Draining the Swamp--Getting control of the Federal Bureaucracy


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somalia has the perfect govmit for you.

Have you considered moving there? Govmit the size of a bathtub, no regulations or labor laws...
Or like some conservative call for a political purge at the Justice Department...

Long live the swamp!
Why do you hate civilization so much?

So you hate clean air, water and food? Why do your kind bitch about the quality of water in mexico? Seems like a double standard.

It seems to me that you want to go back to the stone age! Why? Why not stick to a system that works and can advance America forward.
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somalia has the perfect govmit for you.

Have you considered moving there? Govmit the size of a bathtub, no regulations or labor laws...


Their goal is to deregulate everything so the rich can own you as a serf and control all the wealth. Government has always been for the poor and middle class!

Rich have the power to demand clean water and food...The poor and the peon doesn't.
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup. In Burns, Oregon (near the infamous Malheur Refuge) government employees earn on the average twice what the poor locals earn.

They infect rural communities, they buy up the property, and then they destroy it. Communism.

Trump is the swamp.
Looks like I am getting some early feedback from Federal Employees and Porch Sitters who have finished watching their Porn on their Federal Computers and have now moved on to the Message Boards where they support Bolshevism at every opportunity.

Some posting from Obama Phones?
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup. In Burns, Oregon (near the infamous Malheur Refuge) government employees earn on the average twice what the poor locals earn.

They infect rural communities, they buy up the property, and then they destroy it. Communism.

Well son of a bitch. Why are the poor locals just sitting on their collective asses and not moving up the economic scale?

They’re too lazy?
Looks like I am getting some early feedback from Federal Employees and Porch Sitters who have finished watching their Porn on their Federal Computers and have now moved on to the Message Boards where they support Bolshevism at every opportunity.

Some posting from Obama Phones?

Post rated as dumb
Some posting from Obama Phones?

You're not actually pretending you've ever held a job, are you? You really think anyone will fall for that? You're a parasite who worships parasites.

Really. Is this all you've got? Why bother?

If you are helpless to contest the matters raised in the post---the article cited in the O. P.---about out of control spending on the vastly bloated Federal Bureaucracy...wouldn't it be wiser not to respond at all, and then you could pretend you did not read that for which you have no response?
Really. Is this all you've got? Why bother?

Poor snowflake. He can dish it out, but squeals when he gets it back.

Notice how there are so many more conservatives online than liberals?

That's because liberals spend time on jobs and family, while conservatives at home takin' dope and collecting gubmint subsidies, and screaming on the internet.

If you are helpless to contest the matters raised in the post---the article cited in the O. P.---about out of control spending on the vastly bloated Federal Bureaucracy...wouldn't it be wiser not to respond at all, and then you could pretend you did not read that for which you have no response?

My response is that your OP link showed no such thing. You just pretended it did. The evidence contradicts your claims on most every topic, which is why you just make up these stories.
Really. Is this all you've got? Why bother?

Poor snowflake. He can dish it out, but squeals when he gets it back.

Notice how there are so many more conservatives online than liberals?

That's because liberals spend time on jobs and family, while conservatives at home takin' dope and collecting gubmint subsidies, and screaming on the internet.

If you are helpless to contest the matters raised in the post---the article cited in the O. P.---about out of control spending on the vastly bloated Federal Bureaucracy...wouldn't it be wiser not to respond at all, and then you could pretend you did not read that for which you have no response?

My response is that your OP link showed no such thing. You just pretended it did. The evidence contradicts your claims on most every topic, which is why you just make up these stories.

Please accept my apology for implying that you are a Dumb-Ass. I just realized that you might be Black.

A lot of my career involved being an Asshole...at which many felt that I did excel. (Perhaps you agree. It would not hurt my feelings.)

But, I was never an Asshole to Blacks. Not ever.

If you are an Asshole to regular people, they call you an Asshole.

If you are an Asshole to Blacks, they call you a Racist.

I have often fretted that I might be a coward. My ancestors were not. They fought the Klan for 40 years.

Also, I have often wondered how long it would go on that Blacks have to be so tenderly treated. I personally have watched for over half a century....and the need for special treatment only seems to grow.

So, whatever you say if you are Black----Yes, I am a Snowflake who has never been employed etc. etc.

If you are just a regular Dumb-Ass who doesn't even realize you are a budding Bolshevik--GET FUCKED.
A couple of years ago, I took a drive through Northern Virginia, near Washington, and I was appalled by the number of subdivisions of mansions built all over land that was nothing more than cow pastures a few years ago.

This article sheds light on what is going on--and it ought to disgust every American who has not been converted to Bolshevism through natural stupidity or Democratic brain-washing.

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

"The growth in the number of federal employees earning over $150,000 per year is simply mind numbing. Keep in mind, these salaries are doled out regardless of whether or not these employees take advantage of their 8 weeks of paid time off every year."


DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup. In Burns, Oregon (near the infamous Malheur Refuge) government employees earn on the average twice what the poor locals earn.

They infect rural communities, they buy up the property, and then they destroy it. Communism.

Well son of a bitch. Why are the poor locals just sitting on their collective asses and not moving up the economic scale?

They’re too lazy?

She said; "Burns,OR"
That's in Harney County...nothing but good quality, hard working, blue collar folks...and there you wacks go again...displaying your extreme hatred for our REAL American working class....and you wonder why you can't win an election without some weird outside the box bullshit scam. Thanks for handing over all of D.C. on a silver platter....Much appreciated!
Really. Is this all you've got? Why bother?

Poor snowflake. He can dish it out, but squeals when he gets it back.

Notice how there are so many more conservatives online than liberals?

That's because liberals spend time on jobs and family, while conservatives at home takin' dope and collecting gubmint subsidies, and screaming on the internet.

If you are helpless to contest the matters raised in the post---the article cited in the O. P.---about out of control spending on the vastly bloated Federal Bureaucracy...wouldn't it be wiser not to respond at all, and then you could pretend you did not read that for which you have no response?

My response is that your OP link showed no such thing. You just pretended it did. The evidence contradicts your claims on most every topic, which is why you just make up these stories.

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?
If you are just a regular Dumb-Ass who doesn't even realize you are a budding Bolshevik--GET FUCKED.

When you stop sucking the asses of the RepubliRussian commies with such gusto, we'll stop assuming you're a Stalinist fanatic, using the propaganda techniques of Stalin in an attempt to spread your communist ideology.

And I do understand that you don't understand you're running from Stalin's playbook. Your cult masters have brainwashed you well into being the thing you think you despise.

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