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Msg 182362 of 182384 at 2/14/2017 2:14:42 AM by

What Will Trump Do About the Central-Bank Cartel?[/paste:font]
By Thorsten Polleit

Mises.org February 14, 2017

Critical Excerpt ?:

The financial and economic crisis 2008/2009 has increased further the dependency of the world’s financial system on the US dollar. As early as December 2008, the Fed provided so-called “liquidity swap agreements.” Under the latter, the Fed is prepared to lend newly created US dollars to other central banks around the globe.

For instance, the European Central Bank (ECB) can obtain US dollars from the Fed and lend the funds on to shaky domestic banks in need for US dollar funding. In other words: Liquidity swap agreements can easily replace foreign currency funding in the marketplace by foreign currency credit provided by central banks.

Meanwhile, all major central banks around the world — the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Chinese central bank, the Bank of England, and the Swiss National Bank — have joined the liquidity swap agreement club. They also have agreed to provide their own currencies to all other central banks — in actually unlimited amounts if needed.”

Mod Edit - please do not post entire articles.

The Best of Thorsten Polleit

The Vicious Central-Bank Cartel - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

(The Fed/Treasury has no Constitutional power to make the huge American dollar loans to Foreign central banks or foreign governments described in this article. How President elect Trump solves(or ignores) this illegal activity will define his presidency.


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Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and central bankers call the shots, same as it ever was.

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