, just dance around it.

What's amazing to me is how many on your side are so afraid to own your opinions on some topics.

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