Dr. Oz - "Do you remember when your parents thought you were a boy?"


Kennedy has previously taken different positions on the issue, including restrictions on when a woman can access an abortion. He told Reuters he thought every abortion was a "tragedy" but that it should be a woman's right "throughout the pregnancy."

Late-term abortions are "horrible, but I don't think that there's any woman in the world would want to carry a baby to eight months and then have an abortion" without some extenuating circumstance.

Gee, he sounds just like someone else we all know!

They'll be able to brush it off, then they'll attack.

Imagine all the excuses being in a cult provides them.
Dr. Oz has openly promoted transgenderism among children on his show. The Trump campaign has been giving credit for their increased numbers among men, particularly minority men, to their "Harris is for They/Them, Trump is for you" ad. Shouldn't this disqualify him from a cabinet position? Where does he stand on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones? Does he still think that this boy is a girl? Will he allow insurance to pay for young adults to get cross-sex hormones?

He should be asked in his vetting.
They'll be able to brush it off, then they'll attack.

Imagine all the excuses being in a cult provides them.
The thing about being a compulsive-liar is that no position is so set in stone that you can't change it in a heartbeat, then take the other position, claiming that this new position was the position you held all along.
Self awareness level: zero

They are like amoeba, reacting to stimulus as it comes to them.
It took me several years to come to terms with the fact that there is far more of this in America than I knew. Or wanted to know.

So now I'm past it. I'm letting my inner nihilist just watch.
Well, you know. they have performed so many thousands and thousands of these surgeries on their students, it's an outpatient procedure now.

It's done during study hall.

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