Drug Cartels Flex Muscle In Southwest

We can not stop murders every year either. Lets just legalize it and tax it. Require a permit to murder.

Because we can not prevent something is not a reason to not work to eliminate it. The war on drugs does not work because we are not willing to do what it takes to win it.

First if you are just a user no prison, you go to a work camp. You repair roads, you clean highways , you do work for the Counties and States.

If you are a pusher you go to prison no get out of jail card. If you get caught a second time you DIE.

Prisons cease to be comfort zones. Get rid of the TV's and access to phones on demand. No computers. Except in a class room or a library.

Revamp the jail system. You are not going to rehabilitate most repeat offenders. Stop pretending you can. Put them in a lock down and hard labor prison. First time offenders are evaluated , if it is believed they can be rehabilitated send them to a minimum security facility and teach them a trade and get them professional help for any underlying mental problems, teach them manners and respect. If they are a lost cause send them where they belong, hard labor and no frills. Keep the two separate and no coddling.

Start rotating Guards and officials so they can not establish the corruption we have now. Catch one and they should do hard time in the same no rehab hard labor prisons.

And stop releasing people from prison if they are STILL a threat to society.
Oh you mean actually doing it, well.....the more money that is put into the "War on Drugs", the more the drug problem in America grows. I say legalise them.....

except for crystal meth.
legalize it all....crystal meth will fix stupid given time.

the us has been in a failed drug war for a while....the us shots down planes in columbia that are suspected of hauling drugs...as far as mexico and the drugs..too much money in it for both sides...remember according to bush....mexico is our neartest neighbor and all...
The war on drugs in this country is a complete joke. Drugs are cheaper and more available then ever before. Prohibtion proved that if people really want an illegal substance, their will always be someone ready and willing to risk freedom to sell it. You cannot stop the supply of drugs coming in,period. Speakeasy's were the crackhouse's of 1920's. Bootleggers were the drug dealers of their day. No different. It may have taken nearly 14 years but the government came to its senses and realized you cannot keep people from drinking. The same goes for Drugs, the government cannot protect people from themselves. A dealer will sell coke,x, whatever to a underage kid, stores however will ID that same kid trying to buy alcohol,cigarettes,or pornography. yea,real smart.
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Yep. Legalizing drugs is a great idea.:cuckoo:

It is if you want to actually do something productive about ending the marketing of those drugs.

Take out the profits and decriminalize it and guess what?

The number of users actually goes down.

We saw this happen in the 1970s when basically marijuana was decriminalized in most states.

Hemp became less popular, not more popular.

How did the narco-mafia respond?

By importing cocaine so they could continue selling something with a preposterous mark-up simply because it was illegal, that's how they responded to the decriminalization of hemp.

Decriminalize drugs and we can deal sensibly with their use.

Continue to keep them illegal, and the mafia keeps winning.
It is if you want to actually do something productive about ending the marketing of those drugs.

Take out the profits and decriminalize it and guess what?

The number of users actually goes down.

We saw this happen in the 1970s when basically marijuana was decriminalized in most states.

Hemp became less popular, not more popular.

How did the narco-mafia respond?

By importing cocaine so they could continue selling something with a preposterous mark-up simply because it was illegal, that's how they responded to the decriminalization of hemp.

Decriminalize drugs and we can deal sensibly with their use.

Continue to keep them illegal, and the mafia keeps winning.

Yup we can cut murders in half if we just require licenses and permits and tax it as well.
Yup we can cut murders in half if we just require licenses and permits and tax it as well.

try to stop being a total idiot...murder and drug use are two different things...first of all..drug users mostly hurt themselves...with legalized drugs at least there would be quality control and perhaps drug addicts will be able to be helped with the money generated by drug sales....duh...if drugs are legal then crack hos wont exist...families wont have to sell them children to dealer etc...

now murder normally imples the involvement of two people....one taking the others life...stop being stupid if you want to address drug use and the war on drugs do it...stop bringing in your little red herring shit....murder should be legal...damn are you that stupid?
FYI, according to a drug rehab person I know working here in Maine?

The number one drug problem in Maine is people addicted to pharmacuetical drugs.

You cannot declare war on hopelessness, folks.

That's what the war on drugs really is, ya know.

A war declared on people who are so sick of heart that they turn to drugs for relieve from that sense of hopelessness.

Two and half million people in jail and we STILL don't get it.

America is forking insane, folks.
It is time to shut down the border and declare war on these fuckers.

Definitely a huge issue. Mexican drug cartels have been hiring U.S. street gang members (especially in San Diego) for years. And, the criminal activities of these cartels, including violence directed at specific targets, have definitely increased in the U.S. And, will likely continue to rise. These instances are simply horrifying if you do any research on them...home invasions, kidnappings, and murders.
Legalise and regulate most drugs. If crystal meth users need their stuff let them get it on a prescription from official suppliers. If it's free to registered users then the bottom might, just might, fall out of the market. The "war on drugs" policy is an abysmal failure and you know what they say about the definition of stupidity, if something's not working and you keep on doing it, that's stupidity.

Methamphetamine is an incredibly toxic substance to use and manufacture. The by-products are even more hazardous than the drug itself. No mainstream company would ever take on the liability inherent in manufacturing and selling it.

Furthermore Meth makes its users batshit crazy in every possible way. They become much more dangerous to police and to deal with in society. Substance treatment programs only have about a 7% success rate with tweakers. This means that 93% of those who use meth and attempt to deal with their addiction will fail.

Only someone who has never dealt with tweakers face to face would ever espouse the absurd position of legalizing meth. I don't believe that the UK or Aussieland have much of a problem with meth. If you did, you'd feel differently.

And yes, most of the U.S.'s methamphetamine is presently coming from Mexico.
try to stop being a total idiot...murder and drug use are two different things...first of all..drug users mostly hurt themselves...with legalized drugs at least there would be quality control and perhaps drug addicts will be able to be helped with the money generated by drug sales....duh...if drugs are legal then crack hos wont exist...families wont have to sell them children to dealer etc...

now murder normally imples the involvement of two people....one taking the others life...stop being stupid if you want to address drug use and the war on drugs do it...stop bringing in your little red herring shit....murder should be legal...damn are you that stupid?

Wrong, where exactly will the drug addicts get that money to buy even legal drugs? They will still rob , burglarize, murder, car jack and all the other crimes cause they do not work. Or are you suggesting we just pay for their addiction?
Wrong, where exactly will the drug addicts get that money to buy even legal drugs? They will still rob , burglarize, murder, car jack and all the other crimes cause they do not work. Or are you suggesting we just pay for their addiction?

Legalise and regulate most drugs. If crystal meth users need their stuff let them get it on a prescription from official suppliers. If it's free to registered users then the bottom might, just might, fall out of the market. The "war on drugs" policy is an abysmal failure and you know what they say about the definition of stupidity, if something's not working and you keep on doing it, that's stupidity.

Sorry you are right, be we are Americans after all.
You guys with the Wall have it all wrong, we need to invade Mexico, screw NAFTA we can just split Pemex between Chevron, Exxon and Texaco. Then the Mexican states as territories of the United States and change the official language to English. They all want to be Americans anyway so our troops will be greeted with open arms and hundreds of thousands of new jobs will be created by applying all EPA and regulatory rules to Mexican Industry. Environmental issues, not a problem, just make Mexican cars run on unleaded gas and meet CAFÉ standards.

Think about it!
You guys with the Wall have it all wrong, we need to invade Mexico, screw NAFTA we can just split Pemex between Chevron, Exxon and Texaco. Then the Mexican states as territories of the United States and change the official language to English. They all want to be Americans anyway so our troops will be greeted with open arms and hundreds of thousands of new jobs will be created by applying all EPA and regulatory rules to Mexican Industry. Environmental issues, not a problem, just make Mexican cars run on unleaded gas and meet CAFÉ standards.

Think about it!

Could we get them to stop burning their fields and polluting Texan air too ?
Methamphetamine is an incredibly toxic substance to use and manufacture. The by-products are even more hazardous than the drug itself. No mainstream company would ever take on the liability inherent in manufacturing and selling it.

Furthermore Meth makes its users batshit crazy in every possible way. They become much more dangerous to police and to deal with in society. Substance treatment programs only have about a 7% success rate with tweakers. This means that 93% of those who use meth and attempt to deal with their addiction will fail.

Only someone who has never dealt with tweakers face to face would ever espouse the absurd position of legalizing meth. I don't believe that the UK or Aussieland have much of a problem with meth. If you did, you'd feel differently.

And yes, most of the U.S.'s methamphetamine is presently coming from Mexico.

We have a problem with it alright, it's controlled by OMCGs. And on any Saturdy night you can find the idiots in the casualty section of the local hospital trying to smash the place up.

Now, back to my point. I think it's a misrepresentation to say I in any way suggested legalisation. What I said was legalise/regulate other drugs and deal with meth as a separate matter.

I'd firstly treat all drug addiction, including meth, as a medical and not a criminal matter. But I would be advocating special regulatory provisions to deal with meth users.

Until the problem was solved then government should take over production and distribution as part of the overall approach. Addicts who register should be treated, not chucked in prison, that does nothing to help.

Underground manufacturers and distributors of meth should be dealt with very harshly by the criminal justice system though.

The law enforcement approach has failed in my country too, but I'm not going to hold my breath thinking any jurisdiction here will actually do something sensible. The weak bastards in the legislatures are too frightened of the uninformed public to do anything other than yell slogans about the war no drugs.
Yep. Legalizing drugs is a great idea.:cuckoo:

I believe it is absolutely a great idea and the lessons of prohibition stand as testament.

The drug cartels are supplying America with the drugs Americans clamor for, and before we rush off and invade another country to chase down drug pushers, shouldn't we do something about consumption within our own borders?

Additionally, we rushed off to invade Afghanistan to protect corporate interests and EXPLODED heroin production to record levels.

At some point America has to face its own demons and stop blaming other people.
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