Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
News Headlines
In a time we need jobs and more tax revenue, we could look at the Dakotas, Texas and Louisiana as they compare to the rest of the country when it comes to jobs
We can't just rush into this, we have to make sure we can make domestic drilling as environmentally safe as we can. As we have learned in the gulf, environmental health is essential to many peoples livelihoods as well as our overall economic health.
I do not dis agree
I work in the oil industry and we have this fear of something we should not fear

It is un clear to me what agenda is driving the left in this country to have such a fear of a resource that could be a win-win-win

Local exploration
local refinement
local distribution

Where i am working in Texas I leave a son and a brother bankrupt in Florida with no chance of work in the next 4-ever

Obama does not see this. we have to take advantage of every thing there is to create jobs
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?


FYI the "left" does not assign petroleum workers to their tasks.

The invisible hand of the market and the corporatists who guide that hand do the scheduling.

Thought you right wingers understood how markets worked.

Apparently not.
I do not dis agree
I work in the oil industry and we have this fear of something we should not fear

It is un clear to me what agenda is driving the left in this country to have such a fear of a resource that could be a win-win-win

Local exploration
local refinement
local distribution

Where i am working in Texas I leave a son and a brother bankrupt in Florida with no chance of work in the next 4-ever

Obama does not see this. we have to take advantage of every thing there is to create jobs

How much oil does the US consume every year? How much oil is available to us Domestically? When would this oil become available? Are you saying you want the United States government to build these oil refineries?

The answer to our energy and economic woes is not drilling in our protected lands and off our delicate shores. There isn't enough out there to make a damn bit of difference. We are only talking something like 2% of all the oil in the world. We need to reduce our consumption, not destroy our land for the thimbleful of oil that is left in it.

Yes, jobs are key to our economic recovery and jobs can be created...moving forward with cleaner, more renewable energies...and that includes some nuclear (although what is happening in Japan should give us pause). I'd like to see more research into micro (or is it macro?) nuclear energy ('cause waste is still a problem too).

Despite being unfairly demonized by the right, Van Jones makes an excellent argument for green jobs, that could hasten our economic recovery and make us a "top dog" again. Right now we are trailing FAR behind countries like China and Germany.

Do you know how much power Germany gets from solar? They aren't really known for their copious amounts of sunshine are they?
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?


FYI the "left" does not assign petroleum workers to their tasks.

The invisible hand of the market and the corporatists who guide that hand do the scheduling.

Thought you right wingers understood how markets worked.

Apparently not.

But they do assign the permits required to drill/move and refine these products
I understand without the proper permits from the agency's that over see these events, nothing occurs
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A federal court ordered the Obama administration Thursday to act on five deep water drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico within 30 days, calling the delays in issuing new decisions "unreasonable, unacceptable, and unjustified."

US: No New Refineries in 29 Years
by Jad Mouawad, New York Times
May 9th, 2005

About 100 miles southwest of Phoenix, in a remote patch off Interstate 8, Glenn McGinnis is seeking to do something that has not been done for 29 years in the United States. He is trying to build an oil refinery.

Part of his job is to persuade local officials and residents to allow a 150,000-barrel-a-day refinery in their backyard - no small task. Another is to find investors ready to risk $2.5 billion in a volatile industry. So far, the effort has consumed six years and $30 million, with precious little to show for it.

Oil industry analysts and trade organizations like the American Petroleum Institute say they know of no one else doing the same thing.

Even so, Mr. McGinnis - an industry veteran who joined Arizona Clean Fuels last year as chief executive to give the project more heft against long odds - cleared a significant hurdle recently when Arizona awarded him a crucial emissions permit. Still ahead are countless rounds of negotiations with local, state and federal agencies to secure dozens more permits.

Meanwhile, the 1,400-acre site picked for the refinery, an old citrus grove near the Mexican border, remains empty, a sign of why the United States is now grappling with an acute shortage of plants that can refine the more than 20 million of barrels of crude oil that the country consumes every day.


(opinion only)

By Dr. Michael S. Coffman Ph. D.
March 8, 2011

Even as Mideast oil supplies are increasingly imperiled by civil unrest, President Obama is systematically blocking every effort to develop domestic supplies of oil. If the turmoil in the Mideast escalates, it could unnecessarily mean $5 or more a gallon gas and the collapse of the American economy.

Based on solely on his actions, it would seem President Obama hates America and most Americans. After all, a robust economy is dependent on a cheap supply of energy. Yet, the Obama administration has thrown roadblock after roadblock in the way of developing domestic coal, oil and natural gas supplies that would assure a stable, cheap supply of energy for America.

Perhaps this shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, Obama warned that his cap and trade plans would “bankrupt” the coal industry and necessarily cause energy prices to “skyrocket” during the 2008 campaign. But, the electorate didn’t pay any attention because he promised hope and change.

We should have paid more attention. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle during the 2008 campaign Obama casually dropped the bombshell that he would bankrupt the coal industry. “Sure, if somebody wants to build coal-fired power plants, they can,” said Obama as if he was discussing the weather, “it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they are gonna be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”[1]
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I do not dis agree
I work in the oil industry and we have this fear of something we should not fear

It is un clear to me what agenda is driving the left in this country to have such a fear of a resource that could be a win-win-win

Local exploration
local refinement
local distribution

Where i am working in Texas I leave a son and a brother bankrupt in Florida with no chance of work in the next 4-ever

Obama does not see this. we have to take advantage of every thing there is to create jobs

How much oil does the US consume every year? How much oil is available to us Domestically? When would this oil become available? Are you saying you want the United States government to build these oil refineries?

The answer to our energy and economic woes is not drilling in our protected lands and off our delicate shores. There isn't enough out there to make a damn bit of difference. We are only talking something like 2% of all the oil in the world. We need to reduce our consumption, not destroy our land for the thimbleful of oil that is left in it.

Yes, jobs are key to our economic recovery and jobs can be created...moving forward with cleaner, more renewable energies...and that includes some nuclear (although what is happening in Japan should give us pause). I'd like to see more research into micro (or is it macro?) nuclear energy ('cause waste is still a problem too).

Despite being unfairly demonized by the right, Van Jones makes an excellent argument for green jobs, that could hasten our economic recovery and make us a "top dog" again. Right now we are trailing FAR behind countries like China and Germany.

Do you know how much power Germany gets from solar? They aren't really known for their copious amounts of sunshine are they?

Oil consumption?
what does oil consumption have to do with jobs when it comes to the expansion of an industry that is no existent in much of this country?

Look the day green jobs are not created by the federal govt, thats the day they will make a difference.
expanded oil refinement, exploration, etc.. not only will create jobs, it will lower fuel cost as well as add tax revenue

Green jobs takes from tax revenue because the private sector will not touch it
Your comment about Germany is another liberal myth. its the size of Georgia. its not needing the feed that This country needs to keep it healthy
Much of the domestic oil resources are not worth extracting unless crude prices are high.

You can't drive down the price of oil via domestic production, because domestic production goes down as the price goes down.
I do not dis agree
I work in the oil industry and we have this fear of something we should not fear

It is un clear to me what agenda is driving the left in this country to have such a fear of a resource that could be a win-win-win

Local exploration
local refinement
local distribution

Where i am working in Texas I leave a son and a brother bankrupt in Florida with no chance of work in the next 4-ever

Obama does not see this. we have to take advantage of every thing there is to create jobs

How much oil does the US consume every year? How much oil is available to us Domestically? When would this oil become available? Are you saying you want the United States government to build these oil refineries?

The answer to our energy and economic woes is not drilling in our protected lands and off our delicate shores. There isn't enough out there to make a damn bit of difference. We are only talking something like 2% of all the oil in the world. We need to reduce our consumption, not destroy our land for the thimbleful of oil that is left in it.

Yes, jobs are key to our economic recovery and jobs can be created...moving forward with cleaner, more renewable energies...and that includes some nuclear (although what is happening in Japan should give us pause). I'd like to see more research into micro (or is it macro?) nuclear energy ('cause waste is still a problem too).

Despite being unfairly demonized by the right, Van Jones makes an excellent argument for green jobs, that could hasten our economic recovery and make us a "top dog" again. Right now we are trailing FAR behind countries like China and Germany.

Do you know how much power Germany gets from solar? They aren't really known for their copious amounts of sunshine are they?

Oil consumption?
what does oil consumption have to do with jobs when it comes to the expansion of an industry that is no existent in much of this country?

Look the day green jobs are not created by the federal govt, thats the day they will make a difference.
expanded oil refinement, exploration, etc.. not only will create jobs, it will lower fuel cost as well as add tax revenue

Green jobs takes from tax revenue because the private sector will not touch it
Your comment about Germany is another liberal myth. its the size of Georgia. its not needing the feed that This country needs to keep it healthy

Consumption has EVERYTHING to do with it. Do you think the smartest thing to do when automobiles started rolling off factory lines, would have been to go out and buy a buggy factory? We consume 20 million BARRELS of oil a day. (that's like almost 180 million gallons a day) and produce less than 5% of the world's oil.

How much MORE oil is available to us even if we were to, say, drill in the Arctic? Estimates are from 3 to 16 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic. We use 6.6 barrels a year. The answer is NOT more drilling.

Gee, so Germany is the size of Georgia...great, let's start with Georgia. Provide the same percentage of their electricity via solar as Germany does. It will be a great experiment. I don't get this "size" argument at all. Why can't something that works be expanded?

What's wrong with doing this in the US? Hydrogen Community Lolland - the Future is Here : TreeHugger

And don't try to tell me that the US government isn't all tied up in OIL. We subsidize the shit out of it (and yet the oil companies manage to turn ridiculous profits). Take away ALL the oil subsidies and invest in renewable energies.

Vestenskov: The world

The World's Greenest Cities | Do Something
Much of the domestic oil resources are not worth extracting unless crude prices are high.

You can't drive down the price of oil via domestic production, because domestic production goes down as the price goes down.

Are you saying that extracting oil 5000 feet below sea level in the middle of the gulf makes more sense than the exploration and extraction of here in the US of A?
Look there is no better example of drinking to much cool aid
I do not think we should all think the same, but I do wish all would think, just the same
How much oil does the US consume every year? How much oil is available to us Domestically? When would this oil become available? Are you saying you want the United States government to build these oil refineries?

The answer to our energy and economic woes is not drilling in our protected lands and off our delicate shores. There isn't enough out there to make a damn bit of difference. We are only talking something like 2% of all the oil in the world. We need to reduce our consumption, not destroy our land for the thimbleful of oil that is left in it.

Yes, jobs are key to our economic recovery and jobs can be created...moving forward with cleaner, more renewable energies...and that includes some nuclear (although what is happening in Japan should give us pause). I'd like to see more research into micro (or is it macro?) nuclear energy ('cause waste is still a problem too).

Despite being unfairly demonized by the right, Van Jones makes an excellent argument for green jobs, that could hasten our economic recovery and make us a "top dog" again. Right now we are trailing FAR behind countries like China and Germany.

Do you know how much power Germany gets from solar? They aren't really known for their copious amounts of sunshine are they?

Oil consumption?
what does oil consumption have to do with jobs when it comes to the expansion of an industry that is no existent in much of this country?

Look the day green jobs are not created by the federal govt, thats the day they will make a difference.
expanded oil refinement, exploration, etc.. not only will create jobs, it will lower fuel cost as well as add tax revenue

Green jobs takes from tax revenue because the private sector will not touch it
Your comment about Germany is another liberal myth. its the size of Georgia. its not needing the feed that This country needs to keep it healthy

Consumption has EVERYTHING to do with it. Do you think the smartest thing to do when automobiles started rolling off factory lines, would have been to go out and buy a buggy factory? We consume 20 million BARRELS of oil a day. (that's like almost 180 million gallons a day) and produce less than 5% of the world's oil.

How much MORE oil is available to us even if we were to, say, drill in the Arctic? Estimates are from 3 to 16 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic. We use 6.6 barrels a year. The answer is NOT more drilling.

Gee, so Germany is the size of Georgia...great, let's start with Georgia. Provide the same percentage of their electricity via solar as Germany does. It will be a great experiment. I don't get this "size" argument at all. Why can't something that works be expanded?

What's wrong with doing this in the US? Hydrogen Community Lolland - the Future is Here : TreeHugger

And don't try to tell me that the US government isn't all tied up in OIL. We subsidize the shit out of it (and yet the oil companies manage to turn ridiculous profits). Take away ALL the oil subsidies and invest in renewable energies.

Vestenskov: The world

The World's Greenest Cities | Do Something

We subsidize oil?
News Headlines
LL: The Obama Administration has been very consistent in its message on green energy. How much of taxpayer dollars have been used to fund "green jobs" and are these jobs real?

TP: We are still counting all the billions billions of dollars the administration has wasted on the green jobs agenda. The stimulus bill alone had $41 billion in spending on energy—much of which could be categorized as spending on "green jobs." Regardless of the exact amount, green jobs are not real, sustainable jobs and that is the central problem.

Green jobs are created and completely reliant on government subsidies and mandates. When the subsidies and mandates go away, the green jobs go away. The money to pay for green jobs subsidies has to come from somewhere. In the case of the subsidies, that somewhere is the taxpayers pocket. And since these policies lead to higher energy prices, we all pay. A study in Spain, for example, found that 2.2 jobs were lost as an opportunity cost of every green job created.

its not just about driller either

Colorado, Utah and Wyoming have enough oil and gas in shale oil formations to completely supply all U.S. needs for several hundred years with current technology and oil prices.[20] The BLM estimates that “1.2–1.8 trillion barrels of oil is available in Wyoming’s Green River Formation alone. A moderate estimate of 800 billion barrels of oil that would be recoverable from oil shale in the Green River Formation is three times greater than the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia”[21] That is over a 100 year supply of oil at present U.S. consumption rates – just from Wyoming. Yet, the progressives in Congress have stonewalled shale oil development for over a decade. They want a more permanent solution. Wild lands designationsappear to be the progressive answer.

It appears, however, that Obama cannot wait for even these wild land designations. On February 14, 2011, the Obama administration announced it is going to take a "fresh look" at the oil shale leasing rules put in place by President George W. Bush in 2008. Bush’s rules allowed the development of the oil-rich shale in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming over nearly 2 million acres of BLM land in the Green River Formation alone.
Much of the domestic oil resources are not worth extracting unless crude prices are high.

You can't drive down the price of oil via domestic production, because domestic production goes down as the price goes down.

Are you saying that extracting oil 5000 feet below sea level in the middle of the gulf makes more sense than the exploration and extraction of here in the US of A?
Look there is no better example of drinking to much cool aid
I do not think we should all think the same, but I do wish all would think, just the same

Drilling where in the U.S., and at what per barrel cost?
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?

Not the "the left" decides how much domestic oil is produced; but domestic oil production is at the highest level since 2003, so you tell me.



The Energy Information Administration (EIA), in a short-term energy outlook released Wednesday, says domestic oil production increased by 150,000 barrels per day in 2010.

That’s a significant increase, Heather Zichal, deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change, noted in a blog post published on the White House website Tuesday night.

The EIA data show that 2010 had the highest U.S. domestic oil production since 2003, a figure Zichal notes in her blog post.

White House, GOP lock horns over US oil production - The Hill's E2-Wire
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Oil consumption?
what does oil consumption have to do with jobs when it comes to the expansion of an industry that is no existent in much of this country?

Look the day green jobs are not created by the federal govt, thats the day they will make a difference.
expanded oil refinement, exploration, etc.. not only will create jobs, it will lower fuel cost as well as add tax revenue

Green jobs takes from tax revenue because the private sector will not touch it
Your comment about Germany is another liberal myth. its the size of Georgia. its not needing the feed that This country needs to keep it healthy

Consumption has EVERYTHING to do with it. Do you think the smartest thing to do when automobiles started rolling off factory lines, would have been to go out and buy a buggy factory? We consume 20 million BARRELS of oil a day. (that's like almost 180 million gallons a day) and produce less than 5% of the world's oil.

How much MORE oil is available to us even if we were to, say, drill in the Arctic? Estimates are from 3 to 16 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic. We use 6.6 barrels a year. The answer is NOT more drilling.

Gee, so Germany is the size of Georgia...great, let's start with Georgia. Provide the same percentage of their electricity via solar as Germany does. It will be a great experiment. I don't get this "size" argument at all. Why can't something that works be expanded?

What's wrong with doing this in the US? Hydrogen Community Lolland - the Future is Here : TreeHugger

And don't try to tell me that the US government isn't all tied up in OIL. We subsidize the shit out of it (and yet the oil companies manage to turn ridiculous profits). Take away ALL the oil subsidies and invest in renewable energies.

Vestenskov: The world

The World's Greenest Cities | Do Something

We subsidize oil?
News Headlines
LL: The Obama Administration has been very consistent in its message on green energy. How much of taxpayer dollars have been used to fund "green jobs" and are these jobs real?

TP: We are still counting all the billions billions of dollars the administration has wasted on the green jobs agenda. The stimulus bill alone had $41 billion in spending on energy—much of which could be categorized as spending on "green jobs." Regardless of the exact amount, green jobs are not real, sustainable jobs and that is the central problem.

Green jobs are created and completely reliant on government subsidies and mandates. When the subsidies and mandates go away, the green jobs go away. The money to pay for green jobs subsidies has to come from somewhere. In the case of the subsidies, that somewhere is the taxpayers pocket. And since these policies lead to higher energy prices, we all pay. A study in Spain, for example, found that 2.2 jobs were lost as an opportunity cost of every green job created.

its not just about driller either

Colorado, Utah and Wyoming have enough oil and gas in shale oil formations to completely supply all U.S. needs for several hundred years with current technology and oil prices.[20] The BLM estimates that “1.2–1.8 trillion barrels of oil is available in Wyoming’s Green River Formation alone. A moderate estimate of 800 billion barrels of oil that would be recoverable from oil shale in the Green River Formation is three times greater than the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia”[21] That is over a 100 year supply of oil at present U.S. consumption rates – just from Wyoming. Yet, the progressives in Congress have stonewalled shale oil development for over a decade. They want a more permanent solution. Wild lands designationsappear to be the progressive answer.

It appears, however, that Obama cannot wait for even these wild land designations. On February 14, 2011, the Obama administration announced it is going to take a "fresh look" at the oil shale leasing rules put in place by President George W. Bush in 2008. Bush’s rules allowed the development of the oil-rich shale in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming over nearly 2 million acres of BLM land in the Green River Formation alone.

what are the drawbacks to shale oil recovery? Why did you leave that out of your post?

also, why are the oil companies SITTING on most of the new oil leases that they have? Why not drill on the leases they ALREADY HAVE?
I read an article the other day (no I don't have a link) that said drilling in Anwar would create 55,000 jobs. That's a lot of high paying jobs.
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?


FYI the "left" does not assign petroleum workers to their tasks.

The invisible hand of the market and the corporatists who guide that hand do the scheduling.

Thought you right wingers understood how markets worked.

Apparently not.

I don't know about shipping oil jobs overseas, but I do know that the semi-black Political Piece of Shit is destroying America by enforcing us being hostages to the Oily Sheiks and enemies in the mid East as well as arseholes like Hugo fucking Chavez of Venezuela.

How ? By not building Nuclear Plants and drilling in America and our off shores where we are one of the richest energy countries in the World.

ALL the Energy experts and Economists who are not Obamarrhoids are literally flabbergasted at the behaviour of this MuslimArseLicking MARXIST Psycho and his idiotic freezing of all the oil permits....even in the Gulf, where the moratorium is over....Obami Salami's stooge Salazar has still frozen ALL the permits.

The Mid East is erupting. Gas prices are going thru the roof, truckers can't truck, agricultural products can't move, industry is getting paralyzed, Americans (those who can still work) can't get to work without emtying their wallets .... all because Obamarrhoidally brainwashed idiots like that one a few posts away yap about "Environmental Protections" when that is a minor problem....actually NO problem.....if easily meaningful attention is addressed to it.

The problem is Obami Salami and his obsession with "Clean Energy" which is fine....BUT AMERICA CAN'T RELY ON THIS TO THE ALMOST TOTAL EXCLUSION OF THE OTHER SOURCES FOR AMERICA'S VERY ECONOMIC SURVIVAL !!!

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News Headlines
In a time we need jobs and more tax revenue, we could look at the Dakotas, Texas and Louisiana as they compare to the rest of the country when it comes to jobs

From that link:

TP: According to data from the Energy Information Administration, the unofficial continuing offshore moratorium will reduce our oil production by 260,000 barrels a day in 2011.

At $90 a barrel of oil, that mean will spend $8.5 billion a year to buy foreign oil that would be produced here in America if not for the Obama administration's policies. Based on the administration’s own data, the Gulf region stood to lose 19,536 jobs, $5 billion in economic output, $1.1 billion

in earnings, and $239 million in state and local tax revenues during the 6-month moratorium. As the "permitorium" continues, more and more companies will pull up stakes in America and permanently move their business—and the jobs—elsewhere.
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?

Not the "the left" decides how much domestic oil is produced; but domestic oil production is at the highest level since 2003, so you tell me.


EIA - Impacts of Increased Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf

The Energy Information Administration (EIA), in a short-term energy outlook released Wednesday, says domestic oil production increased by 150,000 barrels per day in 2010.

That’s a significant increase, Heather Zichal, deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change, noted in a blog post published on the White House website Tuesday night.

The EIA data show that 2010 had the highest U.S. domestic oil production since 2003, a figure Zichal notes in her blog post.

White House, GOP lock horns over US oil production - The Hill's E2-Wire

Our president is the most un-ethical person I have ever met, I mean no personal attack to this man, I feel violated by that mans methods

The President took to the bully pulpit for a presser covering a wide range of topics including the Japanese earthquake and the situation in Libya. He also took time out to make a rather curious claim about US oil supplies.

“We’re adapting. We’re producing more oil, and we’re importing less,” he remarked.

“Now, the hard truth is, is that as long as our economy depends on foreign oil, we’ll always be subject to price spikes,” he noted.

He indicated that “our oil production reached its highest level in seven years. Oil production from federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico reached an all-time high,” adding that “for the first time in more than a decade, imports accounted for less than half of what we consumed.”

That’s an interesting claim, particularly given Hot Air’s coverage of the subject just prior to the press event. But record setting production would certainly be good news, wouldn’t it? Sadly, it seems that the President was basing his claims on some recent comments by Ken Salazar. While they sound great on paper, Ken was talking about the total number of oil rigs in the gulf, not the total amount of oil being produced. Jack Gerard of the American Petroleum Institute attempts to straighten out the math for the Oil Analyst in Chief.

Salazar’s numbers distort the true number of working rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. According to Baker Hughes:

Four days before the Deepwater Horizon accident there were 55 rotary rigs actually drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
On May 28, 2010, when the administration announced the six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling, there were 46 rotary rigs operating in the Gulf.
Last week, 25 rotary rigs were operating in the Gulf of Mexico.
So the fact that there is an “all-time high” number of rigs in the Gulf ignores the fact that most of those rigs are not working. Claiming an increase in idle rigs in the Gulf as a success story is like claiming the job market is great because a lot of people are unemployed and available to work.

With all due respect to API, a better analagy would be to have a poultry farmer claiming that egg production was at an all time high based on the number of chickens he has, regardless of the fact that more than half the hens have stopped laying. But in fairness to America’s poultry farmers, your average chicken doesn’t have to wait for a permit from the federal government before dropping more eggs in the nest.

The president needs to go back and do a bit more work on his math. Or possibly pardon a few chickens. Perhaps the new media meme for 2011 could be the one put forward by a good friend of Hot Air on Twitter. So… “Obama lied, Gulf oil workers cried”?

Update (Ed): Over at American Solutions, Steve Everley debunks a few more claims from Obama:

“We can’t escape the fact that we control only 2% of the world’s oil.” This is a common refrain among anti-drilling Democrats and environmentalists, and it’s repeated enough that many people accept it as true. In reality, it’s 100% false. The number comes from a highly conservative estimate from the Energy Information Administration totaling America’s proven reserves where we are already drilling. It does not include the 10 billion barrels available in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It does not include most of the 86 billion barrels available offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf, most of which President Obama has placed under an executive drilling ban. And it does not include the 800 billion barrels of oil we have locked in shale in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Those shale resources alone are actually three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, so the claim that the U.S. only has 2% of the world’s oil is clearly false.
“Industry holds leases on tens of millions of acres both offshore and on land where they aren’t producing a thing.” President Obama adds to this whopper by saying he wants to “encourage companies to produce [on] the leases they hold.” While this sounds like a common sense fix, it’s actually just blind rhetoric reserved only for people with a shocking ignorance of drilling. You can read more about this here and here, but it basically boils down to this: A lease is for exploration and production, not just production, and because oil is not equally distributed across the globe, one parcel of leased acreage may not hold any oil. Moreover, due to the circuitous and needlessly complicated permitting process, it can take years for companies who own a lease to complete their exploration activities. To get to the production phase, it could take as long as ten years. Ironically, President Obama wants to tax companies for not producing on their leases, even if the federal government’s refusal to grant permits is the reason why those companies are not drilling.
“Last year…our oil production reached its highest level in 7 years.” This is pure spin. President Obama is deliberately trying to take credit for actions unrelated to his policies. The increased level of production is due to the actions of previous administrations and production in the Dakotas where most drilling is occurring on private land. By contrast, the Energy Information Administration projects that there will be a decline in production of 220,000 barrels of domestic oil per day in 2011, and in 2012 America will produce 150 million fewer barrels in the Gulf of Mexico, all because of President Obama’s policies to discourage or ban domestic drilling. In addition, President Obama’s drilling moratorium (and subsequent refusal to issue drilling permits) has forced at least 7 rigs to leave the Gulf and sign contracts in other countries, taking much needed jobs and revenue with them.
Remember when Presidents held press conferences to clarify issues?
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?


FYI the "left" does not assign petroleum workers to their tasks.

The invisible hand of the market and the corporatists who guide that hand do the scheduling.

Thought you right wingers understood how markets worked.

Apparently not.

I don't know about shipping oil jobs overseas, but I do know that the semi-black Political Piece of Shit is destroying America by enforcing us being hostages to the Oily Sheiks and enemies in the mid East as well as arseholes like Hugo fucking Chavez of Venezuela.

How ? By not building Nuclear Plants and drilling in America and our off shores where we are one of the richest energy countries in the World.

ALL the Energy experts and Economists who are not Obamarrhoids are literally flabbergasted at the behaviour of this MuslimArseLicking MARXIST Psycho and his idiotic freezing of all the oil permits....even in the Gulf, where the moratorium is over....Obami Salami's stooge Salazar has still frozen ALL the permits.

The Mid East is erupting. Gas prices are going thru the roof, truckers can't truck, agricultural products can't move, industry is getting paralyzed, Americans (those who can still work) can't get to work without emtying their wallets .... all because Obamarrhoidally brainwashed idiots like that one a few posts away yap about "Environmental Protections" when that is a minor problem....actually NO problem.....if easily meaningful attention is addressed to it.

The problem is Obami Salami and his obsession with "Clean Energy" which is fine....BUT AMERICA CAN'T RELY ON THIS TO THE ALMOST TOTAL EXCLUSION OF THE OTHER SOURCES FOR AMERICA'S VERY ECONOMIC SURVIVAL !!!


You are insane. Seek professional help.
Drill baby Drill, how many oil production jobs is the left shipping over-seas?

Not the "the left" decides how much domestic oil is produced; but domestic oil production is at the highest level since 2003, so you tell me.


EIA - Impacts of Increased Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf

The Energy Information Administration (EIA), in a short-term energy outlook released Wednesday, says domestic oil production increased by 150,000 barrels per day in 2010.

That’s a significant increase, Heather Zichal, deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change, noted in a blog post published on the White House website Tuesday night.

The EIA data show that 2010 had the highest U.S. domestic oil production since 2003, a figure Zichal notes in her blog post.

White House, GOP lock horns over US oil production - The Hill's E2-Wire

Our president is the most un-ethical person I have ever met, I mean no personal attack to this man, I feel violated by that mans methods

The President took to the bully pulpit for a presser covering a wide range of topics including the Japanese earthquake and the situation in Libya. He also took time out to make a rather curious claim about US oil supplies.

“We’re adapting. We’re producing more oil, and we’re importing less,” he remarked.

“Now, the hard truth is, is that as long as our economy depends on foreign oil, we’ll always be subject to price spikes,” he noted.

He indicated that “our oil production reached its highest level in seven years. Oil production from federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico reached an all-time high,” adding that “for the first time in more than a decade, imports accounted for less than half of what we consumed.”

That’s an interesting claim, particularly given Hot Air’s coverage of the subject just prior to the press event. But record setting production would certainly be good news, wouldn’t it? Sadly, it seems that the President was basing his claims on some recent comments by Ken Salazar. While they sound great on paper, Ken was talking about the total number of oil rigs in the gulf, not the total amount of oil being produced. Jack Gerard of the American Petroleum Institute attempts to straighten out the math for the Oil Analyst in Chief.

Salazar’s numbers distort the true number of working rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. According to Baker Hughes:

Four days before the Deepwater Horizon accident there were 55 rotary rigs actually drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
On May 28, 2010, when the administration announced the six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling, there were 46 rotary rigs operating in the Gulf.
Last week, 25 rotary rigs were operating in the Gulf of Mexico.
So the fact that there is an “all-time high” number of rigs in the Gulf ignores the fact that most of those rigs are not working. Claiming an increase in idle rigs in the Gulf as a success story is like claiming the job market is great because a lot of people are unemployed and available to work.

With all due respect to API, a better analagy would be to have a poultry farmer claiming that egg production was at an all time high based on the number of chickens he has, regardless of the fact that more than half the hens have stopped laying. But in fairness to America’s poultry farmers, your average chicken doesn’t have to wait for a permit from the federal government before dropping more eggs in the nest.

The president needs to go back and do a bit more work on his math. Or possibly pardon a few chickens. Perhaps the new media meme for 2011 could be the one put forward by a good friend of Hot Air on Twitter. So… “Obama lied, Gulf oil workers cried”?

Update (Ed): Over at American Solutions, Steve Everley debunks a few more claims from Obama:

“We can’t escape the fact that we control only 2% of the world’s oil.” This is a common refrain among anti-drilling Democrats and environmentalists, and it’s repeated enough that many people accept it as true. In reality, it’s 100% false. The number comes from a highly conservative estimate from the Energy Information Administration totaling America’s proven reserves where we are already drilling. It does not include the 10 billion barrels available in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It does not include most of the 86 billion barrels available offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf, most of which President Obama has placed under an executive drilling ban. And it does not include the 800 billion barrels of oil we have locked in shale in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Those shale resources alone are actually three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, so the claim that the U.S. only has 2% of the world’s oil is clearly false.
“Industry holds leases on tens of millions of acres both offshore and on land where they aren’t producing a thing.” President Obama adds to this whopper by saying he wants to “encourage companies to produce [on] the leases they hold.” While this sounds like a common sense fix, it’s actually just blind rhetoric reserved only for people with a shocking ignorance of drilling. You can read more about this here and here, but it basically boils down to this: A lease is for exploration and production, not just production, and because oil is not equally distributed across the globe, one parcel of leased acreage may not hold any oil. Moreover, due to the circuitous and needlessly complicated permitting process, it can take years for companies who own a lease to complete their exploration activities. To get to the production phase, it could take as long as ten years. Ironically, President Obama wants to tax companies for not producing on their leases, even if the federal government’s refusal to grant permits is the reason why those companies are not drilling.
“Last year…our oil production reached its highest level in 7 years.” This is pure spin. President Obama is deliberately trying to take credit for actions unrelated to his policies. The increased level of production is due to the actions of previous administrations and production in the Dakotas where most drilling is occurring on private land. By contrast, the Energy Information Administration projects that there will be a decline in production of 220,000 barrels of domestic oil per day in 2011, and in 2012 America will produce 150 million fewer barrels in the Gulf of Mexico, all because of President Obama’s policies to discourage or ban domestic drilling. In addition, President Obama’s drilling moratorium (and subsequent refusal to issue drilling permits) has forced at least 7 rigs to leave the Gulf and sign contracts in other countries, taking much needed jobs and revenue with them.
Remember when Presidents held press conferences to clarify issues?


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