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Dr.King: When people criticize Zionists,they mean Jews,You are talking anti-Semitism!

You could try to use it as a defense when true Americans rid themselves of israeli firsters
But you don't even live in America, why are you speaking for Americans, you're an Islamic (wrong)Iranian(wrong) Hezbollah(wrong) cocksucker(wrong) who hides out in Spain.(wrong) Which means you're and animal and the last person who should be speaking on behalf of Americans and all civilized people. Do the authorities in Spain know about you?
I'm not in Spain
WARNING: JOS is a Notorious Antisemitic Islamic Iranian Hezbollah Cocksucker!!

JOS shows off his amazing voice, in a battle cry to "kill the evil Jews". Ha ha ha:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPdGhaNK0IU]Funniest Arab Video - YouTube[/ame]
Now just behold these miserable, blind, and senseless people. In the first place (as I said previously in regard to physical birth), if I were to concede that circumcision is sufficient to make them a people of God, or to sanctify and set them apart before God from all other nations, then the conclusion would have to be this: Whoever was circumcised could not be evil nor could he be damned. Nor would God permit this to happen, if he regarded circumcision as imbued with such holiness and power. Just as we Christians say: Whoever has faith cannot be evil and cannot be damned so long as faith endures. For God regards faith as so precious, valuable, and powerful that it will surely sanctify and prevent him who has faith and retains his faith from being lost or becoming evil. But I shall let this go for now.

In the second place, we note here again how the Jews provoke God's anger more and more with such prayer. For there they stand and defame God with a blasphemous, shameful, and impudent lie. They are so blind and stupid that they see neither the words found in Genesis 17 nor the whole of Scripture, which mightily and explicitly condemns this lie. For in Genesis 17:12 Moses states that Abraham was ordered to circumcise not only his son Isaac who at
the time was not yet born but all the males born in his house, whether sons or servants, including the slaves. All of these were circumcised on one day together with Abraham; Ishmael too, who at the time was thirteen years of age, as the text informs us. Thus the convent or decree of circumcision encompasses the entire seed of all the descendants of Abraham, particularly Ishmael, who was the first seed of Abraham to be circumcised.
Accordingly Ishmael is not only the equal of his brother Isaac, but he might even if this were to be esteemed before God be entitled to boast of his circumcision more than Isaac, since he was circumcised one year sooner. In view of this, the Ishmaelites might well enjoy a higher repute than the Israelites, for their forefather Ishmael was circumcised before Isaac, the progenitor of the Israelites, was born.

Why then do the Jews lie so shamefully before God in their prayer and preaching, as though circumcision were theirs alone, through which they were set apart from all other nations and thus they alone are God's holy people? They should really (if they were capable of it) be a bit ashamed before the Ishmaelites, the Edomites, and other nations when they consider that they were at all times a small nation, scarcely a handful of people in comparison with
others who were also Abraham's seed and were also circumcised, and who indubitably transmitted such a command of their father Abraham to their descendants; and that the circumcision transmitted to the one son Isaac is rather insignificant when compared with the circumcision transmitted to Abraham's other sons. For Scripture records that Ishmael, Abraham's son, became a great nation, that he begot twelve princes, also that the six son of Keturah (Genesis 25:1), possessed much

Martin Luther - On the Jews and Their Lies

I very much appreciate this post JOS because it does reveal just
how idiotic was Martin Luther There is no prayer or teaching
among jews that states that CIRCUMCISION makes a person
HOLY or SUPERIOR or in christian terms "SAVED. He
even proclaims that jews TELL THEMSELVES or announce
this idea DAILY in their prayers -----nope. Martin Luther is
trying in his idiotic essay to claim that jews see circumcision as
a THE SINGLE FACTOR for the attainment of that which
christians call "GRACE" just as some christians see
"FAITH IN JESUS" as THE SINGLE FACTOR in the attainment
of "GRACE". The statement of Martin Luther----can be
compared to that which some people say of Bush's claim
After reading the essay -----I conclude that Martin Luther
did not really believe that jews place the same kind
of significance in circumcision that christians place in
FAITH IN JESUS -----he simply knowing employed a lie
to manipulate his followers. I do not thinK anyone
ever tried to claim that MARTIN LUTHER was a
you lose------you simply posted the words of a person
pushing his own POV---and he also provided his
followers with a set of libels against jews to
replace the catholic ones that he had ameliorated
hoping to attract a jewish following. It did not
work-----a fact that embittered him

gee you are stupid

I very much appreciate this post JOS because it does reveal just
how idiotic was Martin Luther There is no prayer or teaching
among jews that states that CIRCUMCISION makes a person
HOLY or SUPERIOR or in christian terms "SAVED. He
even proclaims that jews TELL THEMSELVES or announce
this idea DAILY in their prayers -----nope. Martin Luther is
trying in his idiotic essay to claim that jews see circumcision as
a THE SINGLE FACTOR for the attainment of that which
christians call "GRACE" just as some christians see
"FAITH IN JESUS" as THE SINGLE FACTOR in the attainment
of "GRACE". The statement of Martin Luther----can be
compared to that which some people say of Bush's claim
After reading the essay -----I conclude that Martin Luther
did not really believe that jews place the same kind
of significance in circumcision that christians place in
FAITH IN JESUS -----he simply knowing employed a lie
to manipulate his followers. I do not thinK anyone
ever tried to claim that MARTIN LUTHER was a
you lose------you simply posted the words of a person
pushing his own POV---and he also provided his
followers with a set of libels against jews to
replace the catholic ones that he had ameliorated
hoping to attract a jewish following. It did not
work-----a fact that embittered him

gee you are stupid
Martin Luther is just the tip of the iceberg with Jos. Next he'll quote all the "truths" about Jews that Hitler, Himmler, Goebbles, Grand Wizard of the KKK, Neo Nazi, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Storm Front have to offer.

Fucking hilarious how these animals take themselves and what they say so seriously. Ha ha ha.
WARNING: JOS is a Notorious Antisemitic Islamic Iranian Hezbollah Cocksucker!!


But only in the mind of iraqi shite, roudy who dreams of cocksuckers

Actually Jos, Roudy was spot on ! You ARE a notorious Anti Semitic Islamic Iranian Hezbollah Cocksucker. That is a VERY truthful description of you ! I mean, I couldn't have said it better myself !! We all know you have pictures of Nasrallah all over your room in your moms basement ! L-O-S-E-R
Im with Roudy
WARNING: JOS is a Notorious Antisemitic Islamic Iranian Hezbollah Cocksucker!!


But only in the mind of iraqi shite, roudy who dreams of cocksuckers

Actually Jos, Roudy was spot on ! You ARE a notorious Anti Semitic Islamic Iranian Hezbollah Cocksucker. That is a VERY truthful description of you ! I mean, I couldn't have said it better myself !! We all know you have pictures of Nasrallah all over your room in your moms basement ! L-O-S-E-R
Funny part is he even quotes from an article with a big fucking "warning" sign about it being a notorious anti Semitic document. They truly have no shame or morals, these Islamist cocksuckers like Jos.
Another idiotic post. He posts quotes by Dr King and somehow applies them to Jews or Israel, while in reality they actually don't apply at all. Why do all Pali terrorist supporters also show signs of mental illness? Ha ha ha
The difference between you and I, junior, is that I can explain why they apply, you cannot.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Martin Luther King, Jr.​

You have demonstrated time and time again, that you hate anyone who sticks up for the Palestinian's. Not once, have you ever shown any sign of indifference to that point. Anyone who say's anything remotely nice about the Pals, you go off into your name-calling, foul-mouthed, spew of how fucked that person is. So, in the quote above, Dr. King is telling you that phylosophy you have of hating anyone defending the Pals, won't work.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Israel is the most militarized country on the planet, how does that not apply?

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

People like you and Lipbush, never criticize Israel for anything. They can murder rock-throwing children and you say nary a word about their crimes of using deadly force against a rock-throwing kid. So, it is more than obvious, you accept that kind of evil.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. "
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Do you believe Israeli's and Palestinian's should live together as brothers?

Case closed on that one!

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

After 45 years of occupation, the Palestinian's apply to the UN for statehood. That is the demand of freedom from the oppresssed and judging from Israel's reaction, they have no intention of voluntarily giving them that.

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

This is the reason people like myself, Sherri, George and Jos criticize Israel.

It has nothing to do with being anti-semitic.
Sherri is a fuckin hag.

While sandboi roudy is a huckin fag:lol:
Speak of fags, Yousef Mohammed, we all have seen the pictures of Gays swinging at the end of a noose in Iran. Is this why so many Gay Iranian men left that wonderful Islamic Republic of Iran for places like the U.S. and Spain because they didn't want to be caught and thus would be joining those other Gays with a noose around their necks.?
Sherri is a fuckin hag.

While sandboi roudy is a huckin fag:lol:
Speak of fags, Yousef Mohammed, we all have seen the pictures of Gays swinging at the end of a noose in Iran. Is this why so many Gay Iranian men left that wonderful Islamic Republic of Iran for places like the U.S. and Spain because they didn't want to be caught and thus would be joining those other Gays with a noose around their necks.?

Don't confuse him with factual information, his brain doesn't know how to process it!
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Applies more to Palestinians and Muslims, who encourage suicide bombing, and murder of innocent civilians, routinely demonize Jews and non Muslims in their media.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom." Applies more to the Palestinians and Muslims who spend all their money on rockets and efforts to wage terror against Israel. Israel is more socialist country than many European nations.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Israel is the most militarized country on the planet, how does that not apply?

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." This one applies more to Palestinians and Muslims.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. " Tell that to the Palestinians and Muslims who cannot coexist with anybody
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Case closed on that one! Looks like you closed the case on yourself.

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." You should focus on the oppressed and persecuted in Muslim countries
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Silly people.
Last edited:
I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that those miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews and who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has an easy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.

Grace and peace in the Lord. Dear sir and good friend, I have received a treatise in which a Jew engages in dialog with a Christian. He dares to pervert the scriptural passages which we cite in testimony to our faith, concerning our Lord Christ and Mary his mother, and to interpret them quite differently. With this argument he thinks he can destroy the basis of our faith.

This is my reply to you and to him. It is not my purpose to quarrel with the Jews, nor to learn from them how they interpret or understand Scripture; I know all of that very well already. Much less do I propose to convert the Jews, for that is impossible. Those two excellent men, Lyra and Burgensis, together with others, truthfully described the Jews' vile interpretation for us two hundred and one hundred years ago respectively. Indeed they refuted it thoroughly. However, this was no help at all to the Jews, and they have grown steadily worse.

They have failed to learn any lesson from the terrible distress that has been theirs for over fourteen hundred years in exile. Nor can they obtain any end or definite terminus of this, as they suppose, by means of the vehement cries and laments to God. If these blows do not help, it is resonable to assume that our talking and explaining will help even less.
Martin Luther - On the Jews and Their Lies
Rather than go to the hate sites, Yousef Mohammed, so you can tell everyone what Martin Luther thought about the Jews (like other anti-Semites like you never brought Martin Luther up!!!), why not tell us what you Muslims think about the Christians and why there are so many Christians being murdered by your brethren and their churches being destroyed? By the way, does anyone really think that Mr. Gooz here, when he was growing up in Iran, was actually taught about Martin Luther. Here in the U.S. he was mentioned in world history classes with regard to the Reformation, but I doubt that Islamic schools ever brought him up
Applies more to Palestinians and Muslims, who encourage suicide bombing, and murder of innocent civilians, routinely demonize Jews and non Muslims in their media.
And of coarse, you're not hating and demonizing muslims right now?

Applies more to the Palestinians and Muslims who spend all their money on rockets and efforts to wage terror against Israel. Israel is more socialist country than many European nations.
Israel was voted the most militarized nation on earth. You're full of shit! This apply's more to Israel, than any other nation on earth.

This one applies more to Palestinians and Muslims.
Bullshit! You accept the belligerent occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli's and that is as evil as a nation can get.

Tell that to the Palestinians and Muslims who cannot coexist with anybody
More bullshit! The Palestinian's have said they'll accept a two-state solution, based on the '67 borders, but Israel won't do it. So, it's Israel that doesn't want to co-exist. If they did, they'd end the occupation. But they haven't, so fuck you!

Looks like you closed the case on yourself.
Try again, maybe your luck will change, dickboy.

You should focus on the oppressed and persecuted in Muslim countries
Changing the subject because you don't have an argument?

Silly people.
Hypocritical asshole!
Another idiotic post. He posts quotes by Dr King and somehow applies them to Jews or Israel, while in reality they actually don't apply at all. Why do all Pali terrorist supporters also show signs of mental illness? Ha ha ha
The difference between you and I, junior, is that I can explain why they apply, you cannot.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Martin Luther King, Jr.​

You have demonstrated time and time again, that you hate anyone who sticks up for the Palestinian's. Not once, have you ever shown any sign of indifference to that point. Anyone who say's anything remotely nice about the Pals, you go off into your name-calling, foul-mouthed, spew of how fucked that person is. So, in the quote above, Dr. King is telling you that phylosophy you have of hating anyone defending the Pals, won't work.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Israel is the most militarized country on the planet, how does that not apply?

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

People like you and Lipbush, never criticize Israel for anything. They can murder rock-throwing children and you say nary a word about their crimes of using deadly force against a rock-throwing kid. So, it is more than obvious, you accept that kind of evil.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. "
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Do you believe Israeli's and Palestinian's should live together as brothers?

Case closed on that one!

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

After 45 years of occupation, the Palestinian's apply to the UN for statehood. That is the demand of freedom from the oppresssed and judging from Israel's reaction, they have no intention of voluntarily giving them that.

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

This is the reason people like myself, Sherri, George and Jos criticize Israel.

It has nothing to do with being anti-semitic.
Looks like Roudy the Retard can't handle the shit above. He runs away like the little bitchy pussy, that he is.
Applies more to Palestinians and Muslims, who encourage suicide bombing, and murder of innocent civilians, routinely demonize Jews and non Muslims in their media.
And of coarse, you're not hating and demonizing muslims right now?

Applies more to the Palestinians and Muslims who spend all their money on rockets and efforts to wage terror against Israel. Israel is more socialist country than many European nations.
Israel was voted the most militarized nation on earth. You're full of shit! This apply's more to Israel, than any other nation on earth.

Bullshit! You accept the belligerent occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli's and that is as evil as a nation can get.

More bullshit! The Palestinian's have said they'll accept a two-state solution, based on the '67 borders, but Israel won't do it. So, it's Israel that doesn't want to co-exist. If they did, they'd end the occupation. But they haven't, so fuck you!

Try again, maybe your luck will change, dickboy.

You should focus on the oppressed and persecuted in Muslim countries
Changing the subject because you don't have an argument?

Silly people.
Hypocritical asshole!
I don't know...it looks like agent 007 kicked your ass and then some. You better quit while you're ahead. But knowing you, you like getting your butt kicked and then claim victory. It's a cultural thing with you people, right, Baghdad Bob? Ha ha.
Applies more to Palestinians and Muslims, who encourage suicide bombing, and murder of innocent civilians, routinely demonize Jews and non Muslims in their media.
And of coarse, you're not hating and demonizing muslims right now?

Israel was voted the most militarized nation on earth. You're full of shit! This apply's more to Israel, than any other nation on earth.

Bullshit! You accept the belligerent occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli's and that is as evil as a nation can get.

More bullshit! The Palestinian's have said they'll accept a two-state solution, based on the '67 borders, but Israel won't do it. So, it's Israel that doesn't want to co-exist. If they did, they'd end the occupation. But they haven't, so fuck you!

Try again, maybe your luck will change, dickboy.

Changing the subject because you don't have an argument?

Silly people.
Hypocritical asshole!
I don't know...it looks like agent 007 kicked your ass and then some. You better quit while you're ahead. But knowing you, you like getting your butt kicked and then claim victory. It's a cultural thing with you people, right, Baghdad Bob? Ha ha.
Just as I thought, you are so pussy, such a fuckin' woman, that you need others to fight your battles for you.

Come back when you got a set of balls!
You could try to use it as a defense when true Americans rid themselves of israeli firsters
Jos, that isn't going to happen. Those of us who understand American History know that it was a Jewish man named Haym Solomon who arranged funding for the American Revolution. Like America, he ran into trouble with a very hateful King George III of Britain and fled to America for his life. Even so, he was quick to use his vast financial ties on the European Continent to make certain our soldiers got coats and shoes when the Continental Congress ran out of money.

Jewish people also joined the anti-slavery movement when it came into being in America. They're educated to eschew slavery, and we could all learn a lesson from them.

Don't you think? I do.
Jos, that isn't going to happen. Those of us who understand American History know that it was a Jewish man named Haym Solomon who arranged funding for the American Revolution. Like America, he ran into trouble with a very hateful King George III of Britain and fled to America for his life. Even so, he was quick to use his vast financial ties on the European Continent to make certain our soldiers got coats and shoes when the Continental Congress ran out of money.

Jewish people also joined the anti-slavery movement when it came into being in America. They're educated to eschew slavery, and we could all learn a lesson from them.

Don't you think? I do.
And that is why jewish liberals from all over the world are distancing themselves from any association with Likud Party policies. They don't want to be tied to the shit Israel is doing right now to the Palestinian's.

I used to work with an Iranian architect, who had jewish friends, that just hated Israeli's.

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