Dream Warriors: Modern Malpractice


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why do we now make films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors and Ghost in the Machine?

1. a group of MIT students are writing algorithms for anti-virus software designed to strengthen Facebook
2. an ex-KGB agent decides to help the CIA infiltrate black market munitions sales in Moscow
3. an environmental biologist decides to use yellow journalism to encourage more eco-inspection
4. an American movie star starts posting pro-democracy ideas on the Internet

These kinds of 'pseudo-vigilante' deeds in the modern world reflect a new age concern about 'traffic deformity,' which suggests that modern idealists are like 'sociological dream warriors.'

Are there new age 'highway gargoyles' (e.g., Enron)?

If there are, then modern 'evil-doers' may be 'spin-doctors' guilty of 'marketplace malpractice.'

So here's my conspiracy theory: Enron got away with murder...I mean, does anyone really talk about what happened? It seems people care more about Bill Cosby than Enron!

Arrow-Lantern Facebook Drawing

Let me elucidate my ambitious conspiracy theory with this Facebook-voodoo tale!

This stuff is so darn fun; you start to blur the lines between paranoia and performance-art.

Anyone see the movie The Game (Michael Douglas)?


Tom Cruise, the popular American movie star whose entertaining work in culturally-relevant films such as Rain Man, Born on the 4th of July, and Minority Report cemented his status as a media idol, was starting to receive criticisms in the press about his devotion to the Church of Scientology. A tabloid even reported that Cruise was considering divorcing his wife over disagreements over Dianetics, a primer-book for Scientologists. Cruise considered the possibility that 'bad press' was 'politely ushering' him out of the celebrity spotlight.

Meanwhile, an idealistic vigilantism-minded Internet blogger named Ajay, a graduate of Yale University with a degree in social psychology, was writing posts about the strange lure of comic book characters fighting crime in the modern American city. Ajay's posts started getting countless hits, and when he posted links to some of his short-stories on his Facebook page, thousands of people from around the world were flocking to his profile page and story-links. Ajay realized that modern Internet traffic was turning him into a 'layman's celebrity.'

One day, while Cruise was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, he received a surprising call from the CIA. Two government agents visited Cruise at his vacation home and explained to him that modern attention endowed upon media personalities such as American movie stars was putting dubious spotlight on Cruise's apparent questionable decisions and behaviors regarding his unusual ties to the Church of Scientology. The agents explained to the stunned movie star that if terrorist groups such as ISIS got wind that an 'unruly American movie star' was speaking all kinds of controversial 'gibberish' about an alternative belief system (Scientology), ISIS could claim that the American media was somehow 'fanatically biased' in favor of any non-Islamic religious organization.

Cruise decided to retire from Hollywood altogether and start writing posts on the Internet under a false pseudonym. Cruise started calling himself 'Green Lantern,' the DC Comics superhero who carried a magical power-ring. Cruise (aka, Lantern) would claim his posts about religious freedom were like 'beacons of light' emanating from his 'green ring' and that 'green' was the new fab color, signifying a need to focus on eco-consciousness! Meanwhile, Ajay received a call from a Hollywood movie studio requesting to use some of his pro-comics Internet posts to formulate the script for a new film about everyday vigilantes using the Internet to promote democracy!

Ajay was so excited that he fashioned himself a new 'Internet super-alias' for his Facebook profile-page: Green Arrow (the DC Comics superhero who carried magical super-fine arrows). When Cruise (aka Lantern) visited the profile page of 'Arrow' (Ajay), he realized that this 'layman pauper' had become a 'media prince,' while he (the once movie prince) had become something like a 'vigilante pauper'! Lantern (Cruise) sent a message to Arrow (Ajay) on his Facebook page: "Arrow, I challenge you to post a photo of yourself on your Facebook profile-page with you dressed as an ISIS terrorist, so people will see how media attention can be used to highlight the double-edged sword of democracy!" Things were really about to change --- all thanks to the Internet!




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