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Dr.King: When people criticize Zionists,they mean Jews,You are talking anti-Semitism!

I think the Jewish State and the daily human rights abuses against the Semitic Palestinians are an illustration of Anti Semitism!
I think the Jewish State and the daily human rights abuses against the Semitic Palestinians are an illustration of Anti Semitism!
You don't really think, and, you're a fucking Jew hating piece of shit crazy witch.
I think the Jewish State and the daily human rights abuses against the Semitic Palestinians are an illustration of Anti Semitism!
Sherri, during her younger "more sane" days:

Seems like a perfect place for lowlife racist Jew hating assholes like groinboy to hangout, check it out:

49'rs Tavern - Long Beach, CA

Chris J.
Long Beach, CA
I wrote a PM to Kelly (business owner) that I haven't been back because of the asshat/racist guy that commmitted suicide, here's their reply (oh, 4 months later):
Answer: I am not racist and I purchased the 49rs tavern 2 1/2 years ago.... I was raised not to be racist and everyone is welcome, unless they cause trouble.

Fancie L.
Long Beach, CA
This is definitely a dudes bar. In 3 hrs I was the only girl until I called a friend and went to Brenagans in Naples. Some creepy old guy about 80 kept leering over my friends shoulder to stare. Alrightie...

Jordyn A.
Long Beach, CA
This USED to be one of my top 3 bars in Long Beach...NOT ANYMORE. Apparently, it's "Under Proper Management". Well, it PROPERLY BLOWS. I walked in and walked out.
Thank you so much for ruining a good thing, you pricks.
They're right! It used to be a much better bar.

But it was in the movie Baseketball...

This is Kevin, former owner of the bar. I don't know if he was a racist, but he did commit suicide.

Wow, you're actually sitting in a bar while posting messages on a board now? What kind of bar is this, a gay bar for Muslim cocksuckers. Assuming that is true which it obviously isn't, you want somebody to do what, jump on a plane, fly at the speed of sound or faster, and somehow land there and get to the gay bar for Muslim cocksuckers within the next hour? And to do what, to kick a filthy disgusting ignorant illiterate Jew hating asshole's ass? Ha ha ha.
Hey, I did my part. If they want to meet me face-to-face, I let them know how they could do it. The rest is up to them.

BTW, I don't blog in the bar. I drink, watch sports and talk to barfly's.
A Tavern in Long Beach, CA? That's where all the rif-raf lowlife trailer trash types live. No wonder. I bet you he lives in the low income govt. housing projects. Scumbag losers like groinboy are always looking for somebody to blame for their miserable life. Ha ha ha.
I've never blamed anyone else for my life, nor have I ever indicated such.

You just have to keep making shit up, don't you?
Jos, that isn't going to happen. Those of us who understand American History know that it was a Jewish man named Haym Solomon who arranged funding for the American Revolution. Like America, he ran into trouble with a very hateful King George III of Britain and fled to America for his life. Even so, he was quick to use his vast financial ties on the European Continent to make certain our soldiers got coats and shoes when the Continental Congress ran out of money.

Jewish people also joined the anti-slavery movement when it came into being in America. They're educated to eschew slavery, and we could all learn a lesson from them.

Don't you think? I do.
And that is why jewish liberals from all over the world are distancing themselves from any association with Likud Party policies. They don't want to be tied to the shit Israel is doing right now to the Palestinian's.

I used to work with an Iranian architect, who had jewish friends, that just hated Israeli's.
Loinboy, I have no pony in this race except one.

After the Holocaust, my nation agreed to insure another Holocaust never took its place. My father and uncles did not collect shrapnel in their arms and legs by cowering in the face of Adolph Hitler nor Hirohito's punitive measures to conquer the world. I will not disrespect their sacrifices, made so my generation could enjoy peace they brought about with strength.

As a consequence, we are free of the bondages of the Old World's complex hatred.

Every group has its critics and dissidents. We tolerate diversity when it doesn't turn around and bite the rest of us in the butt.

Their religion's internal works are a part of their body, not mine. Jewish people, to my knowledge, are not inviting people here to ram airplanes into large financial institutions even though they agree to disagree.

All people are part of God's family. His plan is one of reconciliation of man to God and brother to brother. This happens within a heart, not without. I'm not the moral judge of other people, but I can do a measure of preventing hatred from entering my heart by insuring they will not harm my fellow Americans again with deceptions and prejudicial hatred by putting up a fight against wrong and an acceptance of responsibility to accept a peaceful offering and fight people who ignore the writing on the wall by targeting my fellow Americans and paying "journalists" and buffoons to ignore travesty. The travesty I see is people targeting the Jewish nation with missiles and expecting them to take it without fighting back. The Israelis have no intention of being herded onto train cars like cattle and hauled off to be separated from loved ones, stripped naked, slaughtered, and have their worldly goods expropriated by vermin who profit from their meager estates.
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Have you watched in what low leveled language you use to talk to roudy with?
You got issues with MY language to Roudy?

If it was anyone else, but him, you might have a case.

Word to Lipbush, Roudy ain't the most PC poster in the forum!

Because I surely am, and it's getting farer and farer from personal attack and more to the direction of unbased pathetic racism.
At least I can explain my reasons for the attack. You constantly call me "jew-hater" and "anti-semitic", but consistantly refuse to say why. The least you could do, would explain the reasons for your name-calling, but you won't! And that's pathetic.

BTW, you and I both know the reason you won't, is because you can't.

There are healthy creticism, and I have ancountered many, believe it or not, from enemy states, and those creticisms are healthy and nothing wrong with them; and that is the kind of criticism that this forum doesn't have at all. It's nothing but humiliation and not about healthy discussion. And when someone points that out he is either banned or more humiliated. Is this the game people here like to play? Maybe I should learn its rules.
Name one criticism of mine that wasn't healthy.

Try ALL of them, you use dirty language in almost every post of yours.
Loinboy, I have no pony in this race except one.
I have no pony's at all in this race. This issue doesn't affect my daily life in any way. I have nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Therefore, I'm about as objective a voice as one could be on this subject.

After the Holocaust, my nation agreed to insure another Holocaust never took its place. My father and uncles did not collect shrapnel in their arms and legs by cowering in the face of Adolph Hitler nor Hirohito's punitive measures to conquer the world. I will not disrespect their sacrifices, made so my generation could enjoy peace they brought about with strength.
Do you realize the UN Charter, International Humanitarian Law and the Nuremburg Principles were created as a result of the Holocaust? They were created to prevent another one. The world was so sick of what the Axis Powers did, that they made these laws so that sovereign nations could settle their differences peacefully. And if they couldn't, you have Article 51 of the UN Charter that gives two legal ways to attack a country with military force.

So, with that being said, when you disrespect IHL, you disrespect the victims of the Holocaust. For now they have died in vain. There are over 200 UN resolutions Israel is in violation of; they are practicing "collective punishment" on the entire population of Gaza with their economic blockade and that's a war crime. The only thing people are asking the Israeli's to do, is obey the law. But instead of simply doing that, Israel goes out of its way to show contempt for IHL.

Nothing could disrespect Holocaust victims more than that.

As a consequence, we are free of the bondages of the Old World's complex hatred.
As well you should be.

Every group has its critics and dissidents. We tolerate diversity when it doesn't turn around and bite the rest of us in the butt.
If you tolerate diversity, why are you breaking up peaceful protests by force and taking protestors in on "administrative detention" charges? If you tolerate diversity, why is the Knesset making apartheid laws like the Nakba Law? If you tolerate diversity, why do you have "jew only" roads?

Their religion's internal works are a part of their body, not mine. Jewish people, to my knowledge, are not inviting people here to ram airplanes into large financial institutions even though they agree to disagree.
No, but that was one of the reasons they flew planes into our buildings.

All people are part of God's family. His plan is one of reconciliation of man to God and brother to brother. This happens within a heart, not without. I'm not the moral judge of other people, but I can do a measure of preventing hatred from entering my heart by insuring they will not harm my fellow Americans again with deceptions and prejudicial hatred by putting up a fight against wrong and an acceptance of responsibility to accept a peaceful offering and fight people who ignore the writing on the wall by targeting my fellow Americans and paying "journalists" and buffoons to ignore travesty. The travesty I see is people targeting the Jewish nation with missiles and expecting them to take it without fighting back. The Israelis have no intention of being herded onto train cars like cattle and hauled off to be separated from loved ones, stripped naked, slaughtered, and have their worldly goods expropriated by vermin who profit from their meager estates.
You're forgetting one very big point, which is why Israel is getting the missles in the first place. And that reason is the 45 year belligerent occupation of Palestinian land; the over 700 checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank that restrict the freedom of movement for Palestinian's; the economic siege of Gaza; the constant air attacks and drones violating Palestinian air space on a weekly basis; commando raids that have broken every ceasefire they've entered into; routinely shooting at Palestinian fisherman and farmers from across the border and basically denying the Palestinian's inherent right to self-determination.

I will agee, the rocket attacks are war crimes and should stop. But the Pals have every right in the world, to resist the "occupation" of their land. It's just the way they're doing it, is illegal.
You little punk if you would ever talk that way to me you'd get your face busted.
I'm at the 49ner Tavern in Long Beach, Ca. every Friday night for happy hour between 4-5pm, if you'd like to finish this discussion face-to-face.
A Tavern in Long Beach, CA? That's where all the rif-raf lowlife trailer trash types live. No wonder. I bet you he lives in the low income govt. housing projects. Scumbag losers like groinboy are always looking for somebody to blame for their miserable life. Ha ha ha.

Bahahahahaha !! Thanks for the laugh Roudy !
Wow, you're actually sitting in a bar while posting messages on a board now? What kind of bar is this, a gay bar for Muslim cocksuckers. Assuming that is true which it obviously isn't, you want somebody to do what, jump on a plane, fly at the speed of sound or faster, and somehow land there and get to the gay bar for Muslim cocksuckers within the next hour? And to do what, to kick a filthy disgusting ignorant illiterate Jew hating asshole's ass? Ha ha ha.
Hey, I did my part. If they want to meet me face-to-face, I let them know how they could do it. The rest is up to them.

BTW, I don't blog in the bar. I drink, watch sports and talk to barfly's.
Ya okay, I'll be right there. Order a beer for me. Ha ha.
You said that knowing that he's not going to come. Who the fuck meets up with strangers they met on a message forum !
I said that to let him know where to find me. Whether he comes or not, is his business.

But you're right, who the fuck meets people from a message forum?
Black-Jewish Relations in the South

As far back as the 19th century, Jewish storekeepers were virtually the only Southern merchants who addressed black customers as "Mr." and "Mrs." and permitted them to try on clothing. By the early 20th century, a few Southern Jews even ventured to speak out against the evils of white supremacy. In 1929, Louis Isaac Jaffe, editorial writer for the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot won the Pulitzer Prize for his denunciation of lynching and the reactionary Harry Byrd political machine.

Julius Rosenwald chairman of Sears Roebuck, contributed more generously in behalf of Southern blacks than did any philanthropist in American history. Rosenwald was Chicagoan, but his munificence was continued by his daughter, Edith Stern of New Orleans, whose Stern Family Fund in later years contributed vast sums to civil rights activities in the South. It was known, too, that Southern Jews privately tended to be more liberal on the race issue than Southern gentiles, and often quietly provided manpower and funds for civil rights causes.

Individual Heroes

Jewish participation in the Civil Rights movement far transcended institutional associations. One black leader in Mississippi es*timated that, in the 1960s, the critical decade of the voting-registration drives, "as many as 90 percent of the civil rights lawyers in Missis*sippi were Jewish." Large numbers of them were recent graduates of Ivy League law schools. They worked around the clock analyzing wel*fare standards, the bail system, arrest procedures, justice-of-the-peace rulings. Racing from one Southern town to another, they obtained parade permits and issued complaints on jail beatings and intimida*tion.

Jews similarly made up at least 30 percent of the white volunteers who rode freedom buses to the South, registered blacks, and picketed segregated establishments. Among them were several dozen Reform rabbis who marched among the demonstrators in Selma and Birming*ham. A number were arrested. Others were taken into custody for attempting to desegregate a swimming pool in St. Augustine, Florida. One of the demonstrating rabbis, Arthur Lelyveld, was severely beaten in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. A young physician, Edward Sachar, vol*unteering his medical services to the freedom marchers, nearly lost his life as his automobile was forced off a Mississippi back road by local rednecks.

ya know what roudy. i think i am going to have to listen to the voices of black leaders such as jesse jackson, louis farrakhan, bobby seale, malcolm x, al sharpton, cythia mckinney, huey newton and others, and yes, that includes the actual words of MLK jr. who pretty much echoed malcolm x, albeit he was more gentle and forgiving...i am inclined to listen to them about african american relations with jews than i am inclined to listen to a bunch of smarmy little jews on blog spots doing what jews seem to so effortlessly excel at doing, which is shameless self promotion, in this case telling us how much the black folk love them because the jews have always dealt with them fairly and never exploited them.

hell, what next roudy. are you going to be wanting to change the statue at the capital mall to that of al jolson?
"shameless self promotion" = the 'quality' that sealie has made himself known for all over this chat board.

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