Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

I am done with you, as you are "THE WAR ON WOMEN". All you want is the object between liberal female legs, then when that kidney-sized fetus shows up, you will toss that unborn baby and the woman aside. Go ahead and keep on screwing over young kids by FORCING upon them your immoral ways. If it FEELS good just do it, then when a pregnancy happens, just abort the baby. I sure am glad you liberals do it, because that means there a less liberals because of it. Maybe it is a blessing that way. (<Sarcasm>, because maybe those children would of grown up with the cure for cancer, or able to bring world peace, we will never know)..

Your concession is duly noted.

Oh, teenagers need no encouragement from me to screw. Did you forget what it was like when you were a teenager? Teenage boys think about sex all the time. Teenage girls learn how to play the boys with sex. And if they don't know what they are doing, we get pregnancies. and abortions.

deal with it.
When I was a teenager , yes I wanted sex, but since I had a sit down with my father and what could possibly happen with having sex, he told me that I needed to step up and be responsible for my actions in case there was a pregnancy. He never told me that I should have the child aborted, but to make sure I would be there not only for the woman but the child which would be MINE. But since you libtards don't believe in responsibility for ones actions, you want Uncle Sugar to come in, pay the executioner their fees , then have that CHILD murdered, dissected, and you could care less about how it didn't have a chance to prove itself. Ah yes, EVIL is in the world, it is liberalism, as liberal compassion KILLS people.
When I was a teenager , yes I wanted sex, but since I had a sit down with my father and what could possibly happen with having sex, he told me that I needed to step up and be responsible for my actions in case there was a pregnancy. He never told me that I should have the child aborted, but to make sure I would be there not only for the woman but the child which would be MINE. But since you libtards don't believe in responsibility for ones actions, you want Uncle Sugar to come in, pay the executioner their fees , then have that CHILD murdered, dissected, and you could care less about how it didn't have a chance to prove itself. Ah yes, EVIL is in the world, it is liberalism, as liberal compassion KILLS people.

Hey, guy, I totally believe in responsibility. If you knock a girl up, it's your responsibility to drive her to the clinic, walk her past the religious loons , and then slap down your plastic to pay for it.

That's being responsible.

Bringing some little bastard into the world neither of you wanted, not so much.
When I was a teenager , yes I wanted sex, but since I had a sit down with my father and what could possibly happen with having sex, he told me that I needed to step up and be responsible for my actions in case there was a pregnancy. He never told me that I should have the child aborted, but to make sure I would be there not only for the woman but the child which would be MINE. But since you libtards don't believe in responsibility for ones actions, you want Uncle Sugar to come in, pay the executioner their fees , then have that CHILD murdered, dissected, and you could care less about how it didn't have a chance to prove itself. Ah yes, EVIL is in the world, it is liberalism, as liberal compassion KILLS people.

Hey, guy, I totally believe in responsibility. If you knock a girl up, it's your responsibility to drive her to the clinic, walk her past the religious loons , and then slap down your plastic to pay for it.

That's being responsible.

Bringing some little bastard into the world neither of you wanted, not so much.
25 Most Dangerous Threats to Babies in Your Home
25 Most Dangerous Threats to Babies
Now I wont list the TRUE 25 things most dangerous to babies, but the TOP 3.
#2 any liberal female who acts like a rabbit, and doesn't want responsibility for her actions.
#1 Unplanned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton who has the Margaret Sanger award.
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It's been months now....

Any wrong doing found by any Planned Parenthood anywhere in the nation?

It's been months now....

Any wrong doing found by any Planned Parenthood anywhere in the nation?
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
You Libtards don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves, just look at your 1/2 white president who hasn't done shit about the 6 churches burned in Ferguson over the past 10 days. Children under Obama are now 1 in 5 going hungry, the most people ever in the US that is in poverty, and all because of Obamanomics. Only stupid people are those that voted for Hope and Change, not once but twice. Go play with some Muslims near you and talk about homosexuality and how great it is, see how far that gets you.
You Libtards don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves, just look at your 1/2 white president who hasn't done shit about the 6 churches burned in Ferguson over the past 10 days. Children under Obama are now 1 in 5 going hungry, the most people ever in the US that is in poverty, and all because of Obamanomics. Only stupid people are those that voted for Hope and Change, not once but twice. Go play with some Muslims near you and talk about homosexuality and how great it is, see how far that gets you.

Most Muslims near me just want bigots like you to leave them alone. Frankly, given the fact that 33,000 Americans were killed by guns last year and only 14 by "muslim terrorists", I think we should be more worried about guns.

So I had to look into this claim about Churches in Feguson, and as usual, it's crap.

There are five churches in saint louis that were damaged by MINOR arson, which the ATF is investigating.

As far as the poverty thing. Yes, Bush really, really, really fucked everything up. Obama hasn't fixed what Bush fucked up fast enough.
You Libtards don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves, just look at your 1/2 white president who hasn't done shit about the 6 churches burned in Ferguson over the past 10 days. Children under Obama are now 1 in 5 going hungry, the most people ever in the US that is in poverty, and all because of Obamanomics. Only stupid people are those that voted for Hope and Change, not once but twice. Go play with some Muslims near you and talk about homosexuality and how great it is, see how far that gets you.

Most Muslims near me just want bigots like you to leave them alone. Frankly, given the fact that 33,000 Americans were killed by guns last year and only 14 by "muslim terrorists", I think we should be more worried about guns.

So I had to look into this claim about Churches in Feguson, and as usual, it's crap.

There are five churches in saint louis that were damaged by MINOR arson, which the ATF is investigating.

As far as the poverty thing. Yes, Bush really, really, really fucked everything up. Obama hasn't fixed what Bush fucked up fast enough.
33,000 unborn babies were killed each month and you couldn't give a shit about that, why should you worry about people getting killed by guns, or muslims? Just because those babies were allowed to be born, should make you mad as hell, typical of a liberal? Don't worry though that is 33,000 less CO2 polluters that you have to worry about, right? Why not make it 33,001 and remove yourself from society and make the world a little bit cleaner?
You Libtards don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves, just look at your 1/2 white president who hasn't done shit about the 6 churches burned in Ferguson over the past 10 days. Children under Obama are now 1 in 5 going hungry, the most people ever in the US that is in poverty, and all because of Obamanomics. Only stupid people are those that voted for Hope and Change, not once but twice. Go play with some Muslims near you and talk about homosexuality and how great it is, see how far that gets you.

Most Muslims near me just want bigots like you to leave them alone. Frankly, given the fact that 33,000 Americans were killed by guns last year and only 14 by "muslim terrorists", I think we should be more worried about guns.

So I had to look into this claim about Churches in Feguson, and as usual, it's crap.

There are five churches in saint louis that were damaged by MINOR arson, which the ATF is investigating.

As far as the poverty thing. Yes, Bush really, really, really fucked everything up. Obama hasn't fixed what Bush fucked up fast enough.
After 6 3/4 years and spending almost 4 trillion dollars a year(creating 9 trillion more dollars of unpatriotic debt) you would think that America, would be recovering. Why have you confirmed that Obamanomics has worked? Because liberalism all about FAILURE.
After 6 3/4 years and spending almost 4 trillion dollars a year(creating 9 trillion more dollars of unpatriotic debt) you would think that America, would be recovering. Why have you confirmed that Obamanomics has worked? Because liberalism all about FAILURE.

Guy, we haven't spent 4 Trillion dollars. Nowhere near. We spent less than a trillion on a stimulus that was 1/3rd tax cuts and 1/3rd payments to states to replace lost revenues when the economy itself lost close to 16 TRILLION in household wealth between 2007 and 2009.

THIS is what Bush did to the economy. 16 Trillion in Household Wealth lost in a little less than two years.

Not to worry, though, once you all get tired of Combover and Uncle Tom, you'll probably nomiante his brother.
You Libtards don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves, just look at your 1/2 white president who hasn't done shit about the 6 churches burned in Ferguson over the past 10 days. Children under Obama are now 1 in 5 going hungry, the most people ever in the US that is in poverty, and all because of Obamanomics. Only stupid people are those that voted for Hope and Change, not once but twice. Go play with some Muslims near you and talk about homosexuality and how great it is, see how far that gets you.

Most Muslims near me just want bigots like you to leave them alone. Frankly, given the fact that 33,000 Americans were killed by guns last year and only 14 by "muslim terrorists", I think we should be more worried about guns.

So I had to look into this claim about Churches in Feguson, and as usual, it's crap.

There are five churches in saint louis that were damaged by MINOR arson, which the ATF is investigating.

As far as the poverty thing. Yes, Bush really, really, really fucked everything up. Obama hasn't fixed what Bush fucked up fast enough.
‘It is arson:’ 6 churches set on fire near Ferguson in 10 days
St Louis police have confirmed that six fires at churches in predominately black neighborhoods near Ferguson occurring over just 10 days have been classified as arson. There have been no injuries and officials don’t yet have a suspect.
Notice how Joe the disgustingly EVIL one, has just marginalized the fact that Christian Churches had acts of evil against it. Would the feeling of Joe be the same if, lets say, an abortion clinic was torched with minor arson? Notice also how he tried to lie to you by saying one thing and not showing any proof of what he said. Lets see NEAR Ferguson, and 1 in Ferguson, all predominately black neighborhoods. Hey Joe, did you know Ferguson is near St. Louis? Now you have had your geography lesson for today. That grey matter of yours just got improved.
After 6 3/4 years and spending almost 4 trillion dollars a year(creating 9 trillion more dollars of unpatriotic debt) you would think that America, would be recovering. Why have you confirmed that Obamanomics has worked? Because liberalism all about FAILURE.

Guy, we haven't spent 4 Trillion dollars. Nowhere near. We spent less than a trillion on a stimulus that was 1/3rd tax cuts and 1/3rd payments to states to replace lost revenues when the economy itself lost close to 16 TRILLION in household wealth between 2007 and 2009.

THIS is what Bush did to the economy. 16 Trillion in Household Wealth lost in a little less than two years.

Not to worry, though, once you all get tired of Combover and Uncle Tom, you'll probably nomiante his brother.
Still trying to rewrite history Joe?
U.S. National Debt Clock 2008
Notice that the spending was almost 3 trillion a year, and after 8 years of Bush, 5 trillion was added to the national debt.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Notice that the spending is over 3.6 trillion a year and after 6 3/4 years of Obama 8 trillion was added to the national debt.

You are as stupid as I keep proving about you, and others see it also. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

It's been months now....

Any wrong doing found by any Planned Parenthood anywhere in the nation?
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.
In other words.... "no."

It's been months now....

Any wrong doing found by any Planned Parenthood anywhere in the nation?
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.
In other words.... "no."
Yes, every month 33,000+ go to the executioners knife. That is 33,000 liberals not being born. Great, but maybe just maybe some of those 4900 who get past the kidney bean sized, could of been one who cured cancer, or developed warp drive, but the world will never know. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

It's been months now....

Any wrong doing found by any Planned Parenthood anywhere in the nation?
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.
In other words.... "no."
Yes, every month 33,000+ go to the executioners knife. That is 33,000 liberals not being born. Great, but maybe just maybe some of those 4900 who get past the kidney bean sized, could of been one who cured cancer, or developed warp drive, but the world will never know. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.
Or maybe some of those baby parts being used for research will lead to the cure.
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
Faun, maybe you and Joe need to work on your talking points. Joe says it about killing unborn to lower the CO2 levels, you say it is body parts for the cure, yet after 10+ years of selling body parts, you would think something would be found? Or is it "FOLLOW THE MONEY" as there will never be a cure as long as the funding is being supplied? Billons of dollars are being wasted not only on aborting babies, but research on a cure, that is already found, but will never be given. Liberals want people do die, as in Joe's link, because in Joe's world, Global Warming is happening, but HE wont help stop it by removing himself from the equation.
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
Faun, maybe you and Joe need to work on your talking points. Joe says it about killing unborn to lower the CO2 levels, you say it is body parts for the cure, yet after 10+ years of selling body parts, you would think something would be found? Or is it "FOLLOW THE MONEY" as there will never be a cure as long as the funding is being supplied? Billons of dollars are being wasted not only on aborting babies, but research on a cure, that is already found, but will never be given. Liberals want people do die, as in Joe's link, because in Joe's world, Global Warming is happening, but HE wont help stop it by removing himself from the equation.
Who said the research might only lead to one or the other?
When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
Faun, maybe you and Joe need to work on your talking points. Joe says it about killing unborn to lower the CO2 levels, you say it is body parts for the cure, yet after 10+ years of selling body parts, you would think something would be found? Or is it "FOLLOW THE MONEY" as there will never be a cure as long as the funding is being supplied? Billons of dollars are being wasted not only on aborting babies, but research on a cure, that is already found, but will never be given. Liberals want people do die, as in Joe's link, because in Joe's world, Global Warming is happening, but HE wont help stop it by removing himself from the equation.
Who said the research might only lead to one or the other?
Do you think that since 10 years ago, and 3,000,000 unborn(and some born) baby deaths, that one,(maybe 1) could of been the lucky one to find the cure? But the world will never know? I can play liberal speculation also, maybe you could remove yourself from society, and have your body parts sold for science?

When a child is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, either the cookie jar is put where the child cant get it, or the child will craft another way to not be caught. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor Now go play in a busy intersection and start the saving of the planet by lowering the CO2 by one person.

Naw, man, it's much better to have shitloads of abortions and lower the CO2 levels that way...


Abortion Clinic. Your womb is their tomb! No fetus can beat us! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!

(Yes, I'm just mocking your stupidity. When you conservatards start giving a fuck about real children, I'll take you seriously on fetuses.)
Faun, maybe you and Joe need to work on your talking points. Joe says it about killing unborn to lower the CO2 levels, you say it is body parts for the cure, yet after 10+ years of selling body parts, you would think something would be found? Or is it "FOLLOW THE MONEY" as there will never be a cure as long as the funding is being supplied? Billons of dollars are being wasted not only on aborting babies, but research on a cure, that is already found, but will never be given. Liberals want people do die, as in Joe's link, because in Joe's world, Global Warming is happening, but HE wont help stop it by removing himself from the equation.
Who said the research might only lead to one or the other?
Do you think that since 10 years ago, and 3,000,000 unborn(and some born) baby deaths, that one,(maybe 1) could of been the lucky one to find the cure? But the world will never know? I can play liberal speculation also, maybe you could remove yourself from society, and have your body parts sold for science?

View attachment 53004
As a matter of fact, when I die, my organs may be used to help others.

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