Drill sergeant found guilty of assault after shoving Black man in viral video

The sentence was too light

according to witnesses the black kid was acting erratically toward women

according to tje black guy’s father he has brain damage

but nowhere does it say the white guy knew the kids medical history


One of Pentland’s neighbors testified that Williams was acting erratically towards women in the neighborhood, leading her to pound on his door and ask for help, according to the Post and Courier.

But The State reported tearful testimony from Williams’ father revealing that the victim, who is shorter and weighs around a hundred pounds less than Pentland, had suffered brain damage during a bout with lymphoma — a type of cancer.

“He doesn’t quite understand things as we would,” said his father, according to the Post and Courier.

Its a pity that the Judge did not believe the "neighbour" and found the thug guilty of assault.

No shock to see the USMB Klan out on duty for this thread. How o you wankers manage to get through the day carrying all of that baggage on your shoulders ?
Another 44 people shot over the weekend in Chicago and thousands of Americans might be trapped in Afghanistan but lefties would rather dwell on an old misdemeanor assault case. Sad.
They are doing their best to distract attention away from the tragedy in Afghaniland.

according to witnesses the black kid was acting erratically toward women

according to tje black guy’s father he has brain damage

but nowhere does it say the white guy knew the kids medical history


One of Pentland’s neighbors testified that Williams was acting erratically towards women in the neighborhood, leading her to pound on his door and ask for help, according to the Post and Courier.

But The State reported tearful testimony from Williams’ father revealing that the victim, who is shorter and weighs around a hundred pounds less than Pentland, had suffered brain damage during a bout with lymphoma — a type of cancer.

“He doesn’t quite understand things as we would,” said his father, according to the Post and Courier.

Can anyone say Assisted Suicide?

some folks are just better off dead
Its a pity that the Judge did not believe the "neighbour" and found the thug guilty of assault.

No shock to see the USMB Klan out on duty for this thread. How o you wankers manage to get through the day carrying all of that baggage on your shoulders ?
If not for the economic reality of the financial/economic Global empowered City inside London, you would not be taken serious.
Its a pity that the Judge did not believe the "neighbour" and found the thug guilty of assault.

No shock to see the USMB Klan out on duty for this thread. How o you wankers manage to get through the day carrying all of that baggage on your shoulders ?

Why do you not believe the neighbor? Why do you believe that the brain damaged man was not bothering women?
And that's the problem, what is considered "assault" these days used to be considered learning to act right, the old fashioned way, around adults. That was before safe spaces.
nah assault has been assault for centuries

and if i recall from the video this dude was acting completely out of line..like a psycho and the young guy was minding his own business
nah assault has been assault for centuries

and if i recall from the video this dude was acting completely out of line..like a psycho and the young guy was minding his own business

The video didn't start until AFTER the white guy showed up, due to a request for help from a woman.

Cause lefties don't film brain damaged blacks bothering whites, only when whites stand up to them.
The video didn't start until AFTER the white guy showed up, due to a request for help from a woman.

Cause lefties don't film brain damaged blacks bothering whites, only when whites stand up to them.
are you suggesting this nut job acted the way he did and assault this guy because of his race? then the sentence wasn’t nearly long enough

I remember this story from a few months back. Well, M''lud has just given him 30 days or $1000 as a punishment for his awful behaviour.
Its all good I suppose but I do think that his victim should get some compensation for his distress.
The Black guy is head case trying to cause trouble harassing little kids----the DRILL Sargeant did nothing wrong. He chased off a crazy grabbing kids. The black guy and the two female bitches recording were out trying to cause trouble for video kicks.

The White guys deserves a medal but instead the woke judicials are now abusing the courts to harass anyone who tries to protect their neighborhoods.
Yeah, the excuse for the erratic behavior is the guy has brain damage? So, that's admitting he was behaving erratically.

Weird ass guy roaming the streets of your neighbor hood bothering your female neighbors and you ask him why he is there, and he coops an attitude?

I guess we have to wait until someone gets hurt. Men aren't allowed to protect women. If the man is white and the threat is black.

Good on the military not doing anything to pile on. Though I would be surprised if some dem politician doesn't start pulling strings to get that changed.
Brain damage is inherited in every one of them
nah assault has been assault for centuries

and if i recall from the video this dude was acting completely out of line..like a psycho and the young guy was minding his own business
Yea, that's possible, but the dude is a psycho, he's an Army Drill Sgt. they're kinda like that.
Yea, that's possible, but the dude is a psycho, he's an Army Drill Sgt. they're kinda like that.
Like most recruits I hated drill sgts.

That was back when they got away with all kinds of crap...if you dared stand up to one they shipped you off to the stockade which meted out punishment you do not want to hear about.

Yet...this Sgt. did the right thing and should have been congratulated and not punished.

I am sure a go fund me account will reimburse him for the punishment inflicted on him by a liberal judge.
Why do you not believe the neighbor? Why do you believe that the brain damaged man was not bothering women?
My opinion is not as important as that of the Judge. She heard all the evidence and obviously discounted the testimony of his friend.
Sounds like one of those crazy woman types that the Stealers used to fetch to court.
They white guy can appeal right? Also, why not just call the cops?
Why put your hands on anyone that is that much smaller than you?
Again, this and so many other events if people could start using that thing called a brain and use some emotional intelligence most of the racial stuff that we see today, doesn't even happen.
They white guy can appeal right? Also, why not just call the cops?
Why put your hands on anyone that is that much smaller than you?
Again, this and so many other events if people could start using that thing called a brain and use some emotional intelligence most of the racial stuff that we see today, doesn't even happen.
African Americans will not give up their racism; nor their hate crimes, they really love mugging old dedenseless Jews.
Can anyone say Assisted Suicide?

some folks are just better off dead
Instead of a new Caddy and a vacation in Vegas maybe the family will spend the sympathy money on brain surgery for the kid
are you suggesting this nut job acted the way he did and assault this guy because of his race? then the sentence wasn’t nearly long enough

No, I'm suggesting that the the person filming it, the courts, and you lefties are acting the way you are, because of race.

YOu can tell, because I refer to the filming and you lefties when I discuss the races involved.

Do you understand how sentences work? THe words IN the sentence, relates to other words in the sentence, forming IDEAS and MESSAGES.
My opinion is not as important as that of the Judge. She heard all the evidence and obviously discounted the testimony of his friend.
Sounds like one of those crazy woman types that the Stealers used to fetch to court.

I didn't ask how important your opinion was, I was asking you to explain it. And you dodged like the coward you are.

The reason you dodged, is because you are ashamed to admit that race is why you don't believe the neighbor, even though the black guy'S dad admits he has brain damage.

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