Drumpf Invites Putin to the US

Will they meet behind closed doors and let his hair hang down? Oh shoot I mean will he take it off. LOL
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
Yep, this is breaking news. Seems Trump asked Bolton to set up a meeting in DC this fall.

Trump Asked Security Adviser Bolton to Invite Putin to Washington: White House

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has asked his national security adviser, John Bolton, to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington in the autumn, the White House said on Thursday.

"President Trump asked @Ambjohnbolton to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and those discussions are already underway," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a tweet.
I dont mind them buddying up at all.
What i do mind is trump acting like a pussy like he did the other day.
And...............quick question...................why is the National Security Advisor setting up the meeting? Isn't that normally a job for the State department?
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?
I dont mind them buddying up at all.
What i do mind is trump acting like a pussy like he did the other day.
Uh, hello, he wasn't acting.

Vlad called Trump "Don".

Don called Vlad "Mr. Putin".

That kind of says it all.
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
I think you miss the point. Drumpf has been bitch slapped by the fat guy from N.Korea, Putin bitched slapped him to his knees, and now he is asking for more? Is he going to give Putin a BJ on international TV to top his past performances?
Trump is like that guy who was left speechless when insulted by someone and then thought afterwards "Dammit...I know what I should have said...if I ever see him again he'll get a piece of my mind!"
He's wanting another shot by inviting Putin over to the US.
I'm sure he'll have some clever quips worked out by then.
Dumb Drumpf thinks he's still a professional wrestler, makes fake boasts.
I wrote this previously, but I find it interesting that Putin will visit at the same time as the military parade. Mark my words, we will have spectacle of Trump and Putin reviewing these troops from a platform like two soviet apparatchiks or two Latin American dictators.

Welcome to third World America.
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
I think you miss the point. Drumpf has been bitch slapped by the fat guy from N.Korea, Putin bitched slapped him to his knees, and now he is asking for more? Is he going to give Putin a BJ on international TV to top his past performances?

Exactly you are a racist far left drone that only believes the far left religious dogma!

Obama invited Putin, so I guess that means the same for Obama right?

Silly far left drone!
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
I think you miss the point. Drumpf has been bitch slapped by the fat guy from N.Korea, Putin bitched slapped him to his knees, and now he is asking for more? Is he going to give Putin a BJ on international TV to top his past performances?

Exactly you are a racist far left drone that only believes the far left religious dogma!

Obama invited Putin, so I guess that means the same for Obama right?

Silly far left drone!
No. Its not the same at all. Putin knew he couldnt punk President Obama like he did Drumpf on international TV. So its not even in the same universe. How much more embarrassment can Drumpf subject himself to?

"Its a honor to be with you sir"


"If I wasnt wearing this suit I would kick your ass you little midget"
-President Obama

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Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
Running wild? Lies is all you have?

If Obama's sanctions were so benign, Vlad wouldn't have spent a fortune trying to elect Trump and overturn the sanction.

Did that really have to be explained?

It's so obvious.
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
I think you miss the point. Drumpf has been bitch slapped by the fat guy from N.Korea, Putin bitched slapped him to his knees, and now he is asking for more? Is he going to give Putin a BJ on international TV to top his past performances?

Exactly you are a racist far left drone that only believes the far left religious dogma!

Obama invited Putin, so I guess that means the same for Obama right?

Silly far left drone!
No. Its not the same at all. Putin knew he couldnt punk Obama like he did Drumpf on international TV. So its not even in the same universe. How much more embarrassment can Drumpf subject himself to?

Yes it is Obama invited Putin.

So the same applies to Obama!

Silly far left drone!
Well if Clinton can have Arafat why not Trump and Putin?

Silly far left drones!

They loved Russia then needed to be the excuse for Hilary loosing!
I dont have a problem with it. I just think its a bad idea for Putin to come and embarrass Drumpf again in his own WH. I mean Putin worked him over like a drunk nympho at a frat party as it is. How much more bitch like does Drumpf want to look?

Yes I know you far left drones do not know history, even your messiah Obama invited Putin to the white house.

But then again you were totally ok with Putin running wild under Obama!

Fake outrage from the far left!
Running wild? Lies is all you have?

If Obama's sanctions were so benign, Vlad wouldn't have spent a fortune trying to elect Trump and overturn the sanction.

Did that really have to be explained?

It's so obvious.

See how the far left denies reality and history?

Putin invades Ukraine, help Assad gas his own people and the far left denies these things happened because it was under the watchful eye of Obama!

Yes he ran wild and you far left drones said nothing!

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