Dream GOP Ticket Of Cruz/West.How Will Liberal Media Cover An Hispanic&Black Ticket?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Is it safe to assume that the Three leading candidates for a GOP ticket are Paul/Cruz and West as a VP?
Lets say it winds up Cruz and West. Rand Paul/Rubio as next leaders in the GOP (maybe replacing Boehner and his sidekick).
Can you just imagine the hosts/commentators on MSNBC bashing them? Blacks and Hispanics wont tolerate Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz bashing the candidates cause of their races.
Lets see, Ted Cruz? hmm, an Hispanic?, what? all latino's/puerto ricans are stupid according to Chris Matthews?
No wonder the left is panicing !!!:omg:
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well they did want Allen West to replace Boehner in 2014, then he can get on Cruz's ticket, then let Paul be Speaker, and maybe Rubio tell Canter to take a hike LOL
Minority tea party candidates!!
If anyone criticizes them we screach about racism!!

Would schoolteachers force black kids to beat the shit out of white kids who don't support the minority candidate?
Or is non support only racist if the minority candidate is a liberal?

Non liberal minorities are uncle toms?
Slightly superior than mere whites(subhumans).
The PC media would have quite the problem on their hands.

They would just act as if it wasn't happening.
They would continue to insist republicans were white supremacists, that a black candidate was a white black and the Hispanic a white supremacist Hispanic!
Cruz/West dream ticket

The dems will laugh themselves silly, because the GOP might get 25% of the vote.
The GOP might win this one. If only by Democrats laughing themselves to death. But since Democrats always win off of votes by dead people....:dunno:
there are no rising stars for the Dems' well maybe Anthony Weiner. But he's too short to be President anyway.

No, just Clinton.

Among all women, 66 percent say they would support Clinton as a candidate for president in 2016; it is 75 percent among those under 50 and 54 percent among those aged 50 and up. Forty-nine percent of men back a Clinton bid, regardless of what side of 50 they are on.
if Blacks only come out in the masses when there is a black man on the ticket, then the Dem's are in trouble. Allen West wont have any problem getting at least 50% of the Black and White Hispanic vote.
And since there’s no such thing as the ‘liberal media,’ .


Lets say it winds up Cruz and West. Rand Paul/Rubio as next leaders in the GOP (maybe replacing Boehner and his sidekick).
Can you just imagine the hosts/commentators on MSNBC bashing them? Blacks and Hispanics wont tolerate Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz bashing the candidates cause of their races.

Easy, Frito Bandito and Uncle Tom. There are lots of options to denigrate Hispanics which people in the welfare class will always glam onto. You'd think Uncle Tom, like the race card, would be worn out by now but I see no end in sight. If we do succeed in throwing off that shackle ( :cool: ) they're in trouble. After all, who's the black overseer keepin' 'em down on the Plantation now.
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