Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power.

Any pretext of a peaceful transfer of power ended on January 6
Meanwhile the riots of the last 4 years, the mayors who ordered the cops to stand down so the rioters could destroy, loot and kill,

The mayors did not send the mob and the mob did not March under the flag of the mayors.

There is a difference between a spontaneous mob and one assembled by the President of the United States

The mayors ordered cops to stand down so that the rioters could riot. At times they ordered the cops to HELP.

Other times they ordered the cops to arrest people who defended themselves.

The differences are excuse for you to pretend you did not make this happen.

You started a war, and now you crying like a baby because the other side is fighting back.

Not even close

The mayors responded to violence, they did not cause it

It was a TRUMP mob
Correll and all the Trump apologists have no choice but to ignore the purpose. The insurrection was an attempt to keep a president in power after he lost an election that was certified by the EC. That's never happened in THIS country before. Correll and all Trump apologists will twist and squirm like the serpents they are to deflect from that truth by attempting to equate the insurrection to other illegal mass outbursts. None of which is defensible btw, not that anyone tries to defend a riot. Opposing govt abuses is something that has to be peaceful, even it people break laws

Impeaching Trump the second time was necessary, BUT NOT because Trump incited the mob. He did on live tv, but the Trump apologists will lie about that, just like they lie about his losing an election by 7 million LEGALLY cast votes. Impeachment is necessary because it appears there's a better than even chance the Trump ORGANIZED the insurrection, by calling the mob to assemble in the first place with the INTENT of calling on them to try to overturn an election. If the dems can prove that in the Senate, then we'll see what courage Senators have
Because they have no defense for the treasonous acts committed by the party of Trump.

Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.

TRUMP Terrorists Killed five people and drove Congress out of session in fear of their safety
It was the first assault on our Capitol since Britain invaded during the War of 1812. The traitors who stormed the Capitol should all face charges of treason, which I suspect many will after Twice Impeached Trump is out of office. If not for the quick and courageous efforts of the police, the vice president would have been lynched and who knows how many Congressmen/women would have been murdered. This was a seditious insurrection which will not go unpunished nor will it be swept under the rug by whatabouters.

Meanwhile the riots of the last 4 years, the mayors who ordered the cops to stand down so the rioters could destroy, loot and kill,

that was ok because they were yours.

Mmm, not playing by your rules.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them. Sadly, it's more important to you to deflect with whataboutisms than it is to address the treasonist assault on our government. You are the enemy of America.

You say it was not ok, but you vote for the party that has been supporting the riots and arresting people for defending themselves.

Your actions contradict your words.

You want peaceful streets, stop supporting your elected leaders that support violence.

Until then, try to be less faggoty in your response to the escalating violence.

Do you vote Republican? The treasonous party that invaded the Capitol? See what a dumb fucking argument that is? Not to mention, you haven't shown the "Democrat party" supported the riots.

You say it was not ok, but you vote for the party that has been supporting the riots and arresting people for defending themselves.

Your actions contradict your words.

You want peaceful streets, stop supporting your elected leaders that support violence.

Until then, try to be less faggoty in your response to the escalating violence.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.

TRUMP Terrorists Killed five people and drove Congress out of session in fear of their safety
It was the first assault on our Capitol since Britain invaded during the War of 1812. The traitors who stormed the Capitol should all face charges of treason, which I suspect many will after Twice Impeached Trump is out of office. If not for the quick and courageous efforts of the police, the vice president would have been lynched and who knows how many Congressmen/women would have been murdered. This was a seditious insurrection which will not go unpunished nor will it be swept under the rug by whatabouters.

Meanwhile the riots of the last 4 years, the mayors who ordered the cops to stand down so the rioters could destroy, loot and kill,

that was ok because they were yours.

Mmm, not playing by your rules.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them. Sadly, it's more important to you to deflect with whataboutisms than it is to address the treasonist assault on our government. You are the enemy of America.

You say it was not ok, but you vote for the party that has been supporting the riots and arresting people for defending themselves.

Your actions contradict your words.

You want peaceful streets, stop supporting your elected leaders that support violence.

Until then, try to be less faggoty in your response to the escalating violence.

Do you vote Republican? The treasonous party that invaded the Capitol? See what a dumb fucking argument that is? Not to mention, you haven't shown the "Democrat party" supported the riots.

You say it was not ok, but you vote for the party that has been supporting the riots and arresting people for defending themselves.

Your actions contradict your words.

You want peaceful streets, stop supporting your elected leaders that support violence.

Until then, try to be less faggoty in your response to the escalating violence.
Still waiting to see that support you keep claiming......
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?
YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power.

Sending a mob to attack Congress does a lot to show your views on a peaceful transfer of power

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?
YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power.

Sending a mob to attack Congress does a lot to show your views on a peaceful transfer of power

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

Trump created the monster
Trump FED the monster
Trump summoned the monster to DC
Trump sent the monster to the Capitol

Then he stood by for hours as his monster ransacked the Capitol and threatened Congressmen
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You keep telling yourself that even as you delude yourself into believing the left attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power like the right did.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power.

Sending a mob to attack Congress does a lot to show your views on a peaceful transfer of power

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

Trump created the monster
Trump FED the monster
Trump summoned the monster to DC
Trump sent the monster to the Capitol

Then he stood by for hours as his monster ransacked the Capitol and threatened Congressmen

Your pretense that those assertions have not already been addressed, is you admitting that you cannot actually defend your assertions.

YOu have lost the debate.

Now you are just trolling.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You keep telling yourself that even as you delude yourself into believing the left attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power like the right did.


My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You keep telling yourself that even as you delude yourself into believing the left attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power like the right did.


My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

If your point actually stood as the final word, you wouldn't feel the need to keep repeating yourself. :lmao:

You yourself prove it's not the final word by repeating yourself. And again, your whataboutisms are the downfall of your point. All they are, are empty, worthless deflections from a failed revolution intended to prevent the peaceful transfer of power you can't defend.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You keep telling yourself that even as you delude yourself into believing the left attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power like the right did.


My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

If your point actually stood as the final word, you wouldn't feel the need to keep repeating yourself. :lmao:

You yourself prove it's not the final word by repeating yourself. And again, your whataboutisms are the downfall of your point. All they are, are empty, worthless deflections from a failed revolution intended to prevent the peaceful transfer of power you can't defend.

I made a point, and you have just been stonewalling and gaslighting since then.

Thus, ,i do need to repeat my point, so that it is not buried in your shit.

Thus, my repeating it, is NOT evidence that it is not the final word.

Here it is again, monkey.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are
OH look----------in order to protect and promote a corrupt senile bribe taking pedo family WHITE dem, the dems are going to cram the race card down our throats...

After King got back from the war, he needed to make money and discovered that pushing the race community organizing was a profitable gig that provided lots of opportunity for King to screw multiple women despite being married. That is is all it really was for him. Had he not died--------------you would have seen him to be just another slimey Jesse Jackson user.
Your pretense that Congress is some sacred cow

Yes they are
Trump had no right to send a mob to attack them
Unprecedented and Inexcusable

YOur side has been using mobs for political violence for years now, against the normal citizens of this nation.

SO, fuck your pretense otherwise.

AND fuck you too, for good measure.
Dr Martin Luther King used mobs for peaceful protests
Donald Trump used terrorists to kill people

I wasn't really going that far back, more focusing on the last few years, with your side's use of BLM and Antifa, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you.

Oh, wait. YOu knew that. You just played retarded so you could get in a zinger.

Dude. You are pretending to be retarded. The zinger is on you.

Trump did not want people to die in that protest. He wanted the irregularities in the election investigated.

KING, wanted people to get killed. So that he could use that for a play for sympathy from the Good People of this Great Nation.

It worked. For a while. But now his ideological descendants are using the same tactics to tear the nation apart and foster increased racism.

Trump sent terrorists to attack Congress under the Flag of TRUMP

One riot that did nothing, hardly compares to the last four years of you people.
"One riot that did nothing"


What did it do? Fucktard.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

It was a seditious rebellion against our government. That's treason. It led to 5 deaths, possibly 6. It resulted in a POTUS being impeached. It was only the second time our Capitol was invaded; the first being by the British during the War of 1812. It was an attempt to overthrow our government and prevent Biden from becoming president. And only because of the heroic actions of police, was the VPOTUS not lynched and members of Congress not murdered.

There is nothing else like it in U.S. history. Your failed attempts to equate it to BLM riots are an utter failure and exhibit nothing but whataboutisms because even you know you can't defend the abhorrent actions of those traitors.

You started a war and the other side escalated more than you wanted?

Aw, boo hoo, little cry baby.

So, moving forward do you want more war or less?

Hint: I know that you want more and plan to whine like a faggot again, when it blows back in your face again.
Not my problem you're too ignorant to comprehend there was no attempt by the left to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Your inability to understand a peaceful transfer of power is where the outgoing government peacefully and effectively hands over control to the incoming government undermines the childish idiocies you espouse. Unless protesters interfere with that process, they are not interfering with the peaceful transfer of power, they are simply protesting since the peaceful transfer of power is a function of government.

I'm sure you can always find some minor difference and thus claim that your side's violence is ok while your enemies' violence is soooo wrong.

Here is the deal though. The end result is ever increasing civil unrest and violence, and the little tales you tell yourself, are as useful as a stuffed teddy bear.

It's not a minor difference, you brain-dead nutcase. :cuckoo:

It's the very definition of peaceful transfer of power. Democrats didn't try to prevent it. They didn't kill anyone over it. They didn't try to kill the vice president over it. They didn't storm the Capitol over it. Meanwhile, Obama's administration complied from the beginning to transfer power. Trump risked national security to prevent Biden from becoming president after Biden won the election. He brainwashed his moronic base into believing the election was rigged and he was robbed. He did insane damage to the nation, culminating with his base, in his name, committing the worst act of treason in our lifetime.

You have absolutely no defense about that whatsoever. None. So buried within your own desperation, you try to pivot to other unrelated events. You're just a piece of shit. I know it. You know it. Most everyone posting here knows it.

YOur side did not respect the peaceful transfer of power. That you did it differently is less important than the fact you did it first.

It is also worth noting that the riot in dc, was an outlier, by a small group while your sides actions were owned by the Dem Party and supported by the rank and file.

So, your denial is fucking stupid.
Sadly, your dumbfuckery persists. None of those prevented the peaceful transfer of power or even attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Again, for your edification, the government is responsible for the peaceful transfer of power and they did nothing to disrupt it. You're truly fucking nuts. And desperate.

That was an excellent demonstrating of the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

In doing so, you have conceded the argument.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You keep telling yourself that even as you delude yourself into believing the left attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power like the right did.


My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

If your point actually stood as the final word, you wouldn't feel the need to keep repeating yourself. :lmao:

You yourself prove it's not the final word by repeating yourself. And again, your whataboutisms are the downfall of your point. All they are, are empty, worthless deflections from a failed revolution intended to prevent the peaceful transfer of power you can't defend.

I made a point, and you have just been stonewalling and gaslighting since then.

Thus, ,i do need to repeat my point, so that it is not buried in your shit.

Thus, my repeating it, is NOT evidence that it is not the final word.

Here it is again, monkey.

My point stands as the final word.

It was our turn and you people did all you could to take it away or at least make it not count.

That is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.

That is my point.

If you people don't respect the peaceful transfer of power, why should we?

You're repeating it again? You don't know what the word, "final," means. :lmao:

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